"what's up?"

Hearing my words, Vijay became interested.

I thought about it for a while, and the only person who can help me now is him, so I said in a deep voice:

"I want to see a woman."


Vijay was stunned for a moment, but then his complexion changed drastically, and he shook his head quickly: "If you have other requests, maybe I can try to help you complete it, but this is impossible, I can't do this, and the prison I can't go to her place, and even if I go in desperately, I will definitely be found out about my true identity, and you know what will happen to her."

"is it hard?"

I'm a little puzzled. Hasn't he been in and out of the company for a long time? With his ability, there should be no problem.

If even he can't let me see Yucheng Yao, then I really don't know who to turn to for help.

"You do not understand."

Vijay shook his head, his face was a little ugly, he used his fingers to draw grooves on the bed sheet.

"This is an approximate map of the base."

He said, "You are in the south and she is in the north. Whether I can pass safely or not is another matter."

"You are not afraid of death, do you still care about this?"

I said in a joking tone.

Although I know it's selfish to say such words, but I really want to see Yucheng Yao, so I can only ask him.

Vijay smiled wryly and said: "I'm not afraid of death, but the place where she was held was heavily guarded, and there were no less than three powerful reformed guards there. Let you go see her."

Hearing this, I fell silent.

Could it be that I can only have a chance to meet Yucheng Yao if I am forced to complete the tasks assigned to me by the doctor?
"Sorry, I can't help you fulfill your wish." Vijay patted my shoulder and said apologetically.

"If you have anything else you want to do, I will do my best to help you do it."


I sighed, now I don't think about anything other than seeing Yucheng Yao.

"You should be fully capable of leaving the company, right?"

After a while, I suddenly asked.

This is also what I am curious about. After all, with Yiweijie's current ability, it is not too easy for him to simply leave the company. After all, it does not matter if there is an accident, and he will not die.

"of course."

Vijay smiled, as if he knew what I was about to ask, and said: "There is a reason for me to stay here, as you know, I am a member of the Nordic Spear, and it is one of my tasks to lurk here , coupled with my ability, it is no surprise that I became the best undercover agent."

I knew it in my heart and didn't ask any more questions.

Regarding the Nordic Spear, I haven't had much dealings with them, but not long ago, I just read their relevant information. They know the existence of human transformation, and they are very interested in the technology of human transformation that the company has mastered .

This is probably one of the reasons why Vijay is still stranded here.

Relatively speechless, after a long time, Vijay suddenly stood up and said, "I heard that you are going to perform a mission soon?"




I nodded and didn't want to say more.

He can go to most places here, so I'm not surprised he knows that.

"I wish you a smooth journey."

Vijay put on his mask again, picked up the plate, and turned to leave.

"I've stayed long enough. If there is no accident, I will come to you again in six hours."

After leaving these words, he opened the door and walked out without looking back.

I glanced at the approximate map he had drawn on the bed, wiped it off with a wave of my hand, and lay helplessly on the bed, quietly waiting for Vijay's next arrival.

Now, the only person I can talk to in the company is him.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the change. When six hours passed, the person who came to deliver my food had already changed.

I was surprised when I saw this strange armed man.

"Where's the person who brought me food before?"


Just two words, gave me a blow to the head, what's going on?Has Vijay been found?

After staying in this nearly airtight cage for two full days, I finally had the opportunity to get out.

Accompanied by two assistants, I changed into a normal person's clothes, and then they sent me to a helicopter. When I was about to leave, they gave me a communicator and a stack of documents.

"Remember, we have to live."

When we were about to leave, one of the assistants gave me some advice.


On the helicopter, I opened the folder, and there was not only information about the rebel scientific researcher, but also a detailed map of Mexico.

According to the data, the rebellious scientific researcher was a black man in his 60s.

At such an age, you still do things that cost your own life?

While I felt a little funny, I noticed my destination, which was an undeveloped Mayan ruins. It was also specially marked on the map, and there were a lot of active drug dealers in that area.

However, this is nothing to me, after all, no matter how many drug dealers there are, they are just not cheating people.

Now I am fully capable of fighting against a team of dozens of people alone.

After browsing through it roughly, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and meditated.

For the next 24 hours, I was tossed and turned in various means of transportation, and finally, after a full day, I came to the border.

The company has prepared everything for me, such as a passport.

All I had to do was cross the border, I was in Mexico, and after that, it was all on my own.

To be honest, for this task, I actually didn't take it seriously.

It's just a group of ordinary people. As long as the researcher is still alive when I find him, I'm sure I can bring him back.


All processes are handled by the company, and it is doing well.

I passed the border easily, waved, got on a bus, and continued to move between transportation and transportation

After all, the place I'm going to, although the drug criminals are active, they won't pass through the deep mountains and old forests.

Two days later, I was still more than 100 kilometers away from my destination.

You can reach your destination by crossing the slums in front of you.

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