My thinking was a bit naive, when I approached the girl, a pair of soybean-sized eyes suddenly appeared on this thing that looked like a sea urchin.


At the same time, the thorns on its top began to collide with each other, making a sound like the wind blowing leaves.

I understand it is warning me.

Considering the safety of the girl, I hesitated and put down the tweezers.

Although I'm not in a desperate situation right now, this situation still makes me irritated. After a few hours of walking around the laboratory, I started to walk elsewhere.

The stone walls on all four sides of this laboratory are connected by a corridor. Relying on my courage, I chose a corridor at random and walked in.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have thought that there would be such a magnificent underground building in this mountain ruins.

Along the way, bored, I carefully observed the murals on the corridor wall.

Even after years of erosion, these murals are still clearly visible.

It's just that the pattern is too abstract, and I'm not an expert in this field, so I can only guess while watching, and roughly understand the meaning.

The Mayan civilization has written a brilliant stroke in the long river of history, and it has left various mysteries for later generations.

In that era of low productivity and starvation, the Mayans possessed extremely advanced knowledge. Their research in astronomy, calendar, mathematics, etc., was even equivalent to the modern times a few centuries later. It is a pity that this advanced civilization came Go too fast, after they disappeared, only those ruins buried in the deep mountains and old forests, and some remnants of Mayan blood...

"Hey buddy."

Just as I was walking through this intricate passage, I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

The voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

Before I could look in the direction of the sound, a stream of water suddenly emerged from the gap in the stone wall of the facing wall.

Is it because it has been in disrepair for a long time and leaks?But what happened to that sound just now?

My vigilance made me retreat subconsciously.

The water that emerged from 10 minutes fell to the ground, and then under my gaze, the pool of water actually stood up, wriggling and forming the appearance of a person.

In an instant, I remembered the reformed man who gave me the middle finger when I first entered here.

It's just that half of this guy's body was melted in the water at that time, and now I can see his original appearance clearly. He is about the same height as me, but his figure is relatively thin, with a bald head, no matter how blurry he is. Only a rough outline can be discerned, and... this guy is naked,
However, as a waterman like him, even if he had clothes, he probably wouldn't be able to wear them.

"Get out of the way." I said calmly.

"Oh man, be nice."

The water man leaned against the wall carelessly, propped his head on one hand, and said with a smile: "I know you want to take that dangerous chick out of here."

It can be seen that he is very frivolous.

However, so far, besides the young girl, he is the first modified person I have met here who can communicate with me normally.

"so what?"

I laughed and clenched my fists, speaking with lightning speed, and before he could react, I punched his head off.

Earlier, this guy took advantage of my defenselessness and forced me to cut off my own arm. I remember this hatred very clearly.

At the same time as the water splashed, his angry curses came from his ears.

"Oh! Shit!"

As I expected, for a modified person like him, ordinary physical means can't do anything about him.

Just like my punch just now, in other people's words, he would belch as soon as his head was broken, but he was different. He was hardly affected by the blown head, and the water droplets on his neck surged. In the blink of an eye, a new head grew.

"Hey buddy! Will violence solve the problem?"


I glanced at him indifferently, and it was obvious that he was a little displeased with my behavior just now, but that was all. I was almost sure that he came to me to ask for something.

The water man was choked by my words, and after a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Don't you want to leave here with that scary girl?"

I narrowed my eyes slightly, and I probably guessed what he was thinking. He is far more familiar with this place than I am. If I don't want to sit here and wait to die, then I can indeed make a deal with him. I will give him what he wants. Yes, and he helped me get the girl out of here, but...

"Why should I trust you?"

I'm not a three year old anymore.

There is no reason to easily believe a guy who popped up out of nowhere, and opened his mouth to make a very tempting condition for me. Who knows that he wasn't sent by the old man to test me?

"This one……"

The water man scratched his head, looking a little funny.

"I can take you somewhere."

"Where?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Follow me." He chuckled, and then his whole body turned into a puddle of water, rolling on the ground, and the speed of advancement was not slow.

I hesitated for a while and followed. The reason why I decided to go with him was because I had fought against him before, knew his strength well, and knew that he couldn't hurt me at all, and secondly, it was because I I can only wait here for the illusory hope.

Since he can give me a better idea, why don't I try it?
In this way, I followed him through the intricate passages, turned and turned, and soon arrived in front of a stone room, but it was not so easy to pass here, because at the door of this stone room, a blind man was squatting man.

Brown skin, shabby clothes, a mess of dry hair, and a weird white pupil staring at me.


When he opened his mouth, his voice was as shrill as melted glass.

Are there rehabilitated guards?So this is probably what the old man said 'the place you can't go'?

The corner of my mouth twitched slightly, and then I glanced at the water flowing along the corner of the wall.

Obviously, this man didn't notice the existence of the water man, but why didn't the water man remind me before coming here?on purpose?
"I'll let you go!"

Suddenly, the man stumbled a few steps towards me, pointed at the air beside me, and roared hysterically: "This is not the place for you! Get out of here! Or I'll kill you!"

I am a little surprised.

Is this horse riding really blind?

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