After spring, it is the time of war for the wild people on the island, and they will fight for their beliefs.

At this time, we don't have to worry about encountering savages when we travel through the jungle, but we must be prepared to spend the night in heavy rain.

Because, the savages call this period of war the black rainy season. The black rainy season is not because the sky is about to rain black, but because during this period, the nights are dark and rainy.

"It's just as dangerous to come to a deserted island during this period, but it's better than during the red rainy season."

From the bottom of my heart, I can't help but feel lucky for those possible survivors. If they had come more than ten days earlier, I'm afraid none of them would have survived.

Because of Xi'er's familiarity with the forest, we walked for about a day with ease, and a huge mountain appeared in front of us.This north-south mountain is full of greenery, fertile soil, and covered with towering trees.

I am very happy to see a mountain, because the vegetation on this mountain is so dense and tall, which means that we have finally stepped out of the Koster landform area!

"Brother Zhang, we have crossed this mountain and will enter the territory of the marsupial lion. Are you ready?"

Xi'er wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at me with a smile.

Nodding confidently, I took her hand and went into the woods.It's getting late now, and we're going to find a place to spend the night on this hillside.

In the end, we failed to find the cave, so we had to build a temporary stronghold on a sunken rock wall.

Because the space inside the rock wall is very small, Xi'er and I had no choice but to hug each other tightly.

"It's a pleasant feeling."

I thought silently in my heart.

The hard rocks behind me are cold and uncomfortable right now.I had no choice but to hug Xi'er's petite body in my arms, put my head on her head, and smell her fresh and moving fragrance.

It's not that I want to take advantage of it, it's just that it's raining heavily outside, and the wind and rain are hitting the ground desperately. We can only keep warm if we hug each other so that we don't get wet.

The torrential rain at night was terrible. Once it got wet and caused wind and cold, it would definitely be a big trouble.

The girlish fragrance of Xi'er made me feel very peaceful, and she also seemed to like my hug very much, her body curled up slightly, like a cute kitten.

I couldn't help but put my lips on her neck...

"Stop making trouble, brother Zhang, we have to hurry tomorrow!"

Xi'er was very itchy by me, her laughing branches trembled wildly.

"Brother Zhang, you are too bad, we can't do this, sister Qing has taught me everything, you are bullying me!"

Xi'er stared at me angrily.

Looking at Qian'er's ignorant and cute look, the flame in my heart couldn't help but extinguished a lot, and I was full of guilt. Although this girl is not young and has developed well, she is still completely indifferent to this aspect of things. A blank sheet of paper.

I just had something to do with her, so it was inevitable that I might be suspected of cheating.

This made me calm down immediately.

So, this night, listening to the sound of rain, we all slowly fell into a deep sleep.

Even when she was asleep, the smile on Xi'er's face was very sweet...

Despite the heavy rain last night, the next day was a sunny day.

The mountains under our feet are endless horizontally, but vertically, they are not very high. It didn't take us much time to climb to the top of the mountain. Standing on a high place and looking down, everything can be seen at a glance.

On the other side of the mountain is a temperate broad-leaved forest, mainly tall tree species such as birch.

What makes Xi'er and I very happy is that when we stand here, we can see at a glance that in the southeast corner of the large forest under our feet, there is a plane that is still slightly smoking!
The tattered metal shell of the plane shone dazzlingly in the sun.

Taking a closer look, the place where the plane is located is even closer to a beach.This beach is on the edge of the forest, so there will be fewer wildlife.

It seems that these new guys are really lucky, maybe many of them will survive.

However, to put it bluntly, this may not be a good thing for me.

It's nice to have new survivors, but if there are too many and they are united, I would choose to stay away from them as much as possible.

I don't want to hurt myself or a few girls because of my underestimation of the evil of human nature.

With a precise target, Xi'er and I moved faster.

After going through many hardships, we finally came to the forest at the foot of the mountain, but unfortunately we were still a little far away from the beach where the plane was.

The so-called Wangshan ran a dead horse, we looked very close on the mountain, and when we walked down, this length made me tired and exhausted.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Xi'er and I had to take a second rest in the forest.

While looking for a suitable place to live, I was very alert and found some abnormalities. There are really marsupial lion claw marks on the tree trunks in this forest!
Moreover, the paw prints of those marsupial lions are the same old and new, but different in size.

This shows that there is more than one marsupial lion in this place!
That night, Xi'er and I were a little worried, for fear of being attacked by a marsupial lion in the middle of the night.

We took turns keeping watch, and managed to get through the second day safely.

After waking up on the third day, our actions became more cautious, and the travel speed slowed down again.

But this afternoon, we still came near the body of the crashed plane!
The huge steel wreckage like a hill gives people a shocking feeling. It reveals an aura of the end of civilization, which seems to imply that technological civilization will eventually be completely defeated by the barbarism of the deserted island.I can't help but feel a little sad.

Half an hour later, Xi'er and I left the wreckage of the plane with two extra flashlights and some burnt clothes in our hands.

We didn't find anything to eat in the plane, it's clearly been looted!
It seems that someone has survived, and they are likely to be on the beach.

"Come on, let's go see the situation!"

I took Xi'er's hand and rushed towards the beach.

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