"I kill you!"

Pascal spat out the large piece of meat that he had just bitten off, roared, and rushed towards the drunk again.

But at this moment, the drunk man whose neck was bleeding profusely was already half awake because of the pain and a bit drunk. Looking at Pascal who was falling into madness and rushing towards him, the drunk man showed fear on his face.

As soon as you roll over, you're ready to run.

It's a pity, how could he, who was drunk, outrun Pascal, who had fallen into madness?
In less than two seconds, he was entangled again by Pascal, and his right arm was tightly hugged by Pascal.

Pascal opened his bloody mouth and bit down on such an arm.



The drunk man convulsed and screamed, then clenched his teeth, raised his fist and hit Pascal on the head: "You bastard! Let me go! Otherwise, I'll kill you right now!"

His thinking is a little naive.

At this moment, Pascal, who has been blinded by anger and rationality, how can he settle it with a few words of threats?
The drunk obviously realized this, and while Pascal was biting his arm, he suddenly bent his elbow and raised his leg, hitting Pascal's abdomen.

Pascal sighed.

Under the pain, he had no choice but to let go of his mouth and cover his lower abdomen, but as soon as he let go, the strong man endured the pain and ran out the door.

I glanced at Pascal, who was curled up on the ground with his hands on his stomach, yes, I can let this criminal go, but Pascal's experience has already won my sympathy, so...

"Leave him to me."

I said a word, and the two team members raised their guns and fired in an instant.

Those who can be sent by the company to carry out missions are the elite among the elites who have experienced many battles. To them, this kind of close-range shooting is just a child's play.

Several shots in succession hit the drunk man's legs.

At the same time as the blood spattered, the drunk fell to the ground with a plop, and was shot more than seven times in both legs, but this time, he was in so much pain that he didn't even have the strength to howl, just lying on the ground in pain and helplessness, grabbing Leaning against the door frame, with his mouth open, a dry sound came out of his throat.

"Ha ha……"

Two team members stepped forward quickly, one of them grabbed the drunk man by the back collar and lifted it up, while the other took out a medicine bag from his pocket, took out an injection, and stuck it on the drunk man's neck. Drunk man's lower back.

These two players still know each other very well.

I smiled slightly: the injection contained morphine, and as for the effect, it was a stimulant.

Giving this strong man an injection will prevent him from passing out from the pain.

And Pascal, who had just been hit in the abdomen, also recovered his senses at this time, he turned his head, whispered something to me, and then fixed his red eyes on the drunk.

"He said... thank you."

The linguist stood beside me, translating Paska's language for me.

At this time, I actually expected the ending of this drunk, but I was not in a hurry, because I admired Pascal, and my instinct told me that if he kept him by my side, he might provide me with unexpected benefits. s help.

"Don't you think it's a waste of time?" Number Seven put his arms around his chest, glanced at Pascal and the drunk indifferently, then set his eyes on me, and said with a frown.

"do you have any opinion?"

I laughed.

As the captain, it is not his turn to give me directions.

After hearing my words, No. [-]'s mouth twitched slightly, and a look of displeasure flashed in his eyes, but he said: "No..."

I can tell.

At first, after Darry's death, the fellow, eager to show his loyalty, obeyed my orders.

But it's been a few days now.

The deterrence that Darry gave him when he died has also dropped a lot, so this guy is now dissatisfied with my orders, but it's okay, as long as this mission is not over, as long as I am still like this As the captain of the team, he dared not make mistakes.

"It's you!"

Suddenly, the most hated to see Pascal's bloody face, his eyes widened, and he tremblingly opened his mouth as if he recognized Pascal.

And the linguist also began to translate for us: "You are that little monster! Why are you still alive, shouldn't you have been sold to the mine to die there? Oh no...you are a monster, you are back, I Is this a dream!"

"You will pay the price for what you have done." Pascal said through gritted teeth.

Of course, his words were also translated by linguists for us.

These words made the drunk man struggle like a convulsion, but he was shot several times and drunk, how could he be the opponent of two strong mercenaries.

He could only be extremely helpless, watching Pascal walking towards him step by step, while he could only struggle hard under the shackles of two mercenaries.

"do not come!"

"What do you want? Money! I have it! Just ask how much money you want, and I can give you all my money!"

The drunk man begged.

No doubt he sensed that Pascal wanted his life!

But Pascal was indifferent to his words. He clenched his fists tightly, bared his blood-stained teeth, and said bitterly: "Anyone who bullies my sister will die!"

At first, the drunk was stunned for a moment, then after realizing it, he screamed, "Bullying your sister?"

"I slept with your sister, but it all cost money! This is what you want to do, how can it be called bullying? Moreover, and he is just a blind woman!"

"What's more, I'm not the only man who patronized your sister's business!"

I don't know if it's because of drunkenness or because of his IQ.

When he said this, I felt like he was an idiot, although I knew that this guy wanted Pascal to let him go, but what he said was tantamount to fire for Pascal Topped with oil.

Sure enough, as I guessed.

After hearing the drunk man, Pascal's veins bulged, and he looked extremely hideous, like a hungry ghost who wanted to eat people: "Who has been here?"

"Except for a few old men, all the men in the town have been here."

Just a word from the drunk man completely drowned out Pascal's last bit of rationality.


I glanced at the sobbing woman lying at my feet.

Originally the daughter of a wealthy manor owner, although she was born blind, her life was not worse than ordinary people at all, but her fate was too miserable...

Both parents died and were forced to pick up guests.

If Pascal was replaced by me, I'm afraid I'd tear this drunk man's heart alive right now.

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