She is a thin woman with a height of 1.7 meters and a weight of no more than 50 catties by visual inspection. She has the ability to control human blood within a range of [-] meters.

The strongest thing in her body should be her ability.

But her ability has other pertinence, and from a certain aspect, it can even be said to be useless.

But even a woman with such an ability punched like a mountain.

After all this punch, not only did I experience the feeling of death again in an instant, but I also felt like my whole body was thrown straight into the air.

The wall of the command room was directly smashed into a human-shaped pothole by me who flew out.

But even so, I flew upside down for more than ten meters before stopping.

This noise alarmed many patrolling armed personnel, and soon the alarm in the entire complex was sounded, and all armed personnel gathered towards my location at this moment.


My ribs were broken, and I couldn't even breathe. Every slight rise and fall of my chest was accompanied by unparalleled pain.

And a lot of internal bleeding, which made me spit out blood.

I fell sideways on the ground, just in time to see Kyle, walking out of the human-shaped pothole I smashed.

She walked straight in front of me with two straight long legs.

"You are still alive?"

When she saw that I was still breathing, her eyes showed a bit of fear, but instead, she put on a thick and mocking face.

"Do you really think that my ability is weak?"

She flicked her hand, and then kicked me out more than ten meters away with an unexpected kick.

I didn't stop until my back hit a high wall again.

Where did she get so much strength?

I tried my best to fill my lungs with more air.

I miscalculated.

At this time, the armed men who heard the news had already pointed their guns at Keller. They were not fools, but looking at this scene, it was Keller who made a move on me at that time.

"Could she be affected too?"

"What should we do? Shall we shoot!"

Among the armed men, the squad leader they led questioned each other at a loss, and wanted to shoot, but they didn't dare.

At this moment they have defined Karen as one of the rioters.

As long as I give the order now, this woman will be blasted to pieces.

Of course, the premise of giving the order is that I must be able to speak now. Those armed men are very close to us, and their voices are not small. I can hear Karen, so naturally I can hear them.

Then, I felt more blood rushing to my throat from inside my body.

While vomiting blood, he had to take care of breathing and wanted to speak, but his throat was filled with blood.

Karen looked at me coldly, like she had expected this scene.

"I can achieve my current status in the company, relying on the use of my abilities."

Keller raised his head proudly and glared at me with his nostrils, "The benefits of controlling blood, besides allowing me to control the lives of others, I can also use hydraulic pressure, and the burst of power is hundreds of times that of ordinary people. "

"Since you want to fight against me, I'd like to let you know what real torture is."

What Karen said made me understand why she has such great strength.

hydraulic.Using his ability to control blood, he formed hydraulic pressure in his body, bursting out astonishing power.

It's like a spider.

There are no muscles, no bones, only fluid in the still body.

But Zhizhi is able to exert a strength that is hundreds or even thousands of times larger than his own body size!It relies on the pressure formed by the liquid in your body!
Karen also takes advantage of this, a woman who has developed her abilities to the limit.

Previously, I thought it was too simple...

Also, if her ability can only deal with humans, how can the company put her on the list of people who come into the strange world, let me choose.

At this moment, in my sight, Karen held out a finger to me.

As her fingers bent, I suddenly felt all the blood in my body rushing towards my brain, and then gushing out from my right eye, forming a line of blood, quickly towards Karen's palm gather.

This woman, let me watch my blood being drained!

Karen's mouth curled into a smug smile.

As for the surrounding armed personnel, they were already at a loss for what to do by this scene.

They are just mercenaries summoned from the outside world. When they came to this weird world, seeing all kinds of mutant creatures was enough to surprise them. Now they saw people who looked like gods...


"She's a monster! Kill her!"

Several of the armed men's squad leaders immediately issued orders.

This is also the first time I have seen the reaction of ordinary people and transformed people after they met. Human beings are afraid of the unknown, but transformed people have never been known to ordinary people.

But before their words came out, those team leaders instantly turned into mummified corpses, bleeding all over the place.

There is only one person present who can do this kind of thing.

All eyes were on Karen, she grimaced and growled angrily, "It's not your turn to control what I do, go and do what you should do, this is an order, otherwise, die!"

To the ordinary people present, she was like a demon.

These armed men retreated one after another.

"so far so good……"

As for me, I breathed a sigh of relief at this time. Fortunately, these armed men who heard the news bought me some time. Although it was not very long, this time was enough for me to recover most of the injuries in my body.

I made a slight miscalculation just now, and accidentally suffered a dark loss.

Now, just let this woman experience what it means to treat a person in the same way.


I barely supported my body, and stood up under Karen's surprised gaze.

At this moment, my right eye is still blind, because all the blood in my body is being forced out of my eye.

At this time, Karen's palm had already gathered a pool of blood the size of a basketball.

That's my blood.

Ordinary people lose so much blood in such a short period of time, even if they are healthy, they will die of massive hemorrhagic shock.

But I'm different, my body's powerful self-healing ability can recreate the blood the moment the blood is taken away!

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