At the time, Darry's sister was still alive.

In order to find the source of radiation, we entered the bottom of the tiankeng in a different world. After more than a month of life and death, we saw a tree.

A towering tree that feeds on living things.

The fragments knocked from the tree were finally handed over to the company by me...

The appearance of that tree can still be clearly presented in my mind. The general outline is almost exactly the same as the totem I see on the stone pillar now.

But judging from the timeline, this is clearly impossible.

Because, the tree in the different world has been growing for at least half a year, and the totems on the stone pillars in front of me are at least a hundred years old.

Of course, things related to the transformation of people and those supernatural phenomena must not be deduced by common sense.

But what I saw before my eyes reminded me of a key question.

The woman the company sent to look for, the woman in the black and white photo, is absolutely inseparable from that other world!

Thinking of this, my breathing became short of breath.

You know, that other world is closely related to the origin of the Origin Stone, and the origin of the Origin Stone is related to the curse on me, that is to say, that woman is likely to be the key to my solution to the curse!
I thought that after I was controlled by the company, the pace of uncovering the curse could only be postponed, but now it seems that there is no absolute relationship between me and the company after unlocking the group!
Because the company is also one of the explorers of the Origin Stone!

And in comparison, there is no country or organization in the world that can surpass them in their understanding of the Origin Stone!
And my current status in the company is enough to give me a lot of privileges. Although the company is using me to do research, from a certain point of view, isn't it a mutually beneficial relationship between us?

As long as I use it properly, perhaps, I can lift the curse on me faster!

I smelled a smell, and suddenly my eyes lit up.

This is the smell of hope!
"It's been almost half an hour, how long are you going to stare at that rock?" Finally, an abrupt voice interrupted my thoughts, and when I looked back, Darry was getting impatient.

Although the other people were not as obvious as he showed, they all looked at me in the same way.

"Let's go."

I waved my hand and said nonchalantly.

There are many stone pillars here, but these stone pillars are exactly the same in terms of size and totem engraved on them, so I don't need to read any more.

Start as soon as possible and find that woman as soon as possible is the kingly way!
After walking through this cemetery, we entered the jungle. Although the trees are lush, but fortunately this is not an uncultivated land. The path in the forest facilitates our journey. After ten minutes, we have reached the river.

The river is more than seven meters wide and the water is gentle.

Looking upstream, it can be seen that this is only a small tributary.

After crossing the river, it can basically be regarded as reaching the vicinity of the camp marked on the map, and a few hundred meters away, you can reach it.

"You are the captain, please go first."

As soon as I stopped, I heard Terry's voice behind me. I didn't bother to pay attention to it. Then the guy plunged down and swam to the other side in less than ten seconds.

Get up, the whole body is wet.

Looking back, I saw that Darry, No. [-] and the two linguists walked over the water steadily.

After a closer look, I found that there is a certain distance between their soles and the water surface...

It turned out to be the case.

With the help of his ability to control the air within the range, this guy used the air to temporarily build a bridge.

Looking at Darry again, this dog looked at me with a mocking look on his face. Obviously, he just urged me to go into the water and cross the river just to tease me.

However, I don't care about that.

Even if he knelt down to beg me, I don't want to rely on his ability.

But at this moment, out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a black shadow floating down the river at the fork in the upper reaches of the river. Because of the fact that one city floats and the other floats, I'm not sure what that black shadow is.

With a flashlight, I could clearly see the black shadow flowing down the river.

"Look there! There are people in the river!"

"It's a corpse!"

Besides me, one of the linguists also spotted the shadow in the river, and under his shout, all eyes were focused on it.

After Dai Rui brought a few people to the shore, he waved his hand lightly, and fished out the corpse from the air.

This is a black male. Judging from his appearance, he is about 25 years old. He has no clothes on his body, so we can clearly see his torn body. No piece of skin is complete, and there is even a branding iron There were traces of scalding, and after turning him over, he could see that the corners of his mouth on both sides had been cracked.

The miserable state of death made it hard to imagine what he had experienced during his lifetime.

This night, it was cloudy, there was no moonlight, and the woods were pitch-black. Using a flashlight to see such a dead body really made people feel a little creepy.


Those present, except me, Darry, and No. [-], who were mentally strong, those two linguistics turned pale, and they almost vomited their bile while holding on to the tree trunk next to them.

"Go, go!"

After vomiting, neither of them dared to look at the corpse again, and hurriedly greeted us.

However, I declined their request.

"You two stay here."

I finished speaking in a cold voice, and looked at Darry and No. [-], "You two come with me to that camp to investigate the situation. Remember, we are only investigating the situation, try to avoid confrontation, and don't startle the enemy."

"Hey, I don't want to be with dead bodies!"

"We have received systematic training, and we can also be scouts!"

The two linguists were not happy.

But the reason why I don't let them go is because the two of them are just ordinary people even if they have received training. When the enemy has a huge advantage in numbers, once they are discovered by the enemy during the investigation, their chances of survival are very low. Pitiful.

"Unless you want to be like him, don't disobey my orders."

One word from me instantly put an end to the thoughts of these two scholars.

They could only endure the psychological and physical discomfort, and silently threw the body back into the river.

From the direction in which the body floated, it can be seen that there is a high probability that it flowed from that camp.

If the guess is correct, the aborigines in that tribe were probably gathered in that camp by the Nordic Spears, and tortured them severely in order to obtain the information they wanted.

Even if someone died, they didn't care.

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