What the unknown brings to me is more fear than curiosity.

I wish someone could tell me at this point where they want to take me and what to do.

But to my dismay, this is not possible.

Before I passed out completely, I vaguely remembered that I seemed to be sent to an all-white room, facing my shadowless lamp, which made my eyes dry and my vision even more blurred.

"Adrenaline, increase the dose, add..."

This was the last sentence I heard, it seemed to be a man's voice, and it didn't seem to be.

Then I fell into a complete coma and had a long dream.

In the dream, I was standing on a high altar.

Behind it is a quaint stone building, covered with moss, and the weird totems stretch their teeth and claws, flapping their limbs like they are alive.

I looked overhead, the foggy sky was a little red.

Bow your head, under the altar, there are all kinds of unimaginable rare beasts, giants and dwarves, and even some creatures that are difficult to describe in words.

They prostrated themselves on the ground and bowed down to me devoutly.

Why are they doing this?
I couldn't figure it out, I wanted to speak, but when I opened my mouth, what came out of my throat was a gurgling sound.

This makes me a little puzzled.

I was as sluggish as a stone, and just stood there quietly, allowing these monsters to kneel down.

I don't know how long it has passed, and I don't know what kind of power drove me. I took a look at my hands and my body. It doesn't matter if I don't look at it.

My hands are no longer human, but a pair of four-fingered claws.

The palms are covered with blue scales, and the black nails are like sickles, each of which is more than ten centimeters long. Looking at my body, there is no clothing to cover it.

Unsurprisingly, my body is no longer a human body.

Hunk like... like a monster.

The bucket-like legs look powerful, and a few strands of brown-yellow fluff are entangled around my ankles.

What's wrong with me?
My mind was a little dull, and I couldn't figure out why I became like this. Looking behind me, I didn't know when I had an extra strong tail with barbs on the tip.

what is this?
Countless doubts arise in my heart, but no one can answer them for me.

Suddenly, at this time, the red sky thundered, and the thunder beat my soul like a drum.

After an unknown amount of time, I saw a strange ray of light emerge from the clouds, and then that ray formed a tall shadow in front of me, and gradually, the shadow became clear.

Judging by its appearance, it is no different from me now.

this is me?
I looked at the tall shadow in front of me, and I couldn't help but have this idea in my heart, but at this moment, I had another idea in my heart, which kept telling me.

No, this person who is neither human nor ghost is definitely not me.

I stared at his unfriendly eyes, and instinctively wanted to escape, but despite my legs, I couldn't move half a distance.

I didn't see the monster talking, but I heard his voice.

"It's your pleasure."

pleasure?What an honor?
Just when I was wondering, the monster stretched out a sharp claw to me, and the tip of his claw penetrated into my head so easily.

In an instant, I felt as if my soul was about to be stripped away.

"Be my container."

His voice rang again in my head.

I understand, and I'm afraid, this monster wants my body?Who is he and where did he come from?

My soul continues to suffer unparalleled pain.

Just when I thought I was going to die, my eyes snapped open.

The glaring white light made me temporarily blind, but also calmed me down.

The memory faults in my mind were organized bit by bit, and this made me realize that what I just experienced was just a dream...

But I still have lingering fears.

Not for anything else, just because this dream was so real, it was as real as if everything had really happened...

I tried my best to tell myself in my heart that this was all a dream.

This made me feel a little better.

too frightening.

I can clearly feel that I am covered in cold sweat now, and the pictures I saw in my dreams will appear in my mind from time to time.

I just quietly looked at the shadowless lamp above my head, I don't know how long it took, and I finally recovered.


I exhaled, feeling physically and mentally exhausted.

If I could, I would never let myself have such a dream, that pain, that sense of fear, which forced me to almost collapse.

After finally recovering, I began to observe everything around me.

Only then did I realize that I seemed to be lying on an operating table, my hands and feet were tightly bound, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break free.

The surrounding walls seemed to be freshly painted, shining white.

There is only one closed door here, and I don't know where it leads.

where is this?
I remembered the last scene I saw before the meeting, why did those people bring me here, what did they do to me?
I opened my mouth, but when I opened my mouth, there was only a gurgling sound in my throat.

Can't speak.

Quiet, the whole room was extremely quiet except for the beeping sound of the EKG machine.

After trying to struggle, but to no avail, I gave up in vain.

I feel that since they brought me here, I just need to wait, and I should be able to communicate with those who brought me here, and when the time comes, I should be able to know what I want to know.

After finally relaxing, I stared blankly at the door at first.

Suddenly, I felt a pain in my brain. This pain was like a big hand tearing my brain in my mind.

For a while, I recalled the scene in my dream.

It even made me want to die.

When I thought of death, I was taken aback for a moment, and my mood suddenly improved a lot.

When I fell from a high altitude, I thought that I would be smashed to pieces, and my life would end.

I even said goodbye to everyone who knew me in my heart, and apologized to my old father, Xiao Qing and the others.

But who would have thought that I would survive in the end.

As long as I'm alive, no matter what happens to me next, it's not a problem!

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