Darry was unaware of my presence.

I followed him closely, keeping a distance of about [-] meters from him. I noticed that after leaving the camp of the Nordic Spear, this guy coughed continuously as if he had tuberculosis. , The interval between his coughs became shorter and shorter, and his voice became louder.

This... is the sequelae of using the ability?
Although the reformed person has special abilities beyond ordinary people, there is no free lunch in the world. Every time he uses his ability, he has to face the threat of sequelae, and severe cases may even be fatal.

And so far, apart from myself, I haven't seen any cyborg who won't be eroded by sequelae after using the ability, and even if I use the ability, I have to bear certain consequences...

The sequelae occurred, but Dai Rui's pace became faster and faster.


He fell to the ground on his back, his chest swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a balloon full of air.

Just looking at it is enough to make your heart jump.

I even suspected that the next moment, he would die on the spot because of his chest explosion. Of course, while doubting, I also thought about taking advantage of his illness to kill him, but when I saw him take out a small black bottle, I dismissed the idea.

Before we set off, the upper management of the company equipped us with a lot of drugs to eliminate the side effects of using the ability.

I remember... they seem to call this drug a depressant?

Dai Rui swallowed a few pills with difficulty, and the effect of this medicine was obvious. After taking it, within a minute, Dai Rui's balloon-like chest had returned to its original shape.

However, it seemed that he was still very weak at this time.

This is normal. After all, this guy is just about the same. He has already exerted his abilities to the limit, and the burden on his body is not ordinary.

Darry sat where he was, panting heavily.

And I, who saw this in the dark, didn't bother to look any further. After going around in a circle, I returned to the camp first, Dai Rui.

"What have you been doing?"

Now, it's more than four o'clock in the morning and it's still not bright, but No. [-] has woken up, and judging by his appearance, he has been waiting for me for a long time.

"Tell me, where is Darry?" He stood in front of me and asked me in a cold voice.

It's like if I can't give him a satisfactory answer, he won't let me go, but why should I care about him?
"You'll know."

I glanced at No. [-] lightly, then walked around him and got into my tent.

After entering the tent, I sent the video I just recorded to the doctor.

Within 5 minutes, the doctor replied to me.

The content is very simple, there is only one folder, a string of numbers, and a sentence of explanation:
Open the folder and enter the password to kill Darry.

folders, passwords...

In this way, it is possible to kill a modified person with special abilities?I can't believe the doctor's reply, but when I think of the company's methods, I am not so suspicious.


As soon as I read the doctor's reply, Number Seven got into my tent. He looked at me indifferently, and asked me in a cold voice, "Why hasn't he come back yet? Did you kill him?"

"I really want to kill him, but not now." I said softly.

Number Seven frowned, looking at me inexplicably.

I know that he has a good relationship with Darry. Basically, when I see them, they are usually inseparable. It is rare for Darry to act alone.

"Let me ask you, what would you do if he was a traitor?" I looked at the number with a smile on my face, and asked a question that made his expression change instantly.

But after being silent for a while, Number Seven still replied forcefully: "I will kill him with my own hands."

Although he has a good relationship with Darry, more importantly, he is the most loyal dog in the company. Yes, my opinion of Seven is a dog. This guy, basically, is already a walking dead.

He, only resumes the arrangement from the top of the company.

Although he is a reformed person with powerful abilities, in a certain sense, he is just a machine that can only obey orders.

"very good."

I nodded with a smile, and opened the video I shot earlier.

The more she looked at it, the more frightened she became, and Number Seven's expression gradually darkened: "What? This is impossible... I know very well, he will never do such a thing..."

Doubt is doubt, the facts are right in front of you.

It's not like he can blur the past with a few casual words.

I walked out of the tent and ignored him.

When the sun came up, Dai Rui finally returned to the camp, and the guy looked relaxed, as if he had gone for an outing.

He thought I was just a fool kept in the dark.


After seeing me, Dai Rui called me casually, "How long will it take for the backup troops to arrive?"

I glanced at him lightly, and said softly, "Where's your communicator?"

"I thought that thing was in the way, so I threw it away." Darry's face changed slightly, as if he had noticed something, he took a step back and asked me in a cold voice: "Do you know something? ?”

I turned my head and saw No. [-] came out of my tent and strode towards Darry.

At this time, No. [-]'s face was expressionless, and there was an ignorant heat all over his body. Those who knew his ability knew that the mark only appeared when the ability was used, similar to steam. smoke.

"What... are you using your abilities for?"

Darry sensed that something was wrong, but Seventh had always had a good relationship with him, and he was sure that Seventh would not hurt him: "I'm asking you!"

"I will wipe out every traitor."

When No. [-] walked in front of Darry, before Darry could react, No. [-] raised his reddened fist, and smashed it towards Darry's face mixed with the roiling heat.

A deafening bang exploded in front of Darry.

The roiling heat wave was rippling, and the scenes I could see were all distorted due to the high temperature, but this punch did not kill Darry as I imagined.

No. [-]'s fist stopped forever inside the mountain in front of her!

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