"If you have any objections to me, then you can go back to the United States now, and I will bear all the consequences."

After placing Pascal on the bed, I turned around and looked at No. [-] coldly, and said word by word: "If you choose to stay here, please shut your stinky mouth."

Before he finished speaking, Number Seven, whose face was as gloomy as water, had already clenched his fists, and anger rose in his eyes.

But in the end, he didn't dare to touch me.

I watched him quietly, and just like that, I confronted No. 10 for about [-] minutes.

Seeing that he was unmoved, I chuckled lightly, waved my hand and said, "Let's go."


No. [-] retreated first, and then the linguist and the two team members also walked out of the room.

At this time, only me and Pascal siblings were left in the room.

And lying on the ground, the bodies of the dead team members.

I found a bath towel, soaked it in water and covered the corpse, which could cover up the bloody smell from the corpse to a certain extent.

Pascal's older sister was weeping to the point of exhaustion.

She leaned against the wall helplessly, sobbing silently.

I came to the bed and touched Pascal's forehead.

The temperature is normal.

I am a little relieved that the company's backup force will arrive probably before we leave tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I just need to make sure that Pascal will not die within six hours.

When backup arrives, he will be treated professionally.

I moved a stool and sat by the bed, planning to keep watch through the night until dawn.

Outside the house, bursts of sirens whistled past.

When the day was about to dawn, I suddenly saw that the bone spur that had pierced the skin on Pascal's arm had disappeared.

I raised my eyebrows.

Has he controlled his abilities to the extent that he can retract them freely?

In the morning, just after eight o'clock.

The communicator on my left wrist trembled. When I clicked on it, it turned out that the company's backup force had arrived in this small town.

I feel a lot more at ease.

Because what we currently lack the most is manpower. The Namibian team has reduced our manpower from a dozen to four.

If there is another accident, it will be difficult to deal with it.

But now, with the arrival of a backup force of hundreds of people, there is no need to worry about this problem anymore.


At nine o'clock, the backup troops sent by the company had assembled in the northern outskirts of the town.

Pascal's vital signs are stable.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction.

Before leaving, I threw the corpse on the ground into the bathroom, roughly cleaned up the blood on the ground, and left the hotel with Pascal.

With Pascal in the car, I acted as the driver and drove to the assembly point.

Seven trucks lined up, and a hundred team members were ready to go.

"set off!"

After handing Pascal to professional medical personnel, I gave the order.

Our jeeps took the lead, followed by seven trucks, aiming at Ernos. The distance of nearly a thousand kilometers took us a whole day.

diamond mine.

In my opinion, it should be a place where many miners gather, a place that can produce gems that countless people flock to.

But when we reached this uninhabited mountain range, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"what happened……"

I was the first to get out of the car, standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the collapsed mountain road ahead, I couldn't help frowning.

We have now reached the range of the mine, but we are still about ten kilometers away from the target location. We need to cross the diamond mine to reach the target location.

However, this mine seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

So much so that when going to the central road of the mine, due to disrepair, it is no longer possible for vehicles to pass through.

Of course, this is not a big deal.

It just takes a little more time for us.

After some consideration, I chose to leave a few medical staff in the car to take care of Paska, while the rest of the staff went to the target point with us.

Among them, Pascal's sister was also included.

"Let's go."

After walking down the mountain road for two hours, we came to the foot of the mountain, which is a basin and the center of the diamond mine.

Mountains of sand and gravel can be seen everywhere.

However, as I guessed, this diamond mine has been abandoned for a long time, so that weeds have grown on the piled up sand.

"The magnetic field is not very stable."

Suddenly, one of our team members rushed to me, pointed to the instrument in his hand, and said to me: "The magnetic field of this diamond vein is too chaotic. I have never seen such a chaotic one..."


In this regard, I just nodded lightly.

Because I don't know anything about this issue, I can't understand him when he tells me.

Anyway, in my opinion, this is not a big problem.

Walking to the center of the basin, there is a spacious river passing through here, and along the river, you can see two silent cliffs connected to each other, and farther away is the magnificent sea.

After we crossed the river, we began to climb up the opposite mountain and walked towards the direction of the sea.

According to the information revealed to us by Pascal's sister, the remains of the Caucasian woman we were looking for were buried on a cliff near the sea.

After going up the mountain, there is still more than two miles to go to the cliff near the sea.

Weeds are overgrown, and there are gravel and cracked rocks under your feet. If you are not careful, you may fall into a crack of several meters, or even tens of meters.

Fortunately, our team is well-trained professionals.

For us, this kind of environment is nothing but pediatrics.


However, after walking for a while, the team member who reported to me just now came to me again, and he said with a heavy face: "Captain, the magnetic field here is disordered, and the electronic signal cannot be sent out, we have already lost contact with the original team! "

"It's okay."

I waved my hand.

There are a few professionals taking care of Paska, so there is no need to worry about this little problem. Moreover, those professionals are also good at fighting, and the weapons they are equipped with are all top-notch.

There is basically no problem.

What's more, we are now very close to the target location, and it won't take long to find the remains of the caucasian woman.

In five hours at most, we'll be back.

After more than 40 minutes, we came to the edge of the cliff, tens of meters below was the sea, and the waves beat on the cliff again and again, splashing waves several meters high.

A sea breeze with a slightly salty smell hits the face.

Pascal's sister told us that the white woman's grave was piled up with rocks and a low granite tombstone.

Although it's overgrown with weeds, it shouldn't be hard to find.


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