But Pascal couldn't be entirely blamed, after all, he wasn't responsible for the death of his parents.

Ignorant villagers are also responsible.

For the villagers, Pascal's parents are absolutely good people.

They gave the villagers the ability to farm and do business, repaired bridges and repaired roads, and drove the whole town to break away from primitive society, connect with the outside world, and step into civilization.

According to religious beliefs, Pascal's parents are simply like Adam and Eve.


"Why are you telling me this?" I looked at the bartender playfully and said.

The story he told me is quite interesting, with twists and turns but also reasonable, but there is one point that I can’t figure out, it’s for no reason, why did he tell me this?


Hearing my question, the bartender's expression changed slightly, and he took half a step back.

While dodging his eyes, he glanced at Pascal who had been lowering his head indiscriminately: "Because I seem to know that guy..."

"If I'm not mistaken, he is Pascal, right?"

It turned out to be recognized.

I smiled softly, nodded slightly, and admitted his guess.

"It sure is him!"

Hearing this, the bartender's smooth forehead was dripping with sweat, "I advise you, it is best to stay away from this monster! Otherwise, you will not end well."

Prejudice in the human heart is a mountain.

The resistance to the reformers made them kill Pascal's parents, but this was not enough. After many years, their prejudice against Pascal still exists.


I nodded lightly to the bartender, then led the team members out of the bar and walked towards the church in the center of the town.

On the way, Pascal kept his head down, walking step by step, like a walking dead.


His stomach kept screaming because of hunger, but his expression was as numb as a sculpture.

I asked someone to buy water and bread for him, but he didn't pick it up. He just raised his dull eyes and looked at me quietly. After a while, he opened his dry mouth and said something to me. If you don't understand.

The linguist translated for me at the right time: "He's talking about... my sister."

"elder sister?"

I laughed, "Tell him that his sister is still alive, and we can take her to find his sister in a moment."

When I was in the bar at that time, the conversation between me and the bartender was in English, and it was normal for Pascal not to understand.

The linguist nodded and translated my words to Pascal.

After hearing this, Boska's eyes lit up, his numb and stiff expression became agitated, and after shouting a few words, he fell to his knees and kowtowed to us.

"He said that as long as we can take him to find his sister, he is willing to do anything for us." The linguist's expression was a bit complicated.

"Let him eat something first."

I said flatly.

The treatment of miners is very bad. They have no clothing and no food to eat. Even ordinary adults cannot survive for a long time in that terrible underground environment.

Not to mention Pascal.

Judging by his age, he was abducted and sold into a mine by human traffickers when he was still a child. It is already a miracle that he survived to this day.

And, from the time we brought him out, until now.

He hasn't had a drop of water yet.

Although our mission has progressed to the present, the help that Boska can give us has become less, but I still want to keep him, because he, like me, has special characteristics in transforming people.

Ordinary reinvented people are the products of scientific experiments.

But Pascal and I are different from ordinary reformers. My ability was brought to me by a curse, while Pascal inherited it from the previous generation.

Inferred by year.

Pascal's grandma, the white woman we were looking for at the beginning of the mission, may be the first cyborg in their family.

The modified humans produced in that era were definitely not the product of scientific experiments.

In this way, Grandma Pascal's experience is somewhat intriguing...

This is also the reason why I persevere in searching for the ruins of his grandmother, because my intuition tells me that I will be able to find clues related to the curse on me from the ruins.

We did not continue until Pascal had devoured his food.

Fortunately, this town is not big, and the distance from the bar to the center of the town is less than one kilometer.

It took less than half an hour when we arrived at the town center square.

It has to be said that the architectural style of the central square of this town is full of European style, especially the towering bell tower in the center, with a cross standing on the top of the bell tower.

The church is just below the bell tower.

The door of the church is open, and on the door is an icon of Jesus, which is magnificently built, with Adam and Eve and the Virgin Mary on the murals on all sides.

On the left and right sides, there are two rows of wooden seats carved in mahogany.

Further forward is a high platform.

On the wooden chair at the front on the left, sat a missionary dressed in black.


Hearing our footsteps, the missionary stood up slowly, turned around, closed the Bible in his hand, touched the cross on his chest with one hand, and prayed softly.

Seeing his appearance with a big beard and his face bathed in holy light, I roughly guessed his identity: priest.

I was about to speak, but the priest's pupils shrank suddenly, and he took two steps back hastily, almost falling to the ground.

"God! The damn devil, he's back!"

I don't know whether it was because of anger or fear, the priest pointed at Pascal with a trembling hand, and his speech became less fluent.

After speaking, the priest turned around and wanted to run.

But the team members behind me have already blocked all his escape routes first.

"God will forgive us!"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, the priest raised his arms and hugged the Bible tightly, closing his eyes altogether.

Can you escape what is about to happen by closing your eyes?

I smiled slightly, and I couldn't escape it, but this priest knew Pascal, which saved me a lot of trouble.

Just when I was about to ask the priest where Pascal's sister was, suddenly, Pascal, who was standing in front of our two team members, yelled fiercely.


His eyes were wide open, he rushed to the priest's side desperately, pushed the priest down, turned over and rode on the priest's abdomen, clasped the priest's neck with both hands, and choked tightly.

"He says……"

The linguist opened his mouth and translated: "He said, it was this priest who let those traffickers take him away..."

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