The black shadow rushing out of the hole is exactly the root system of a plant as thick as an arm.

If the calculation is correct, the earthquake-like movement just now was caused by this root system.


Karen fell to the ground, holding her right hand in pain.

"My hand, my hand!"

In less than a breath, her four fingers disappeared, and there were four bloody holes on the original palm.

And the culprit of all this is the plant root system between the two of us.

Is this thing really interested in humans?
This guess was quickly dispelled for me, because the target of the sudden plant update was not us, but those scorpions.

Karen lost four fingers, and the reason was precisely because she was holding a bag of scorpion meat just now.

The root system of this plant was like a long snake, slowly crawling to the side of the bag of scorpion meat that fell on the ground, and a needle-like mouthpart protruded from the tip, piercing into the bag.

Next to it, Karen's four severed fingers also fell.

Soon, the bag of scorpion meat was sucked up, and then, as if it could feel the presence of scorpion meat, it turned its head and extended towards my backpack, and in the same way, the needle-shaped mouthparts stuck in it.

After eating and wiping it clean, the root system of this plant began to slowly shrink into the hole.

so far so good……

I signaled to Karen to calm down and wait until the thing retracted completely before we began to deal with her injuries.

"Asshole! Asshole!!"

But at this moment, Karen was not rational at all, she didn't care about my advice at all, and rushed towards the retracting plant roots like desperately.

silly bitch!
I cursed in my heart, and then rushed forward and hugged her waist tightly, preventing her from fighting this tree root.

"I'm gonna rip you son of a bitch!"

The scolding stopped as the tree trunk completely retracted into the cave, and Karen trembled slightly with anger and pain.

I took a look at her right hand, where the four broken fingers were no longer bleeding, which should be attributed to her ability.

However, we don't have effective tools to save her severed fingers. It is estimated that these severed fingers cannot be connected...

Karen's eyes also fell on the severed fingers on the ground.

For some reason, she suddenly calmed down, then pulled my arm away from her with a sullen face, sneered and mocked, "This is all caused by you! Are you satisfied?"

Well, all the blame goes to me.

I didn't know what to say, so I could only sigh, walked to the side of the backpack, and discarded all the empty bags inside.

Our loss is not just Karen's injury.

The most important thing is that the scorpion meat that we used as food is all gone.

Must retreat as soon as possible.

Karen was still chattering and sneering at me, but I didn't respond to her. I just greeted her after packing up my things, and then set foot on the road back to my life.

Although the way back was also full of hardships, with the experience of coming, we were much more relaxed.

When I crossed the rift this time, I packed all the few things on my body, and then used the backpack to rest my hands. I carried the reluctant Karen on my back, climbed the roots of the plants, and came to the other side of the rift. .

There is no difference between the way back and the way back, and the empty shells of giant scorpions can still be seen everywhere.

But I keenly noticed that some of the empty shells had been eaten.

You know, the only other living thing under this tiankeng besides the giant scorpion is that tree.

And that tree was not interested in the shell of the giant scorpion.

Could it be that there are creatures that feed on giant scorpion shells?

As I thought about it, I carried Karen across many cracks in the ground. Finally, when we were approaching the path leading to the top of the sinkhole, I suddenly remembered a person. To be precise, it should be a monster with a trace of human sanity.


Many days ago, when we came here, Wu expressed his desire for these giant scorpion shells, but because of my existence, he could only suppress the desire in his heart.

When we fell through the Rift, U was nowhere to be found.

And the traces of gnawing that I found now were probably made by him.

Wu is still alive!

I know that this is not good news.

Wu is different from other monsters that have completely transformed into monsters. Other monsters are very afraid of this sinkhole, so other monsters only dare to gather in that small area.

And Wu still has a sliver of reason left, so he doesn't have any sense of fear about the Tiankeng.

In other words, Wu can move freely on this small island.

"It's over..."

I muttered to myself.

Those monsters after being irradiated cannibalize their own kind, and the more they eat, the stronger they will become. The third hand that Wu grew before has perfectly explained this point.

If he is still alive now, I don't know how much he has eaten and what he has become.

Even, the last trace of his humanity may have disappeared.

Perhaps hearing my muttering, Karen asked with some doubts, "What did you say?"

"It's nothing."

I shook my head.

It's useless to think too much, maybe we won't see Wu at all on the way back.

Stepping on the path leading to the top of the tiankeng, I put Karen down. The two of us quickened our pace, hurriedly and slowly, and it took half a day to finally reach the top of the tiankeng.

The fog here is thick as usual.

After a short break, Karen and I continued our journey.

This time, before leaving, I reminded Karen, "It's time for your remaining medicine to work."

"You don't need to say it."

Karen sneered disdainfully.

I opened my mouth, but still swallowed the words I wanted to say, and squatted silently behind her.

Going a little further, we'll come to the area where the big monsters gather.

I can't get out of it by myself.

Therefore, I can only pin my hopes on Karen. Although she is slightly injured, I will be able to relax a lot when she shows her ability to break through.

Our return journey is much faster than when we came.

So it didn't take much time, and we came to the area where the monsters gathered again.

"Maybe I won't be needed anymore."

Looking at the area where the monsters gathered in front of him, Karen's tone became much more relaxed.

Because, at a glance, the number of monsters gathered here has decreased significantly, at least, it is more than half less than the number we first came here.

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