"Xiao Zhang, I came here because I was afraid that you would get sick. Don't touch my sister!"

Sister Man's voice sounded, as if warning me, but her tone was very gentle.

And the one who came here with Sister Man was actually Xiao Qing, of course Xiao Qing slept next to Sister Man, she still stared at me vigilantly, "Don't be unruly, otherwise...or I will never end with you !"

After Xiao Qing finished speaking, she turned her head away, without looking at me, and fell asleep by herself.

With Sister Man here, it's not so cold now, and I soon fell into a deep sleep.

But not long after, in a daze, I suddenly realized that in the darkness, a sneaky figure approached me quietly.

I was startled in my heart, and I had already grabbed the fire ax beside me, but when I looked closely, I was slightly relieved.

It turned out that Qin Xiaolian quietly came to my side while Liu Hui was asleep.

"Zhang Qi, I have something to tell you."

Qin Xiaolian stuck to my ear, as if on purpose, blowing gently next to my ear, with a sense of temptation.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly."

I probably guessed what this woman was going to say, and couldn't help but sneer in my heart.

"Brother Zhang, I just want to say I'm sorry! I was ignorant before, and I was deceived by Liu Hui's sweet words. When I arrived on the desert island, I realized that men should be like you. I hope you can forgive me for those stupid things... In fact, I still love you... He and I are just playing around, for work..."

Qin Xiaolian's eyes widened and she looked at me pitifully.

I sneered from the bottom of my heart, do you still love me?Then your love is so cheap!

"You and I are already strangers. What does it matter to me whether you love me or not? Instead of doing these useless things, you might as well do your own thing and behave well!"

I said calmly, this woman's previous betrayal made me completely give up on her. These days, I feel uncomfortable, just because I think I am no worse than that bastard Liu Hui, and I just want to fight for my breath!

As for her to perform well, that's because during this period of time, I have been thinking that the distribution of materials for our group of people should be distributed according to their contributions to the team. For example, I should get more resources, such as Liu Hui. , I have nothing to do, so I should eat what we have left.

If Qin Xiaolian has made a contribution to our survival team, I still won't treat her differently, which is conducive to the stability of our survival team.

However, what surprised me was that Qin Xiaolian seemed to have misunderstood my words. Her body froze there, her face turned red, and then she quickly kissed me on the cheek, "I can't do it now, wait until no one tells me." time, I will give you..."

I'm going, this woman thinks I want her body?
Ha ha, you take yourself too seriously.

I wanted to say a few more words, but she looked shy and quickly slipped back into Liu Hui's arms, making me sick.

I don't know, what would the sleeping Liu Hui think if he knew about this scene?

This woman Qin Xiaolian was able to flirt with me back then, but now it's no surprise that she is flirtatious with him.

This woman completely treats herself as a commodity and love as a bargaining chip.

A lot of things happened in the first half of the night, but the second half of the night was relatively peaceful. When I woke up, it was already dawn and the rain outside had stopped.

Compared with yesterday's torrential rain, the bright sunshine undoubtedly made people feel better. I stretched my waist, washed up casually, and then walked out of the cave. After the torrential rain yesterday, I don't know what is outside now Condition?
In addition, there is no food in the cave, so I want to pick some wild fruits for breakfast.

However, I had just walked a few steps when I heard Sister Man calling me from behind.

"Xiao Zhang, wait for me, I will go with you!"

Sister Man ran towards me, but I found that her beautiful brows were tightly frowned, as if something was on her mind.

The two of us walked out of the cave not far away, and we saw the coastline. The forest where I caught the rabbit before has been completely submerged by the sea. There are only some tall trees with trunks and crowns exposed on the sea. .

I have to say that yesterday's situation was indeed very thrilling. If we were slower, we might all be dead by now.

I wandered around the cave, trying to confirm the surrounding environment, but before I had gone far, Sister Man suddenly asked me seriously, "Xiao Zhang, do you have something to hide from us?"

After I heard this, I couldn't help but froze. What did she mean?
She heard Qin Xiaolian and I's words last night?
"You see what this is?"

Just as I was wondering, Sister Man took out a certificate from her pocket.

When I saw this certificate, I couldn't help but feel a little bad in my heart. I found this certificate on the body of the rescue team yesterday. It may have fallen out while sleeping and was picked up by her.

Seeing that Sister Man had already found out, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and tell what happened yesterday.

"How could this be? People from the rescue team actually had an accident?"

Sister Man immediately sensed that something was wrong, her pretty face was full of clouds, and she was a little lost.

"Sister Man, don't worry too much, maybe something happened. We will leave here."

I quickly comforted him, but I didn't really believe it when I said it.

Where the hell are we?Why did the rescue team take a long time to come, and what happened?
You know, it has been almost three days since our ship got into an accident. Thousands of people were killed in an accident on a cruise ship.
"Sister Man, don't tell other people about these things. Let's look elsewhere on the island first, and maybe we can find traces of other rescue teams. After we find them, maybe we have a way to leave?"

I put my hands on Sister Man's shoulders and said this.

After hearing this, Sister Man reluctantly nodded.

With the help of Sister Man, a "guide" with rich biological knowledge, we picked a lot of wild fruits before returning to the cave.

At this time, everyone has woken up and is discussing what to do today.

First of all, the cave is too cold at night, so we all thought we should bring back some weeds, dry them and spread them on the ground, and handed over these tasks to a few women.

And Liu Hui and I are responsible for hunting and looking for today's food.

Because of his poor performance in the past few days, Liu Hui didn't talk as much as before at this time. He just sat in the corner and glanced at me from time to time with extremely resentful and gloomy eyes.

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