Darry suddenly took a step forward, opened his arms, and hugged me tightly, and at this moment, my two arms mutated into sharp claws, and at the moment he hugged me, they directly penetrated his body. Body.


Flesh was torn and blood poured out.

Darry snorted, his face turned pale, and his body trembled uncontrollably, but he tightened his grip on my arm, but increased his strength.

At the same time, I felt the air from all directions rushing towards me.

Ten times, or even a hundred times the pressure surrounded my body, the pressure was beyond recognition, and my muscles and bones were broken.

This makes even the most basic breathing a luxury for me.

Because my chest cavity can no longer expand, the extreme hypoxia and slowed blood flow slowed down my brain's response several times, my vision began to blur, and all I could hear was humming.

so horrible.

I can feel a fear that comes from the bottom of my soul, but strangely, I don't feel flustered.

Maybe... because I know it in my heart.

Darry, whose body has been severely injured, can't last long, and I, relying on my extremely powerful self-healing ability, can definitely live longer than him!
"Go and explain your sins to Satan!"

Darry clung to my ear, opened and closed his lips, and threw out the last words of his life to me.

It's a curse.

Literally translated, it probably means going to hell.

But I didn't have much time to think and answer his words, because as soon as he finished speaking, a sharp beep sounded in my ears.

This sound came from Darry's chest.

In one minute, or in five seconds, Darry's body heated up rapidly, giving me the feeling that it was like a stove being held in my arms.

The temperature is astonishingly high.

Just when I felt that the skin on my chest was about to be scorched, a violent explosion lifted my whole body, and with the shock wave generated by the explosion, I fell to the ground seven or eight meters away.

Man, I must have broken a lot of bones...

I am all too familiar with the feeling of a broken bone. The pain all over my body is like countless big hands tearing at my soul, eating away at my mind bit by bit.

In a trance, I saw a man's hand waving in front of me.

"Hey! Wake up! Hold on!"

The man was right in front of me, yelling at me in panic.

But the voices I could hear became louder and smaller, until finally my eyes were blacked out, and my whole body was plunged into a boundless darkness. eyelids.

It's a tent, it's my tent.

I tried to raise my hand to support my drowsy head, but when I saw the bloody scabs on my arm, I was stunned.

Everything I saw and heard before I fell into a coma circled in my mind like a movie.


When I came back to my senses, I wasn't even sure about the authenticity of what happened before I fell into a coma.

A good guy, blowing up in front of me?


It's ridiculous!
I really can't believe the news of Darry's death, because I remember very clearly that before he died, there was a very penetrating sound from his chest, and then he was blown to pieces.

His death was because I entered the string of codes given by the company.

Just a combination of a dozen letters and numbers, within a short period of time, a terraforming person with powerful and strange abilities was blown to pieces.

The bloody scene still appeared before my eyes.

I had no doubts: Darry, like me, had been planted with a miniature bomb inside his body.

"you're awake?"

Suddenly someone spoke, and I noticed that there was a short-haired man in his early teens sitting cross-legged next to me.

He is the only remaining linguist in our team. After seeing me wake up, he let out a long breath, then glanced at his watch: "Our backup will arrive in two hours."


I muttered a few words to myself.

Immediately afterwards, Yigulu got up, stumbled and rushed out of the tent. The man wanted to stop me, but his reaction was a step slower than mine. When he stood up, I was already outside the tent.

In my memory, the open space where we were stationed was originally green grass and shade.

But now it is a mess, with gullies all over the place. Following these criss-crossing gullies, one can see the center of Darry's explosion at a glance.

A piece of scorched earth within a radius of seven meters.

The dark and gray soil deeply hurt my eyeballs, and I could still smell a burning smell from the tip of my nose.

I'm a little overwhelmed.

A small string of codes can detonate the bomb in Darry's body, annihilating her whole body into fly ash in just a few moments, not even slag left.

in case.

If the bomb that was detonated was the one in my body, then no matter how powerful and abnormal my self-healing ability is, I probably have no hope of surviving.

After all, the prerequisite for self-healing is that I cannot die.

At least my body has to be an organism, and only in this way can I have a chance to heal myself, otherwise if I turn into fly ash like Darry, let alone self-healing, I won't even have a whole body.

Thinking about it this way, my whole body seemed to be poured from the head to the soles of the feet by a basin of cold water.

Grandma, what the hell is this?
However, a small miniature bomb is not as big as the firecrackers I played with when I was a child, but the power caused by the explosion is enough to blind my eyes...

A simple string of code can blow up Darry.

That would kill me too.

Let me just say, how could the company so generously hand over the life and death of others to me. It turned out that their purpose of doing this was to scare the chickens and monkeys. At the same time, the company also made a choice between me and Darry.

Obviously, only the living can prove it, and Darry has become a dead man.

After thinking about everything, I just saw No. [-], shirtless and half wrapped in bandages, staggering out of another tent next to me. He can't even walk steadily now, he's doing other things or doing something to me.

"There is one thing I have to tell you."

Walking out of the tent and looking at the bomb craters on the ground, No. [-]'s face changed again and again, and finally he said through gritted teeth: "What he did has nothing to do with me. I am absolutely loyal to the company."

From his slightly trembling voice, it could be heard that this guy was already terrified.

Before Darry's death, he was Darry's best friend.

The two stood on the same front, shared the same hatred, and conspired more than once to kill me.

But now, the cunning rabbit is a dead dog, and the old friends are just mediocre.

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