
Looking at the child who was at most five or six years old in front of her, Karen's inner desire for protection was aroused at that time. She took out a few cookies from her backpack, bent down, and slowly walked towards the child In the past, "Don't cry, my sister is here."

"do not go."

I quickly stopped in a low voice, does this woman have no brains?
Even if you think about where this is with your knees, you can still guess that the little kid who appeared in this ghost place in front of you is not a normal human being, right?
Although, the child's appearance is indeed no different from ordinary children.

But it's a pity that this woman ignored me at all, she just walked forward on her own, held the cookie in her hand in front of the child, and said softly, "Do you want to eat it?"

But this child cried 'wow'.

But what surprised me even more was what Karen did.

In the blink of an eye, the smile on her face disappeared, replaced by a fierce look.

It was very similar to how she wanted to kill me before.

This woman is really capable of fighting, facing this monster who is no different from a normal human child, she punched her head with all her strength and smashed it down.

I have experienced the power that erupts after she uses her ability.

At that time, she hadn't used all her strength, and it made me feel like a mountain was pressing on my chest.

I can be sure that at this time, if she hits with all her strength, this monster will definitely suffer.

Even if it is a direct punch to death, it is also in my expectation.

Sure enough, caught off guard, the monster's head was blown up like a broken watermelon, and the red and white insides flowed all over the place.


Karen withdrew her fist and snorted proudly at me. The contempt in her eyes seemed to be mocking my perception of her just now.

I shook my head helplessly, and had to admit that she was pretty good at pretending.

The big sister's appearance just now really deceived even me, so much so that I forgot for a moment that this woman killed people like hemp.

Karen waved to me, signaling that we could move on.

But at this moment, I noticed that the corpse of the monster whose head was blown off by her was still sitting upright.

His head is exploding, he must be dead...

I was thinking like this, but there was always a faint uneasiness deep in my heart. Just as I took a step forward, I suddenly saw the viscous rotting internal organs and blood slowly gushing out from the monster's severed neck. .

Coupled with the hazy and dark environment here, the nausea reveals a bit of weirdness.

I consciously withdrew my legs and pointed behind Karen.

"Ha, I didn't expect you to be so timid. Don't worry, I have already dealt with this monster."

But she was full of incomprehension to my behavior, instead she mocked, "Are you not as courageous as a woman like me?"


I shook my head and was about to explain to her.

But at this moment, the flesh on the surface of the corpse of the monster that kept gushing internal organs and blood began to peel off, just like chocolate melted by high temperature. After the flesh fell off, the skeleton also began to scatter.


The sound startled Karen, and she turned her head subconsciously to see this scene as well.

Like a conditioned reflex, like a frightened cat, it took several steps back before stopping.


The composure just now was gone, and Karen panicked.

But even though she said so, her body was very honest and she didn't dare to move.

There is no way to walk. If we want to go around, we will inevitably encounter other monsters. If we don't want to encounter any strange things now, we can only go straight through here.

No matter what kind of changes will happen to the monster in front of us, we can only bite the bullet and face it.

Not long after, the monster completely turned into a puddle of pus.

But in the pus, a twelve-segmented spine slowly climbed up, or a creature that looked like a human spine.

This arthropod is divided into twelve segments, and each segment is connected to form a pair of three-segmented legs as thin as hair.

Same as stick insects, except that they are much bigger than stick insects.

It is one meter long and thirty centimeters high lying on the ground.

And what I'm a bit confused about is why this monster is inside that child monster.

Is there a symbiotic relationship between them?
Or, the appearance of that child is just the protective color of this bug...


Before the weird bug moved, Karen shot first.

However, the bullet that flew out felt like it was approaching the bug for a moment, but it dodged it.

This series of processes is like slow motion in my eyes, but the dexterity of this bug makes me a little unbelievable.


I didn't see the worm's mouthparts, but it did, indeed, make a baby cry.

Karen looked a little annoyed when he missed a shot.

I have been fortunate enough to have seen her marksmanship a few times, and her level is about the same as mine. She definitely belongs to the kind of person who can shoot at [-] meters and hit the bull's-eye with a gun.

But at the actual distance of less than 20 meters, she didn't hit the bug with a single shot.


Karen was anxious and angry, and swears directly.

But this is something that can't be helped, after all, her strength has never been speed.

A few shots missed, this insect seemed to be irritated, and regarded us as prey. It was as thin as a hair, and its 24 legs moved quickly. At an extremely fast speed, it crawled towards Karen. .


Karen was taken aback, but her body couldn't keep up with the reaction of her brain. Even though she realized that the bug had come to her, she couldn't avoid it.

Who knows what would happen if this bug lay on top of her.

I didn't dare to think too much, I flew up with a kick, and kicked the jumping bug with precision.

But to my surprise, the bug's reaction speed exceeded my expectations.

Although I thought my speed was not slow, when my foot was about to kick the bug's body, it lifted a long and slender leg, stepped on my instep, and bounced directly with its strength. open.

So fast!What a quick response!

I can't imagine that if ordinary people deal with this kind of thing, even if they are fully armed, they will be tortured to pieces.

Karen was too frightened by the scene just now.

She shivered and quickly hid behind me, a smile appeared on her stiff pretty face, and she said in a trembling voice.

"give it to you."

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