The company and the US government are inextricably linked.

Even if the two are not connected to each other, it is undeniable that the company has an absolute position in the government, and high-level officials definitely have their influencers and secretly cultivated forces.

Once this time, the blacks report what happened just now.

It is very likely that under the influence of the company, major events will be reduced to minor events, so that I cannot achieve my goal.

"Really? Since you have said so, I must report to the doctor."

However, the black man didn't want to do what I said, so he raised his hand and pressed on the screen showing the road map.

Seeing that his finger was about to touch the screen, I said flatly, "It's fine if you want to die, but don't drag me along."

Sure enough, after hearing my words, his fingers stopped.

Turning around, he stared at me: "What do you mean?"

"Hit-and-run is fine. Do you know the concept of assaulting the police? So many local police officers died at once. If things get serious, we will be wanted by the whole country. Don't you want to complete the mission?"

I deliberately looked at him with idiot eyes.

After hearing this, the black man hesitated again and again, but withdrew his hand.

As the night gradually came, I stopped at the third small town we passed along the way. On the edge of this small town, there was a motel, where you could also wash your car and refuel, and you could also rest.

And our blood-stained truck needs exactly this kind of service.

As soon as the car stopped, a guy in his early twenties ran over.

"Hey! How can I help?"

This guy was wearing a hat and a plaid shirt with beautiful eyes. He looked at the blood on the front of our truck and was slightly taken aback.

The black face suddenly darkened, and he gave Darry a wink.

Get rid of him if necessary!
I keenly sensed a slight change in the surrounding air, and I knew it was caused by Darry's ability.

If the young man in front of him had any abnormal behavior, his body would definitely be separated immediately.

But fortunately, the young man was very smart, and the phone turned and said, "Oh, man, this thing is not easy to clean... need to pay more."

After finishing speaking, we rubbed our hands together.

"Money? Easy to say."

Only then did the black man's expression soften, he took out a large stack of banknotes, and threw them directly into the young man's hands.

The money, not to mention anything else, is enough to buy the motel in front of me.

"Three rooms, car wash, if you look well, you can get more!"

"Okay, please come in!"

The young man who got the money smiled, but he didn't realize what kind of dangerous person he was facing.

Soon, the three of us each had a separate room.

Although the hotel looks shabby from the outside, the rooms are well appointed and feel warm and cozy.

Through the car window, I saw that workers were already cleaning the blood-stained truck.


I washed my face, looked at myself in the mirror and let out a long breath.

Fortunately, based on the principle of not causing trouble, I can have a good rest tonight.

Boom boom boom!
Before I could recover, someone knocked on the door of the guest room. When I opened the door, I saw a blonde with a hot body.

The clothes are very revealing, but the looks are very ordinary.

Even standing still, there is a smell of inferior perfume wafting over.

"Do you want to serve?"

Of course I know what 'service' means, but I'm in a life-or-death situation all the time, so of course I don't have time to do this, not to mention I don't like this kind of stuff.

But just when I was about to refuse, I decided to keep her.

"Oh, I'll make you so comfortable you want to see God."

I ignored the girl's flirtatious words, but turned around and walked to the bed, and took out a wad of banknotes from the coat I had just taken off.

Money is nothing to a company.

In order to prepare for emergencies, before we left, we threw a box in the carriage, and it was roughly estimated that there were a million of them.

"Want it?"

I smiled slightly and asked.

"of course."

As soon as I finished speaking, the girl in front of me had already started to take off, but I didn't have to go around in circles, "I only have one request, as long as you can do it, the money is yours."

"Ten or eight is fine." The girl readily agreed.

I laughed, and after whispering a few times in her ear, I dropped the money, tiptoedly opened the window, and flipped out quietly.

Without anyone noticing, I came to a deserted place nearly a kilometer away.

Talk here, no one can hear you.

Moreover, the mobile phone also has a signal. For me, this is an excellent location.

Turned on the phone, pressed the number, and dialed Fire Monkey and the others.


As soon as the phone was connected, the tentative voice of the fire monkey came from inside.

Of course, I couldn't be more familiar with his voice, and I cursed with a smile: "Hey, you ghost, you are too fucking courageous, you dare to break into the company's branch, are you desperate? ?”

After finishing speaking, I clearly felt that the fire monkey on the other end of the phone was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, his joyful voice came: "Your grandma, you still want to contact us? You woman is going crazy, where are you now?"

But soon the fire monkey calmed down, and began to ask me about serious matters.

"I don't know. In a motel."

I thought for a while and said, after all, the road map given by the company is not marked, and I really don't know where it is, "By the way, I just passed the border not far away!"

This is probably the only worthwhile clue I can offer right now.

"Isn't it far?"

On the other end of the phone, Fire Monkey was silent for a moment, "You're a little vague, we'll try to arrive within three days!"

"Three days? Are you kidding me? I only have two days at most. If you don't make it, the things will have to be handed over to the people at the company headquarters!"

Hearing what he said, I even had the urge to drop the pick.

I tied my head to my waist for that piece of shit, and now they only need to find me, and it takes three days?

"Brother, we are now on the territory of another country. You thought it would be so easy to find you. A continent is that big..."

On the other end of the phone, came the voice of the fire monkey smiling wryly.

"You can do it yourself."

Considering my current situation, I didn't say much, immediately hung up the phone, turned around and walked towards the hotel.

Two days, at most two days, if Fire Monkey's support is not timely.

Then there is nothing I can do.

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