Everything that happened next was full of unknown variables.

But I had expected the worst and had prepared myself mentally for it.

I have a hunch.

Maybe, the development of the situation will not go as I expected, but now that we have reached this point, then...

"Two hours later, the plane landed."

The car does a good job in terms of sound insulation, but fortunately, with my hearing that is different from ordinary people, I can still clearly hear every word of Zhang Hu: "Gather half an hour in advance, in groups of ten, every two 10 One minute down, understand?"


Dozens of members, the voice is loud.

Afterwards, only ten people remained in place, and the rest followed Zhang Hu to the airport lounge.

ten people……

Looking at the ten people in front of me, I couldn't help squinting my eyes slightly. Their clothes are all the same.

Wrap the whole person in all aspects.

From the outside, I can't tell which one is a reformed person and which one is not.

But now, I can only mobilize more than 20 ordinary people. Although they belong to the elite among ordinary people, once the number of modified people on the other side exceeds the upper limit that I can deal with, then our entire army may be wiped out.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon, it was already an hour later. During this period, there were three groups of people taking turns guarding us.

Just when the fourth shift was about to change, I suddenly heard a buzzing sound, which became louder and louder.

Looking out of the car window, I saw a white spot getting bigger and bigger in the distance, and I knew: a plane was about to land...

Soon, the plane landed on the runway.

From the letters and symbols on the side of the plane, it can be clearly identified that this plane comes from my motherland. If I guess correctly, this is probably the plane that Zhang Hu and the others are waiting for.

It's just that the time for the plane to land was too early, too much.

"Why haven't they come?" I was anxiously waiting for the company's support. After all, my time was limited. Once I waited for the other party to deliver the sarcophagus to the plane, the failure of the mission was basically a certainty... …

The speed of the plane has slowed down, and soon it will stop.

However, at this moment, I suddenly saw a missile falling from the sky from outside the airport, and landed firmly on the plane that was about to stop.

"what is that!"

Several members of the organization guarding the truck were startled.

But this scene happened so fast that they didn't have the reaction time to stop it.

Accompanied by a burst of brilliant flames and a violent explosion, the entire plane was cut into two pieces at the waist, and the huge wave of flames generated by the explosion rose more than ten meters high, and the entire airport was put on alert in an instant.

"Captain, Captain!"

"Our plane exploded!"

A few of the members who reacted a little faster had already contacted Zhang Hu, but it could be seen from their every move that this unexpected accident completely made them panic.

I don't know how Zhang Hu responded to them.

But at this moment, the only thing I can be sure of is that the more than 20 backups sent by the company should have arrived.

This is similar to the explosion of a terrorist attack, which is probably what they did.


To be honest, I really admire the company's execution ability and the cutting-edge technology they have mastered, so the development of South Africa is backward, and the missile interception systems of the only few small countries are not complete, but anyway, in others The use of missiles on the territory of China is indeed a bit...


It's really domineering.


I sighed slightly, and then turned my gaze to the lounge at the airport. Presumably, Zhang Hu and the others should have known what happened just now.

Just don't know if they have a backup plan.

The efficiency of the airport is very high. When the plane exploded, the fire brigade stationed at the airport soon set up fire trucks to go to the scene of the accident.

The first priority is to extinguish the fire and avoid secondary explosions.

I glanced at the wreckage, then down to the few entrances to the airport.

no one, still no one...

I just calmed down, and I became nervous again. Now, although I have backup, I can only be regarded as a lonely family at the moment. I don't have the command power of the 20-odd people, and I don't know how they plan to act. .

But if their support is not timely, I am afraid that the sarcophagus will be transferred by Zhang Hu.

As long as Zhang Hu is not a fool, he can definitely guess that someone is already eyeing them...

With another glance, I saw that those people by the window were already rushing towards my direction. I smashed a circle of seats hard, feeling extremely anxious in my heart.

However, at this moment, I suddenly heard a sound.

"Enemy attack!"

The voice was very close to me, apparently from one of the ten members stationed in front of me.

Looking back, they had entered a fighting stance.

The safety of the guns had been removed, and what they were facing were actually two armored vehicles!

Good guy!
I frowned, never expecting that the support sent by the company would appear in such a way.

The barbed wire fence at the edge of the airport could not stop the collision of armored vehicles at all.

Members of the organization began to shoot, but before the emergence of powerful lethal weapons, ordinary bullets could not penetrate the outer steel plate of the armored vehicle at all, and it was not even a tickle for a person.

I can only watch the flames flashing on the shell of the armored vehicle, and the distance between the two quickly narrows.


Fortunately, these people in the organization are not fools. Seeing that they were invincible, they immediately planned to retreat, referring to the clear division of labor. Two of them rushed directly to the truck I was riding in, opened the door and rushed to the driver's seat. Turn the key, step on the accelerator, and plan to leave immediately.

"I'm sorry..."

I glanced at the aggressive armored vehicle behind me, and then looked at the two members of the organization in front of me.

After silently chanting in their hearts, they ended their lives directly.

The two hands turned into sharp claws, easily piercing through the seat and severing their hearts.

With a slight upward jump, the two were killed instantly.

My mood is a little bit complicated. After all, they are my compatriots, and I would feel bad if I killed them, but I know that with the behavior of those people in the company, there will be absolutely no one left alive.

If I don't kill them, their death will be much more tragic than now.

I took a deep breath, walked directly through the seat and came to the front row. After throwing the two corpses out of the car, I stepped on the accelerator, twisted the steering wheel, turned over the front of the car, and drove directly towards the three armored vehicles. !

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