"How long are you going to be crazy?"

At the critical moment, Karen became very emotional and ignored my words. Facing the sarcoid protruding towards us, she rushed straight up.

Damn, this woman, you are a lunatic!

Seeing this, I knew something was wrong, but at this time I had no chance to stop it, because the sarcoma was too close to Karen.

The sarcoma is still slowly stretching forward, and the top is cracked with a gap in the big mouth.

But Karen had already rushed forward in two big strides, and hit the side of the sarcoma fiercely with the front of the water bath.

The huge force instantly squeezed and deformed the sarcoma.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise.

The sarcoma, which was as big as a human head, was directly smashed, and the splashed fragments were mixed with some sticky yellow blood.

The smell that comes out is not too exciting for me.

Originally, my sense of smell was different from that of ordinary people, but this time, the pungent sour smell almost made my nose fail.

But this small problem, compared with the reaction of the pile of meat in front of him, seems a bit insignificant.


The sarcoma protruding out like a tentacle was directly exploded, and the monster screamed in pain.

The sound was sharp, as if it was going to penetrate my eardrums.

At this time, I looked back at the monster following us. Until now, the meat-like monster has not moved.

You know, when the other monsters gathered here saw this mountain of meat, they were all frightened and fled around, as if they had seen a natural enemy.

But he is different.

Are you frightened?
"not good!"

Karen screamed, and I turned my head immediately. At this moment, Roshan seemed to be enraged, and dozens of sarcoma all over his body protruded at the same time.

Densely packed, it looks like an octopus.

And this time, the monster was obviously intent on killing us, and the speed and strength of Ru Liusheng had reached the extreme.

When facing that sarcoma just now, Karen could still face it calmly.

But let him face these dozens of sarcoma alone, it seems a bit powerless.

Especially here, there is very little space for us to move around.

It looked like a circular open space with a radius of less than ten meters.

Moreover, the corpses of monsters piled up under our feet seriously affected our speed.


In an instant, those octopus-like tentacles had already approached Karen, and the sarcoma at the top opened its mouth wide.

The sharp and jagged mouthparts make people feel chills.

"Stupid woman!"

The situation was urgent, and I broke out in an instant, and at the very moment, I wrapped my arms around Karen's waist at the fastest speed, and took her away from the spot.

Looking at this woman again, her expression was a little dull, and she hadn't recovered yet.

Damn, you can't lose the chain at the critical moment!

I gritted my teeth hard, and slapped Kai's face with a big mouth.

"Fuck, what are you doing!"

The effect of this big mouth is still very obvious, Karen's face suddenly appeared clear red five-finger prints, and she also came back to her senses at this moment.

I didn't bother to explain to her, I immediately pushed her away from me.

"I'm entangled with this thing, you guys find a way to find a chance to get out of here quickly!"


Karen's face changed, and the anger that had suddenly risen just now subsided instantly.

Judging from her appearance, she should want to say something, but unfortunately, the situation is critical now, and there is no chance for her to speak at all.

Looking at those sarcoid tumors again, they immediately shifted their target after rushing to nothing, and in the blink of an eye, they flew towards the monsters beside them that had no time to escape.

Wrap, bite.

Those monsters captured by him have no ability to resist, even if they struggle frantically, it will be useless.

After three or two bites, I ate it clean.

It's hard to imagine what would have happened if it had been Karen who had just been captured, or me.

Then I noticed that the flesh and blood at the top of the tentacle that was directly punched by Karen just now began to squirm, and a sarcoma re-grew within a few breaths.

This discovery made my heart even colder.

Although, I had such a speculation a long time ago, when I noticed this scene, I couldn't help but curse a few times in my heart.

If it is said that this thing can heal its wounds by eating, does that mean that as long as he has something to eat, we cannot kill him?

After all, there are at least tens of thousands of monsters gathered here.

In other words, this mountain of meat in front of him has a steady stream of food.

Unless we wipe out all his food, or... kill it with a single blow!
But this is difficult to accomplish with just the two of us.

So, tmd I have to risk my life to play!
"I'm up!"

I have been keeping a close eye on those tumors with their mouths wide open and constantly waving. They are ready to go, and they may charge towards us again at any time.

Time waits for no one, and we don't have much time to waste.

I roared, then drew out my dagger, and rushed towards the Roshan monster!

My purpose is very simple, I just need to delay time for Karen and the others, and I will find a way to get out after they leave here successfully.

This plan sounds very simple, but it brought me a lot of psychological pressure. After all, what I have to face is such a monster who has absolute dominance among a bunch of monsters. He is the king of monsters.

After all, when this thing eats other monsters, it's like eating jelly beans.

It would be a lie to say that I am not afraid.

But there is no way, even if I am scared to death at this time, I can only bite the bullet.


When he saw me rushing towards him, the monster became extremely excited, let out two strange screams, and moved those tentacles with tumors, all rushing towards me.

As far as the naked eye can see, it is densely packed!
All the goosebumps all over my body came out at this moment, damn, I don't want to be bitten by this thing!

The dagger in his hand flew, and in the blink of an eye, two sarcoids were chopped off.

While trying not to let the splashed liquid fall on the body, it is also necessary to guard against the attacks of other tentacles.

Even though I have maximized the speed at which I can explode, I still feel a burst of pressure at this time.

"Made, you two, run!"

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