"We've already got what we deserve. The task has been successfully completed. You've done a good job."

After a few minutes of silence, the doctor finally spoke.

But the dark cloud on his face never dissipated. While I was worried, I couldn't understand why he still looked like this since the mission had been successfully completed.

Suddenly, the doctor asked again: "Karen is dead, isn't she?"


As soon as I said these words, I saw that the cloud on the doctor's face became more cloudy, and I couldn't help but feel my heart tighten, and I lowered my head firmly.

It seems that Karen's death is not insignificant, too, after all, Karen is a modified person created by the company after a lot of painstaking efforts, especially when dealing with humans, Karen is a veritable killer.

Could it be that he intends to use this to punish me?

As soon as this thought popped up, all the nerves in my body tensed up at this moment. If this is the case, then if I want to live, maybe I can only...

Hijack him!

I, who have been thinking about getting out of here, of course don't want you to use such a trick, because the risk is too great.

However, if there is really no way to be cornered, that's all I can do.

However, what the doctor said next made me feel a little relieved.

"Dead, just die..."

The doctor frowned, and his gloomy eyes fell on me, "Don't you have something important to report to me? Come and listen."

Doesn't seem to take Karen's death seriously?
I secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then described my experience in the strange world behind the stone gate, emphasizing it.

I told the doctor that tens of thousands of people sent to the ancient world have been affected by radiation and turned into ferocious and violent monsters, and for them, human beings are a delicacy that can arouse their appetite.

Moreover, those monsters are gradually approaching the exit of the strange world!

Once those monsters come to normal time, it will cause irreversible and serious consequences. We must quickly move Shimen to a safe place.

"The scientific research team was also killed by monsters. You must already know this."

I carefully conceived the lie that I made up, and confirmed that there was no loophole in it.

In fact, apart from Wu, the other monsters didn't even dare to leave the gathering area.

Not to mention leaving the island and coming to the normal world.

However, I am the only one who has come back alive since childhood, and there is no second person who knows the truth of the matter.

This is also part of my escape plan.

As long as I create a crisis that the company cannot resist, then they will definitely take the necessary action.

At that time, it's my chance to leave this ghost place!
"Well, I've seen the video data... Those creatures are very strange. For the time being, we don't have any effective weapons to deal with them. It will take time to develop them."

The doctor nodded, his eyes showed an unprecedented seriousness, "If this is the case, we must move Shimen as soon as possible, but..."

As he spoke, the doctor's frown deepened.

"It's just that at present, the branch has internal and external troubles, and many enemies are staring at us..."


I grasped the word keenly. You must know that the location of this company is in a desolate canyon. Generally speaking, no one will come here at all.

What's more, this is the mainland of the United States.

How could there be a large number of enemies gathered nearby?

"Didn't you notice that the number of patrols has doubled?"

The doctor said with a sullen face.

This sentence reminded me, and immediately reminded me of the patrolling personnel coming and going when I went to the meeting room.

It turned out to be the case.

Then, from the doctor's mouth, I learned about the recent situation of the base and the root cause of the assignment of patrol personnel.

Just half a month ago, a team of remodelers who didn't know where they came from rushed directly into the branch. After a fierce battle, the team of remodelers smashed around the base and had to retreat in the end.

In the following time, every person sent by the company would be mercilessly killed.

In desperation, the company branch opened an emergency state of martial law.

"It's an Asian organization."

As the doctor said, he paused, "But if, as you said, the situation behind Shimen is so bad, then we must move Shimen as soon as possible."

The doctor was lost in thought.

But I was disturbed by the information I just learned.

Organizations in Asia, just smashed into the base and then left?
After thinking about it, I couldn't help crying in my heart, and cried a few times.

I'm afraid, this matter is probably done by Fire Monkey and the others...

It was hard to imagine that the three of them dared to rush into the heavily guarded company branch.

While I couldn't help scolding them for being stupid, I was also a little moved.

Even if I think about it with my knees, I know that they must have risked their lives to break into this place because of me...

Not long after, the doctor interrupted my thoughts, "Now the base is short of manpower, so if you want to transfer Shimen, I'm afraid the task will have to be handed over to you."

"Resolutely complete the task!"

I immediately stood up straight and said sonorously.

Everything is in my expectation, even smoother than I expected

"The importance of Shimen is very important to me, and even to the whole company."

The doctor stood up, walked in front of me, looked at me quietly, then raised his hand and pressed it on my shoulder, "However, I trust you, I hope you can complete the task perfectly this time. "

"But, didn't you say that every time people are sent out, they will be mercilessly killed? If this is the case, how should we transfer?"

I feigned doubts and asked.

Until this time, there was a faint smile on the doctor's face, revealing extreme confidence, "You don't have to worry about this, just come to me at this time tomorrow, and I will arrange people to go with you of."


I nodded in agreement.

Now that the company is short of manpower, presumably even if someone is sent to transfer Shimen with me, there will not be too many people going with me.

In the event of an unexpected situation, I can get rid of other people, and then take Shimen away.

Just after I gradually became more cheerful, the ceiling above my head suddenly lit up with a red light, followed by a piercing siren.


"what happened?"

I immediately recovered from my excitement, and looked at the doctor whose expression sank again.I saw his thin lips parted slightly, and he said every word.

"The intruder, here we come again."

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