After firing a shot into the sky, I put the muzzle of the gun on the linguist's forehead, "Tell me, what about others!"

"He...he said..."

The linguist was so frightened that he couldn't even speak a complete sentence.

"police car!"

Just at this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of police sirens outside the hotel, and an ominous premonition came to my heart.

damn it!
Why even the local police station was alarmed?
That kid... what the hell did he do?

Glancing at the tearful linguist, I felt a little annoyed, held the gun in my hand, waved at the rest of the team members who had gathered, and led them out of the hotel to the midnight street.


As soon as we stepped out of the hotel gate, one of the team members noticed the soaring flames in the distance, and hurriedly yelled at us.

Look in the direction he pointed.

Two streets away, a four-storey bamboo pavilion was burning fiercely. The fire rolled up into the sky with gunpowder smoke, and was burned brightly for half the night.

good guy...

Could it be that Pascal did it?In the middle of the night, why is he going crazy?


While I was still in a daze, several police cars sped past me at a fast speed, and went straight to the burning pavilion.

At this moment, I can no longer give orders to the team members.

Before this mission was carried out, the doctor once told me: All actions are under my command, as long as the mission can be completed, I will do whatever it takes.

But one thing must be noted, no matter which country we arrive in, in principle, we must not have conflicts with the local government.

This is the only prohibition.

At first, I didn't take this ban seriously, because the conditions for the doctor's release are actually very loose. If there is no conflict, it's a big deal, we just run away.

Can't afford it, can't you hide it?
But now, I realized the seriousness of the problem.

When I rushed to the burning attic not far away, I realized that I was late. The local police station had surrounded the entire area, and the fire brigade was doing its best to fight the fire.

Fortunately, there are no lighting equipment on both sides of the town streets.

So the team members and I hid perfectly in the dark, and the busy firefighters and the police station did not find us.

After I stood still for 5 minutes, one of the team members couldn't help but said: "What should we do now? We can't just stand here forever, right? It would be bad if we were discovered... "

"It's time to withdraw."

Number Seven also reminded me: "We should try our best to avoid direct contact with the local police station. As for that kid, his life and death have little to do with us. Anyway, his sister is in our hands, and we have already obtained the information of the target location." The exact location, there is no need to waste any more time for him..."

I completely ignored the words of the two of them.

Because for me, I want to keep Pascal.

For this reason, it is worthwhile to take a little risk, within the scope of my ability.

I originally wanted to hide in the dark and watch what happened, and then wait for the opportunity to find Pascal, but as time went by bit by bit, my patience was gradually being exhausted.

The fire on the bottom floor of the bamboo pavilion was quickly extinguished, but it was at this moment that I suddenly saw a black shadow flying out of the burnt black door frame.

It was a burnt broken table.

The table board slammed heavily on the anti-explosion police officers surrounding the Bamboo Pavilion, and with a bang, the poor police officer flew out on his back.

It hit the police car, shattering the windshield.


The rest of the dozens of policemen heard the news, and two of them rushed to their companions quickly to start the rescue, while the rest drew out their guns and fired at the bottom of the pavilion.

The muzzle flame flickered in the dark night.

Seeing this, I'm basically sure that that kid Pascal is still in the attic.


I narrowed my eyes slightly, and focused on the police officer who had just been blown away. He had been rescued by two companions.

But I could tell from his still chest that he was dead.

And this is what it looks like just being hit by the table board thrown by Pascal.

Where did he get so much strength?
This scene made me think of the time when the two team members had difficulty controlling Pascal, and the corpse in the hotel room...


That kid is a reformer!
I frowned, feeling a little unclear. Therefore, although I had already learned that Pascal was a reformer on the way to this seaside town, before that, Pascal's every move did not seem to have The appearance of supernatural powers.

So much so that I once suspected that this kid still doesn't know how to use his own skills, or that he has no abilities at all except for the fins on both sides of his abdomen.

But now, it's clear that I was wrong.

"It's better for us to get out as soon as possible..." No. [-] reminded me again as the local police officers rushed into the attic one after another after the shooting was over.

I turned my head and glanced at him coldly, and blocked his mouth with one sentence.

"Are you the captain, or am I the captain?"

After I finished speaking, I turned my attention to the other two team members and said, "You guys hurry back to the hotel immediately, wait for me to join No. [-], and you are not allowed to act without my order."


After the two players looked at each other, they nodded together.

Then, under the eyes of No. [-] Nori, they rushed towards the hotel.

When the figures of these two people disappeared from sight, No. [-] looked at me with an ugly face: "Did you forget the doctor's order before you left? If you want to disobey the order, don't pull me."

Press me with a doctor?

I laughed.

I'm no different than Number Seven. Although a miniature bomb has been planted in my heart, I'm afraid of the company, not the man-made doctor.

It's just a lump of iron.

"When performing tasks, my order is the company's order. If you are dissatisfied with my order, you can report it to the doctor right now." I didn't even look at No. [-], and dropped a sentence coldly, Then he turned his attention to the pavilion not far away.

Number Seven's expression changed again and again, obviously, he was extremely displeased with my words.

But after weighing the pros and cons, he resisted the attack and stood silently by my side.

"I'm just following orders, and you will bear all the consequences."

Hearing him say this lightly, I sneered in my heart and couldn't help shaking my head.

Yes, at this time.

The attic not far ahead made a tooth-piercing sound and collapsed!

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