With more than 200 subordinates, I don't need to do this time-consuming and labor-intensive thing myself. I just stood still, and No. [-] stood quietly beside me.

The area of ​​the Nordic Spear camp is certainly large.

But with two hundred or so people investigating, it wouldn't take long.

It has to be said that the people sent by the company really worked hard. The tents that had collapsed were torn apart one by one, and even the wooden boxes that stored the food cans were violently dismantled.

No corner or orientation was spared.

Soon, except for the collapsed concentration camp in the center of the camp, the rest of the place had been searched, and the reported situation was really heart-wrenching.

There are no living people.

This also means that we have worked so hard to come here, but the most important clue is suddenly cut off, which is tantamount to a waste of time.

Fortunately, however, there is still a little hope.

At my signal, more than a dozen people rushed to the central concentration camp together, tearing apart the broken beams and the tattered tarpaulin.

Layer after layer.

When I got to the bottom, I saw the people I was looking for—the aborigines who originally lived in this rainforest.

But it is a pity that these people are all dead.

Regardless of men, women, young or old, everyone's body is covered with bullet holes, and it looks like they have been shot to death indiscriminately.

This looks really scary.

Although I'm used to seeing blood, among the dead were children a few years old and mothers who were breastfeeding their children.

When a bullet hits a person, it doesn't just show a blood hole like it was shown on TV.

The piece of flesh that was hit couldn't bear the huge impact of the bullet at all, and in most cases, the flesh would explode directly.

Just like that child.

Only a small half of his head was left, and the position of the mouth could only be vaguely discerned on the bloody face.

And the mother who was breastfeeding the child was shot twice in the shoulder, and the blood that flowed down, mixed with the milk, dripped into the baby's mouth, but...they had been dead for a while, and the blood had coagulated and turned It became dark red.


In a place like this jungle, the smell of blood and rotting corpses will quickly attract many scavengers and animals.

It took only a moment to lift the tarpaulin, and our place was already full of flies and mosquitoes.

The buzzing around my ears was annoying, and it even made me feel distracted for a while.

The people of Norse Spear are all dead.

The aborigines who were captured here also died.

But if this is the case, our clues will be broken. Now, where should we find that white woman who lived in the last century?
"found it."

Just as I was frowning and thinking, No. [-], who was standing beside me, suddenly spoke. He took a step forward and raised the communicator on his left wrist, and showed me the screen.

This is a blurry video.

It can be vaguely discerned that the picture in the video is the camp of the Nordic Spear where we are.

Judging from the time nodes on the video, everything shown on the screen happened four hours ago.

Play it at double speed, and soon I saw the helicopter that was staying in the camp suddenly take off and head northwest. Along the way, their flight trajectory left a pale yellow dotted line on the screen. This allows us to clearly discern where they are going.

"The company's satellite system can monitor this area in real time. Although the picture resolution is limited, it can still be photographed by a guy as big as a helicopter." No. [-] is worthy of being the company's loyal dog. He knows the company well. Much deeper than me.

When I was helpless, he was able to use all the resources of the company to find a way out for us.

"According to their final landing point, they have now reached the territory of Namibia." Number [-] clicked a few times on the screen, and all the information has been shared with me.

Because as the captain, I have full control over the decision-making power of this operation.

I took a deep breath, frowned, and patiently checked other information.

Namibia, the last country in South Africa to achieve national independence, has a history of less than a hundred years from independence to the present. The level of manufacturing industry is extremely low. It is famous for shaft mines and diamond mines...

The final landing point of the Nordic Spear is in Namibia's second largest city, Port Walvis.

Fortunately, more than 50 kilometers away from us, there are company helicopters and jeeps, ready to be called at any time.

If we set off immediately, we should be able to reach our destination in about six hours.

"How to do?"

Number Seven looked at me and asked in a deep voice.


There is no doubt that the woman we are looking for in this mission is likely to be the key to unlocking the curse. No matter what, I will find her no matter what.

This is not only about the company, but also involves my vital interests.

In less than 10 minutes, several helicopters were already hovering above our heads. Of course, it is impossible to transport all of our more than 200 people to Namibia with these helicopters alone. Therefore, I picked a dozen of them that looked like The most capable armed personnel will act with us, and as for the rest, I will tell them to let them follow.

From the moment I was cursed until now.

Basically, every once in a while, I would go to a new place, run around the world, and be led by the nose by the curse on my body.

Although I knew it was impossible, I still felt aggrieved from the bottom of my heart.

When the helicopter lifted off, my gaze stayed on the Nordic Spear camp below. One thing I was curious about was what happened in this camp in less than a day.

Who slaughtered all members of the Norse Spear?
Are the people from Nordic Spear who arrived in Namibia on the Nordic Spear helicopter? Did they ask the local aborigines for information about the white woman?
"Generally speaking, Namibia is a very backward country, but Walvis Port is different. It is an important trading port and relatively developed. After we arrive, try not to be ostentatious to avoid involving the local police. "

"Also, try not to use abilities in front of ordinary people."

On the plane, No. [-] began to explain to me, "You probably don't know yet? It is no longer a secret to transform people nowadays, but the emergence of transformed people still triggered a global wave. Some radical countries They even regard the reincarnated people as aliens, and once they are discovered, they will kill them all, including the coalition government."

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