This time, we barely survived the disaster, which is already a blessing in misfortune.

Kill the girl and save the three of us.

From any perspective, this is a very rational idea.

But as a person of flesh and blood, I don't want to accept his suggestion, because I can't do it, and I don't want to see the girl get hurt.


Seeing that I was unmoved, the water man begged again and again: "Please, you can't risk our lives for her, right?"

"To shut up!"

I was already upset because of what happened in these years, but listening to him chattering, my backlog of emotions burst out all of a sudden.

Hearing this, Shuiren was silent like a cicada, not daring to say another word.

The atmosphere fell into a deathly silence for a moment. I held the girl in my arms, lowered my head, and kept thinking about countermeasures in my mind.

Although I don't want to do what the water man said, but under the premise that the girl's ability will go berserk, I have to admit that he is right.

For three days, we spent another three days in this pitch-black darkness.

During these three days, both me and the Shuiren lived in fear.

Even though the girl did not appear in the same situation as before, we still tensed our nerves all the time and maintained a high level of vigilance.

Counting the time, it has been more than ten days since I took the girl into the underground watershed.

For the past few days, I have been living in the underground water basin to make food, and I have survived, but the girl has never woken up. For her safety, I can only crush the blind fish that came up and chew out the juice Come and feed her bit by bit.

But even so, I can still feel the girl's vital signs gradually weakening.

My heart is very contradictory.

Hopefully she wakes up, but hopefully she stays asleep, at least until we get back to normal.


I don't know how long it took, but in the darkness, I vaguely heard a childish whisper.

I was a little puzzled at first, but I came back to my senses in a flash.

"She's waking up!"

As soon as the voice fell, I felt the boat shake, and then the water man shouted: "I told you a long time ago! I told you to kill her! If you don't listen, it's over, we're all going to die!"

The girl's body trembled involuntarily in my arms, and a familiar sense of fear arose spontaneously in my heart.


I took a deep breath, and after trying to stabilize my mind, I reached out and covered the girl's mouth and nose.

No matter how powerful she is, she is no different from ordinary people in some aspects.

For example, oxygen.

The lack of oxygen will cause a coma. Although I don't know if there will be any after-effects, it is better than killing her, or doing nothing.


I could feel that the girl was inhaling hard, but I blocked her mouth and nose, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't take even a breath of air.

The girl's lungs contracted sharply, and the fear in my heart also reached its peak in an instant.


The boat that the body of the water man turned into has ripples.

A moment later, relying on my feeling, I let go of my hand at the moment when the girl was about to suffocate and go into shock.

A large amount of fresh air was sucked into her lungs, and after a few quick breaths, the girl regained her composure and fell asleep peacefully.

And the pressure her ability gave us also disappeared without a trace.


I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead. Fortunately, I still have the chance and time to react this time, and the method I came up with still works.

"I don't mind if you risk your life, but please don't get on me!"

Just as I breathed a sigh of relief, the water man roared at me, with countless anger and heart palpitations in his voice.

"I know."

I responded lightly.

According to the distance estimated by the water man at the beginning, we only need to last for a few more days. After a few days, we will be able to leave this damned place.

When we return to normal human society, there are many ways.

Of course, what I expected was an overly perfect ideal state, but the reality is naturally impossible to be so smooth. In the next five days, the girl lost control again.

I did it again, but it still nearly killed us.

The communication between me and the water man has become less and less, but I can still feel that this guy's resentment towards me is getting deeper and deeper.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, between him and me, it's nothing more than mutual use.

On almost the sixth day, a beam of light suddenly appeared in the darkness ahead!

Not only me, but also the water man became excited, and the half-man, half-fish monster who had been following us was also excitedly turning up the waves.

Where we are now is a karst cave washed out by an underground river.

That beam of sunlight was projected from the gap in the ground, and that gap was only less than two meters away from the water surface.

"Don't get excited!"

I felt the deck under my feet start to surge, and I immediately scolded the flusher.

Immediately he calmed down, and drove me and the girl to the bottom of the gap. This exit is very small, probably only a few fingers of mine can pass through.

But it is not difficult for me to enlarge this opening.

After a few strokes, I widened the opening enough for an adult to pass through, and then I climbed out with the girl.


The long-lost sun shines on the body, and the comfortable feeling can hardly be described in words.

The sound of the waves was ringing in my ears. Only then did I realize that we were right next to a river. The plastic waste that can be seen everywhere told me that there must be a gathering place of human beings nearby.

Glancing at the pale girl, I sighed slightly.

"Hey hey hey..."

At this time, the water man also came out, but the first thing he did after he came out surprised me.

His body is made of water, almost transparent, and it feels very weird when viewed in such a brightly lit place.

I saw him lying on the gap, laughing and waving to the half-fish half-human monster below: "Idiot, it's time to say goodbye!"

From the way he looks, he doesn't seem to be planning to take that monster with us.


As soon as he finished speaking, a jet of water sprayed out from under the gap.

Although the water man didn't suffer any harm, he seemed to be half irritated. After swearing, he moved a rock the size of a basketball and threw it down the gap.

"Go to hell you!"

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