These miners who are forced to be squeezed all day long can only be chosen by fate. They do not have the right to control their own lives, even at this time.

At this moment, shrill screams were mixed with the humming of earthquakes and mountains. At the entrance of the tunnel, No. [-], who was glowing red all over his body, rushed out first, and waved to us frantically, "Go!"

The quick-response team members have already gone one step ahead.

But in terms of speed, where are they my opponents?

As soon as my left foot stepped out of the tunnel entrance, when I looked up, I saw an irregular slab of sand with a diameter of more than two meters falling towards us on the top of the cave.

Extremely fast!

If I hadn't been fast enough to rush out of the tunnel with Pascal at the critical moment, our fate would have been the same as those miners.

I ran for a distance of more than 30 meters in one breath, and stood beside the panting No. 80. I breathed a sigh of relief. Looking back, among the [-] people in the tunnel, none of them escaped.

Excluding me and No. [-], there are only six of the company members I brought with me.

All of them were ashamed and embarrassed.

The linguist who came to Walvis with us is also very lucky. He is also one of the few survivors. That being said, it's still worth it.

After all, he was an indispensable part of our team until the remains of the white woman were found.

I breathed a sigh of relief and turned my gaze to the entrance of the tunnel that had been blocked by clods of mud and sand.

The reason for the collapse of the cave roof is actually not difficult to guess. After all, just now, the members of the domestic organization carried out a reckless bombardment of that area, so that the mud layer and solidified layer loosened and fell...


At this moment, one of the few remaining team members stepped forward, wiped the dust off his face, and said, "Captain, the life detection system shows that there are at least some people in the tunnel." Eight team members and more than 20 miners survived!"

"so much?"

Hearing this, I raised my eyebrows when I took a breath of relief. I just thought that those who didn't escape had already fallen into a long sleep.

I was skeptical and clicked on the communicator equipped by the company.

Sure enough, the situation was exactly the same as what the team member said.

I took a deep breath, and took a deep look at the blocked tunnel entrance. The number of people who survived was far more than I imagined. However, in that tunnel, whether it was oxygen, food, Resources such as water are extremely limited.

If we don't come to the rescue soon...

I'm afraid those people will all die!
"time to go."

Seeing my indecisive appearance, No. [-] has already seen my hesitation, but he doesn't take the lives of those dozens of people seriously.

No wonder.

After all, this real company loyal dog will only consider the interests of the company.

"The amount of sediment accumulated is too large. With our current manpower, it is impossible to rescue them in a short time. After we rescue them, it is estimated that they have already died of lack of oxygen or other reasons. .”

"We should not do things that are not worth the loss."

Dozens of living lives, if you give up, you will give up.

Listening to No. [-]'s words, the few survivors present felt chilling. After all, from No. [-]'s decision, it could be seen that the company just regarded them as cannon fodder that could be discarded at any time.

Fortunately they just escaped.

If they were trapped inside like those people just now, I am afraid that their fate will not be much different from that person.

"What are you still doing? Withdraw!"

I turned around indifferently, took Pascal a step ahead, and left towards the direction outside the mine.

I'm just a prisoner of the company. To me, the life and death of these team members has nothing to do with it.

Along the way, I have seen too many deaths.

It can even be said that there are countless things like what is happening now. In the past, if I just turned around and left like this, maybe I would feel more or less guilty in my heart, but now, these things are completely to me. Can't make any impact.

Maybe it's because I've become numb after seeing this kind of thing.

It is also possible that I have been deeply affected by the curse...


After walking for more than half an hour, we finally walked out of the mine. The cars of the members of the domestic organization that had been parked outside the mine had disappeared.

After asking about the specific address of his home from Pascal, the remaining nine of us got into the car one by one.

When we came, we drove seven cars.

But now, most of the people are dead, but the cars can't stay here. After all, these cars still have the company's weapons and various equipment.

These things should never be passed on easily.

Walvis has a superior geographical environment, and is especially famous for its rich maritime trade industry. Although the coastline is not large, it is not too small.

Before Pascal was taken to the mine as a slave, his family lived in a small town on the coast of Walvis.

We've wasted days on this journey.

So in order to save time and cost, under my order, our convoy of seven vehicles drove overnight to the coastal town at the mouth of Perska.

And those who were going to Walvis, our backup, pointed their destination to that small town the moment they learned that our planned itinerary had changed.

The reason for this.

It's just because I think that if there are only a few of us going there, it's not safe if something happens to us.

Although the domestic organizations have retreated, since the company, the Nordic Spear, and the domestic organizations are all targeting the white woman, there is a great possibility that other forces will follow the same route as us.

Calling for backup is equivalent to putting an insurance policy on our team.

Even if we lose badly in the end, we won't lose everything.

Because there are fewer people and more cars, this time, I acted as the driver, while the linguist and Pascal sat in the back row, and the linguist would talk to Pascal from time to time , However, due to the particularity of the language, and the linguist did not translate for me, so I couldn't understand what they said between them at all.

This situation continued until...

I was driving on the asphalt road leading to the coastal town, but suddenly, I heard the panicked shouts of the linguist sitting in the back row!
"Strange, monster! Stop...stop!"

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