It's over!

I feel a tingling sensation in my scalp.

Wu's mental state was not very stable, once he was provoked, the consequences would be disastrous!

These idiots!

Of course, I knew in my heart that the surviving personnel in the base had gone through several twists and turns, and they had already become soldiers. It was understandable to open fire the moment Wu was discovered.

But, you are courting death, don't hold me back!

I hated it so much, but at this time, I had no choice but to watch Wu break through his mind, when hundreds of skinny ones poked out from his body, stretching instantly, like a broken bamboo.

The armed men who had been hiding in the high-rise buildings were directly grabbed by Wu Tan's hand and dragged out abruptly.

Several of the less fortunate armed men were killed on the spot!

And I can only hide in a hidden corner of the building amidst the hail of bullets and wait for the battle to end.

After swallowing a few corpses, Wu's severed arm was rolled with blood and flesh, and a new arm re-grown in the blink of an eye. The terrifying aura emanating from him directly made me lose the idea of ​​blocking him.

Let these armed men pay for the crimes they have committed themselves.

There's no point fighting Wu desperately for them, not to mention, I'm not even Wu's opponent.

The crow moved.

In the hail of bullets, his limbs burst into blood from time to time, but the lasers that hit him failed to stop him.


I sighed slightly, anticipating what would happen next.

Sure enough, the armed men hidden in the surrounding buildings were quickly eliminated by Wu with a force of destruction.

There were hundreds of casualties at least, but Wu became even more manic after swallowing it.

Finally, after killing all the armed men nearby, Wu turned his attention to me.

My nerves tensed immediately, and the hairs all over my body exploded.

Sure enough, you are still coming at me?

The corner of my mouth twitched slightly, I am not Wu's opponent now, if he really wants to kill me, I'm afraid it won't take long, and I will become the dead soul in his mouth.

Wu slowly approached me, and at this moment, I noticed behind him, a few people in white coats, pushing a thing that was more than one meter high and looked like a cannon, coming from a distance .

The thin man in the lead, I know.

He is the leader of the researchers sent by the doctor.

Under his signal, several scientific researchers nearby fired cannons, and then I saw a black lead ball shot towards the bird.

Can this thing blow up to death?
At this moment, I even suspect that these researchers are crazy. After all, weapons like lasers are just a joke to me, let alone such ordinary lead bullets.

Moreover, I am so damn close to the crow, are these turtle sons planning to blow up to death along with me!

I wanted to run immediately, but the moment I turned around, the lead bullet shot towards us suddenly split into six petals and scattered in all directions, pulling out a large net from it, and Wu and I were together. shrouded inside.

Oh shit!

I glanced at Wu, this guy has lost his mind now, if I was locked up with this thing, I'm afraid I would be torn to pieces.

In the nick of time, I didn't care about other things, and hurriedly rolled my donkey, only to barely escape from the enveloping range of the king.


I hurriedly got up and patted the dust off my body, then looked at the crow covered by the big net.

Crow struggled frantically, but the net made of unknown material was extremely tough, no matter how crow writhed in it, it could not break free from the shackles of the big net, and instead made the net tighter and tighter.

Moreover, the fine mesh made it impossible for hundreds of Wu's arms to stick out.


Following the low and magnetic voice of the thin man, a mechanical arm suddenly protruded from the muzzle of the metal cannon, and a hook was thrown down, directly lifting the house covered by the big net. .


Immediately afterwards, one of the scientific researchers took out a gun, shot out several injections, and stuck them firmly on Wu's body.


I guessed that it was in the injection, it should be a paralytic drug.

Because after being shot, Wu quickly calmed down, and seemed to be in a coma, motionless, letting the big net restrain him.

I took a look at these scientific researchers who came in a hurry.

They did this process smoothly, as if they had planned it long ago.

"You did a good job."

Several other scientific researchers were busy and sent Wu to other places. I was planning to go there with me, but unexpectedly, I was stopped by the skinny man in the lead.

With a calm face, he said to me in a neutral tone, "Because we have brought a test object with great research value. I will report the credit later."

"Submit another mission."

As he spoke, he held out a hand to me.

I took out a small body bag and spread it out. Inside were the fragments I had knocked from the strange tree under the sky.

I didn't go into details, but just said, "Manpower is limited, I've tried everything I can, but I can only bring back this little."


The man didn't say much, just nodded lightly, and stuffed the pieces into his pocket.

Taking advantage of this moment, I glanced at the distance. Wu's figure had disappeared at the end of a tall building, and I don't know where he was taken.

Inexplicably, I suddenly felt guilty.

Captured by the company as a monster, Wu knew without thinking that what Wu would face next would definitely be an extremely cruel and painful experiment.

This kind of fate was not what I promised him at the beginning.

Return to normal human appearance...

However, people are selfish after all. At that time, in order to save my own life, I had no choice but to make that promise to him.

Otherwise, I would not be able to stand here now.

"and many more."

Seeing the back of the man gradually going away, I chased after him and stopped him, "I have a request."

"any request?"

The man stopped, twisted his neck stiffly, looked at me calmly and asked.

"I want to see the doctor."

The man didn't speak, which made me frown, "Is it not possible?"

After a long pause, the man finally nodded under my gaze.

"Yes, yes, but before that, you have to cooperate with us to complete the experiment. When our experiment is completed, you can follow us to report to the doctor."

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