The pus in the carrion is like a boiling oil pan, constantly tumbling.

That monster was afraid of being that bird before Wu came here.

It shouldn't take long for the crow to hunt and eat it...

Of course, compared to the fight between Wu and that monster, I am more concerned about my injuries now.

Most of the injuries on my body were traumatic, only a few were corroded to the bones.

During the lingering time just now, the injury has recovered by [-] to [-]%, and there should be no problem with normal actions.

However, at the speed of a normal person, it is estimated that before I can take a few steps, Wu has already dealt with that monster.

At that time, whether Wu will treat me as food is still unknown.

"Oh shit."

If only Karen was here at this time, that woman, I shouldn't be left alone.

I was a little out of breath and slammed my fist on the ground.

Although incompetent rage can't solve the problem, I have no other way to escape now. I can only pin my hope on Wu's remaining humanity.

However, we have been separated for so long.

Moreover, during this period of time, Wu seemed to have eaten a large number of monsters, and his body had already turned into this ghostly appearance, and it was unknown whether the remaining humanity was still alive.

Bet, can only bet.

I gripped my gun tighter and watched as the pus seeped and rolled.



Soon, I saw Wu who was covered in pus. One of his hands was holding a round head. This was the head of that monster!

I saw that Wu's five fingers were deeply embedded in the monster's head, like grabbing a ball, and the other hand was torn to pieces after two moves.

I was horrified to see it.

How long has it been, 1 minute? 2 minutes?

In such a short period of time, that thing had already died in Wu's hands.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the sound of crows gnawing.

He had his back to me so I couldn't see him nibbling.

Soon, he turned around, and hundreds of hands stared straight at me, supporting him to roll towards where I was.


When he rolled out of the pile of rotten meat, Wu was still covered with disgusting pus. I wasn't sure if he would attack me, so I could only tentatively call out, "Wu?"

Hearing this, he paused towards my rolling body.

Then came to me and stopped.

I was a little happy, his humanity still exists, maybe, maybe I can leave here safely!
In a daze, I seemed to hear him making a hoarse voice, but it was too vague, and I didn't hear what he said clearly, so I had to ask tentatively, "What did you say?"

Right in front of me, Wu's dozens of arms suddenly spread out towards the surroundings, revealing an iron-blue, dull-looking human face.

I am familiar with this face, I can't be more familiar with it, it is indeed a black face.

On his stiff face, protruding dead fish eyes stared at me, and drool and thick yellow pus flowed from his wide open mouth.

"help me……"

I saw pain and struggle in his eyes.

I'm not surprised, as a normal person, no one would want to become such a ghost.

"help me!"

Suddenly, Wu roared in pain, and the hands next to his head suddenly grabbed my neck.

Helpless because of the injuries on my body now, I can't hide even if I want to.

He could only grab the neck tightly and lift it up.

Compared with the corroded pain all over my body, I ignored this feeling of suffocation. I barely held my breath and said intermittently, "If you want, you can go back to the base with me. Trust the company The person above, there must be a way to restore you to a normal person..."

The technology and medical technology owned by the company are top-notch in the world.

Especially for the research on transforming people, but no force should be able to surpass them.

Although the changes in Wu are slightly different from those of the transformed man, this should be what the company's mad scientists are interested in. It shouldn't be difficult for them to figure out the changes in Wu.

However, it is estimated that they are more inclined to use Wu as an experiment than to make him return to a normal person.

I'm aware of this, but right now the most important thing is to save my life.

I can only use topics that Wu is interested in first, and ask him to help me get out of here together.

Otherwise, this guy's current mental state is not very stable at first glance. Once Wu gets angry, I don't think my end will be much better than the monster he just tore into pieces.

"Normal people..."

Hearing this word, I repeated it hoarsely, my mood stabilized, and the hand that was pinching my neck relaxed.


I fell to the ground and took a few breaths before I came back to my senses.

I looked at Wu, who was looking at the hands growing out of his head, "Can I still become a normal person?"

"Yes, I promise."

I reluctantly raised the corners of my mouth and said with a smile, "Trust me, they must have a way to restore you to your original state, as long as you can take me out of here."

After a long time, Wu Cai nodded stiffly.

"I believe you."

For the next hour, I stayed where I was and waited for my body to heal itself. From time to time, I would glance at Wu who was quietly beside me.

He looked at me quietly like a paralyzed face, the saliva in his mouth couldn't stop flowing down.

I once suspected that this guy had the urge to eat me.

It is also thanks to his little humanity that prevented him from attacking me.

An hour later, my injuries were almost healed. I stood up, put the gun in my trouser pocket, and greeted Wu, "You can go."

Wu answered me with actions.

Around his head, the loose hands returned to their original positions, covering his face, and followed my footsteps, rolling forward together.

All the way silently, I walked in front without haste, looking at the monsters fleeing around, with mixed feelings in my heart, Karen, whom I was protecting, left me waiting to die, but Wu, who I was going to kill, took me from Pulled out of the desperate situation of mortal death.

With the existence of Wu, other monsters ran away as soon as they saw us. We passed through the area where the monsters gathered leisurely, and the road ahead was unimpeded.

This situation continued until I smelled the smell of human blood.

This ghostly place, injured human beings, without thinking too much, I knew that Karen, who had left me early in the morning and escaped alone, was injured.

And judging from the strong smell of blood, she was seriously injured.

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