The distance between me and Wu is less than 20 meters. Every time he takes a step towards me, the oppression he brings to me becomes greater.

Moreover, every time he took a step, several arms would re-grow on his body.

Perhaps it was because he just ate, he didn't seem to be in a hurry to kill me, and soon, when he walked in front of me, his body had grown dense arms as before.

And these arms covered his bluish withered cheeks.

However, although I can't see his face clearly now, I still feel his mockery towards me.

"Ha ha……"

Wu made a dry sound, and stretched out the two hands at the front of his body towards me.

The speed is not fast, but I am still full of defense.


As expected, my vigilance was not wrong. When these two hands reached my face, they suddenly accelerated.

I hastily retreated a few steps.

But the chainsaw I had been holding tightly in my hand was snatched by Wu.

This is his purpose?
Wu Momo played with the chainsaw and remained silent for a long time.

In the entire laboratory, the only sound left was the roar of the chainsaw motor.

Are you going to fight fire with fire?
Looking at me now, I probably figured out why he wanted to snatch the chainsaw.

I was just about to chop off his hand with a chainsaw, and now he's going to treat me the way I treated him.

I glanced at the constantly turning saw blade out of the corner of my eye, and smiled wryly in my heart, if I want to use this thing to kill me, it's better to eat me directly.

He still retains a little bit of humanity, which is certainly a good thing, but at this time, the inferiority of human beings is also fully exposed.

Can't you give me a good time?


About 10 minutes later, just when I thought I was going to die, Wu suddenly spoke, with the same hoarse voice as before, "I trusted you, liar."

After finishing speaking, his two skinny hands folded seemingly randomly.


The chainsaw was broken into two pieces, a lot of parts were scattered on the ground, and the roar of the motor stopped abruptly.

I froze for a moment, but at this moment, Wu had already turned around, smashed through the wall of the laboratory with ease, and left here.

In just a few seconds, his back has disappeared from my sight.

Unexpectedly, he let me go.

I smiled wryly, and couldn't help but shook my head. Apart from happiness, the rest of my life after the catastrophe brought me a strong sense of guilt, which made me a little out of breath.

But I knew in my heart that this was just a necessary means for me to survive.

Looking around, the originally neat and clean laboratory is already a mess.

Bloodstains, glass shards, everywhere.

I carefully avoided the dirt on the ground and walked out slowly.

I'm afraid I'm the only person left alive in the entire base.

While feeling a little desolate in my heart, I couldn't suppress my excitement. Anyway, I'm finally here to the end!
You must quickly find a way to get out of the company!
"What a wonderful experiment..."

But just as I was secretly delighted, intermittent voices suddenly came from the corner next to it.

The sound sounded harsh, like a worn out old record.

But inexplicably, it made me feel very familiar. I calmed down and found the source of the sound.

It was a pile of scattered labware.

The sound came from under this pile of experimental vessels.

I found an iron rod by chance, and carefully swept away the broken glass at the top, and finally saw the owner of the voice.

It's really that skinny man who was just blown away!
No, to be more precise, he is a bionic man!

Looking at the fracture below the man's waist, my pupils shrank slightly. What flowed out of it was not blood, but pitch-black engine oil. There was no flesh and blood in the fractured wound, and it was all mechanical components.

Although only half of his body is left, and a large part of his face has been lost, he is still alive!

I take a deep breath.

In an instant, the thought of killing him came to mind.

No wonder Wu just threw him away, but didn't eat him. It turned out that Wu felt that this guy was not human...

"Although there was a little accident, we got everything we wanted."

The man was lying in a pile of broken experimental vessels, with only half a human face left on his mechanical face and he smiled strangely at me, "The mission has been successfully completed, now, you can take me back to my life."

Before the words fell, the man continued, "You'd better not have other thoughts."

"Only if the doctor sees me, this mission will be considered a successful completion. Otherwise, I shouldn't need to remind you of the mission failure, right?"

Hearing this, my face darkened.

Damn it, are you starting to threaten Lao Tzu even with a pile of scrap metal?

Everyone here is dead and I am the only one left. This is the result I most hope to see, because in this way, the only insider present is me. I can let the company know what I want them to know according to my own wishes. thing.

In this way, no matter what decision the company makes in the future, I can deal with it calmly.

But if this guy is alive, my calculations are off the table.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally sighed leisurely, there is no way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves, let's follow what this pile of broken copper and iron said.

Following the man's instructions, I went back behind the glass wall, picked up a few black arms, put them in a storage box, and brought the box out while carrying the half-body left on my back. The man walked towards the center of the base.

As I climbed the ladder leading to the outside world, I couldn't help but glance back.

The memories this ghost place brings to me are really terrible. I only hope that after this visit, I will never have to come here again.

The moment I walked through the stone gate, I felt a lot more relaxed.

Although after leaving the strange world, I am still in the dark company branch base, but even if it is full of dangers, the wild is much stronger than that strange world.

"I want to see the doctor."

The scene outside the stone gate is just like what I have seen before, with guards lined up neatly on both sides.

And that short Asian woman, also here.

When the woman saw me and the half-body man on my back, she frowned indistinctly and said coldly, "Sorry, the doctor is not free right now, I can arrange for you to take a rest first." .”

"No time?"

I was very surprised to get such a reply.

As far as I know, matters related to Shimen have the highest priority in the company.

What kind of emergency situation can make that lunatic unable to escape?

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