Almost half of the buildings, flowers, plants and trees that can be seen at a glance have been destroyed. Walking in, you can smell the burnt smell.

Looking around, the area of ​​this rainforest tribe is larger than I imagined, so I fulfilled my duties as the captain and issued the first order since the beginning of the mission.

"Scatter to find people, and let me know immediately if there is any situation."

"I'm looking for you, do I really think of myself as a character?"

Regarding my order, Darry looked disdainful, and satirized me: "Those two idiots don't know your identity, but I know very well that you are just a test product, and this is not a company, without Dr. , you still want to tell me what to do?"

"Well, you are not a test subject." I nodded and said flatly.

The company used the Stone of Origin and went through a lot of human experiments to create a reformer like him who worked hard for the company. To put it bluntly, his ridicule towards me was nothing more than laughing at me, and relatively speaking, I He is much better than him, because I am sure that if the company can only choose one of me and Darry, they will definitely choose me.

I'm 100% sure of this because I'm very aware of my body's worth.

As soon as the words fell, I saw Dai Rui's face change. At the same time, I felt a pain on the right side of my face as if cut by a knife. When I reached out and touched it, there was blood on my hand.

Needless to say, Darry must have done it.

This dog can control the air within a certain distance, and its attack methods are hard to defend against. Relatively speaking, although my ability is not weak, I will be suppressed by him in every aspect of my hands, because I have to get close to him if I want to kill him , and at close range, I can't get any bargains, and if I make a slight mistake, I may even be cut into pieces.

For now, though, he doesn't have the guts to kill me.

He may be more aware of my current position in the company than I am. Under the pressure of the company, he dare not do anything to me, otherwise he would have done it early in the morning, why wait until now?
"As long as I want, I can kill you right now!" Darry clenched his right palm into a fist, and I instantly felt that the air around me seemed to be replaced by heavy metals like mercury in an instant, pressing on me Like a big mountain, the chest expands so hard that it can barely take in a mouthful of air.

Seeing this, the two linguists beside me who were traveling with us were terrified. After exchanging glances with each other, they nodded and quickly distanced themselves from me, for fear that our actions would affect them. Same.


At this time, No. [-] stopped in front of Darry, leaned down and whispered something in Darry's ear.

Heh... Dai Rui's expression became tangled and ugly. After hesitating for a moment, he let go of his hand. This made me feel that the air around him had changed back to normal, "Remember, you killed my sister's revenge , it will be returned sooner or later! Let's go!"

He said in a cold voice towards me, and walked to the right with No. [-].

I took a deep breath, looked at their leaving backs, and thought to myself: No one can stop me from living, I will definitely get rid of you before you kill me.

After recovering my breath, I glanced at the two linguists, they noticed my gaze, they shook hands, and then, while I was watching, turned on the flashlight and walked slowly to the left , and I, after they left, walked forward in a straight line.

Constrained by others, I have to complete the task assigned by the company, but right now, the information given by the company before departure has once again made an error, so this seemingly simple task has become a bit tricky.

Obviously, we are not the first people to arrive here, and the place has been destroyed before us.

Buildings, flowers and trees, you can't even see a complete piece of land at a glance, and most importantly, there are no corpses here, that is to say, there is a high probability that the aboriginals in this tribe have been killed by others kidnapped.

Then comes the most difficult problem.

From the traces at the scene, it is impossible to judge the whereabouts of the aborigines of the tribe, and it is not known who kidnapped them, and there is nowhere to look for them. Does this prove that this mission can be returned without success?

Thinking of this, my mood suddenly became joyful.

The problem with their information is the root cause of the failure of this mission. The responsibility is far from my responsibility. It just so happens that I don’t want to work for the company. The mission cannot be carried out, and I am too happy to be happy.

However, after a while, the voice of No. [-] came from the headset: "I found something."

damn it……

I sighed, it seems that this task is not so easy to end.

When I found No. [-], several other people had already reached No. [-]. At this time, No. [-] was squatting next to a collapsed thatched hut. The body of the half-dead black male corpse was a bit tragic, and it also exuded the stench of corpses above.

"It's been more than three days since we died, we came too late." No. [-] said in a deep voice.

Originally, I was very happy to hear this sentence. After all, I am not a loyal dog of the company, and I wish I could go back quickly.

"But, I found this."

But the reality finally extinguished my hope. No. [-] took out a bullet casing from his pocket, showed it to us, and said: "According to the test, the material and manufacturing process of this bullet meet the EU standards. , That is to say, the person who got here before us should be an organization of the European Union, most likely the Nordic Spear."

Nordic Spear?

I suddenly remembered that when I left Mexico, the company traitor Stroll had already gotten involved with the Nordic Spears. With Stroll's background, he should have a way to grasp the company's movements, so all of this That makes sense.

As soon as the voice fell, the communicators of several of us present rang at the same time.I clicked on it immediately, and saw a satellite map displayed on the screen, and there was an area outlined in a red circle on it.

Just at a glance, I recognized the geographical location shown on this map.

It is the southern part of the African continent where we are now, and the place marked by the red circle is an area with relatively sparse vegetation, and the picture resolution is relatively high. You can see that there are many temporary structures densely packed there. The tent, in the center, also parked a helicopter.

From where we are, there is only a river, less than one kilometer away!

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