In a short time, one of our five-member team was killed on the spot.

However, death is death, it doesn't matter to me, anyway, I have basically done everything that can be done.

At this time, Darry finally came ashore, and he used his ability to build an unbreakable barrier behind us.

The rain of bullets fell on the air wall, making a crisp sound.

"Totally dead."

Number Seven glanced at the linguist who had fallen to the ground, and said indifferently.

As for the remaining one, he was already stupefied with fright, staring blankly at the corpse of his companion on the ground, his hands trembling unceasingly.

I turned around, and there were more than 30 people gathered on the other side of the river bank, and in the depths of the jungle, Nordic Spear personnel continued to come.

Among them, there should be reformers.

However, most of the people here are just ordinary people, they dare not cross the river rashly, so for the time being, our current situation is considered safe.

"time to go."

I didn't want to make any more troubles, so I made a decisive decision and gave the order to retreat.

After driving out for nearly twenty miles overnight, we stopped to set up camp.

Of course, it is said to be camping, but it is actually just a few simple tents.

Where we are now, we are still in the jungle. Even though there are many people on the other side, it is not so easy to find us in this complicated environment.

Besides, as long as the commander of the Nordic Spear is not an idiot, he will not spend a lot of time and manpower to find us.

After all, they didn't come here to fight us.

After a night's rest, the next day, the four of us were mostly in a state of doing nothing except to observe the latest satellite map from time to time.

I contacted the doctor again, and he told me that backup would arrive in 48 hours at the latest, and he also sent me a list.

Number one hundred people are all elites among the mercenaries.

But unfortunately, it did not transform people.

This point is within the understandable range. Although the company has the most advanced manufacturing technology of cyborgs, it takes a lot of risk to turn a normal person into a cyborg.

Moreover, the success rate is very low.

One in a thousand, or even one in ten thousand is possible, and the transformation of human beings is unstable.

Before the experiment was successful, no one knew what abilities the created cyborg possessed. If the experiment was successful but the ability of the morphed person created was weak, then the experiment would be a failure.

It is also due to the fact that the success rate of transforming people is low and uncertain.

Otherwise, if an army of cyborgs can be created, then in today's world, this army is simply unstoppable...

I thought we could spend the next 48 hours in peace.

When night came, I noticed something was wrong.

Being in this kind of environment, under the urging of habit, generally speaking, I will not sleep too much, and the slightest disturbance can wake me up from my dream, and it is precisely because of this that I heard a rustle rustling sound.

Could it be... the people from the Nordic Spear came?

The moment I opened my eyes, several conjectures sprang up in my mind, but soon, I denied them all.


If you want to find us in this kind of place, you have to conduct a blanket search, but those people from the Nordic Spear are not fools, they only need to guard their camps and prevent us from intruding, there is no need to waste time looking for us .

But who else could it be?

I got up quietly and looked out through the gap at the tent entrance, only to see a furtive figure gradually drifting away in the hazy night.

This figure... Darry?
I narrowed my eyes slightly, not knowing why, I slept soundly this night, what is this guy doing sneakily?
Doubt spread in my heart.

All day today, Darry, who has always been against me, behaved exceptionally calmly. His abnormal behavior was a bit strange, let alone his behavior at this moment.

Dai Rui gradually walked away, and at the beginning he was hunched and his body gradually straightened.

Originally, I planned to ignore him, but when his figure was about to disappear from my sight, I suddenly changed my mind.

Follow up and have a look!
I hurriedly got up and walked out of the tent.

I glanced at the time displayed on the communicator, and it was two o'clock in the morning. According to common sense, this is the time when people sleep the most.

Darry is a good time picker.

I chuckled and followed Darry far behind unhurriedly.

I'm not worried about being discovered by him. After all, not everyone has the same vision as me. In this dim environment, as long as I keep a good distance, he can't see me.

But I can see him.

After following Darry for a while, I realized something was wrong, because the direction this guy was heading was the camp of the Nordic Spear.

What is he doing there?
Dai Rui walked very fast, and it took more than an hour to reach the river. He stayed on the bank for a while. At this time, the communicator on my arm vibrated a few times.

I looked down and realized that the communication signal between me and Darry had been cut off.

This guy……

An ominous premonition gradually sprouted in my heart.

Under my gaze, Darry crossed the river, and I quietly came to the bank where he was standing just now. On the ground in front of me, I found the communicator that had been cut into pieces.

As the captain, the communicator I wear has the initiative.

Can grasp at any time, check the whereabouts of the team members.

This guy, it’s okay to run to the Nordic Spear City in the middle of the night, and even destroy the communicator, is he afraid that I will find something?

I tidied up the debris on the ground and put it in my pocket, and then I heard the sound of guns and guns in the distance.


That idiot ran to Nordic Spear's camp in the middle of the night to fight?Although there is a grievance between Darry and I, I don't think that guy can be so brainless.

After wading across the river, I hurried to the direction where the gunshots came from.

But within a minute, the gunfire stopped abruptly.

When I arrived at the place where the gunshots came, the place was already in a mess. The fragments of corpses on the ground exuded a strong, pungent bloody smell. This kind of scene brought a shocking visual stimulation...

Fortunately, I am used to this kind of scene.

That's it, I have to rule out my initial guess.

Since Darry will do something to these people, it proves that he is not an undercover agent, nor a member of the Nordic Spear.

But since it wasn't, why did he run to the camp of the Nordic Spear at this time?

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