The scene, from what started as our ambushes, turned into a one-sided massacre.

It even makes me feel like I'm redundant.

I kept praying in my heart, hoping that the fire monkey could relax a bit, and after seeing those buildings collapsed, it could quickly lead the personnel to retreat.

Otherwise, I'm afraid we really have to explain everything here!
"I need to ask you some questions, so I hope that at this time, someone can stand up and have a face-to-face communication with me."

The woman smiled like a flower, but I believe, whether in my eyes or in the eyes of these people, this woman is more terrifying than death.

"We, resolutely do not succumb to monsters!"

One of the soldiers with a gun yelled in fear.

But as soon as he finished yelling, two blood lines were marked in his eyes, and then he fell to the ground and became a corpse.

Seeing this, the others could not help but shudder.

"What a pity."

The woman stepped forward gracefully, raised her finger, and said with a smile, "Who will be the next lucky one?"

At this moment, the emotions of those who are still alive are close to collapse.

But I was keen, and among this group of people who were still alive, I found a calm and composed man.

Although he was crowded in the corner, he didn't panic at all in the face of such a scene, which formed a great contrast with the others.

"Nobody's talking, are they?"

The woman frowned slightly, and smiled coquettishly, "Then cut the number of living people by half."


In an instant, half of the people fell down again.

There are only more than 20 people who are still alive.

Among these people, someone was finally tormented by fear and collapsed. One of them rushed towards the man who remained calm like crazy, and then pulled him out while tearing.

"He is our commander, ask him something!"

The first traitor, appeared.

"Thank you."

The woman nodded politely, then waved her finger lightly, "If this is the case, then you have no value in living."

Death once again fell on these people, only this time there was only one living person left.

"Which organization do you belong to? Who is the undercover agent hiding in our company?"

The woman walked forward and came to the man's side, gently hooked the man's shoulder with one hand, and asked in a low voice.

But after more than a minute like this, the man didn't say a word.

"Pretend to be deaf and dumb, not necessarily."

The smile on the woman's face faded, and at this moment, the man's right eyeball suddenly exploded.

The spattered blood spilled all over the ground.


The man's screams resounded through the sky, and the severe pain made him howl in pain.

"So it's not dumb."

The woman smiled happily, but her cruel method of extorting a confession made me admire her with admiration.

It was carved out of the same mold as that crazy doctor.

"Give you a minute, and ask again, which organization do you belong to?"

The woman asked again, but the man just covered his eyes and howled miserably.

1 minute passed and the man did not answer the question.

I saw his hand covering his eyes, each finger gradually turned blue-gray, and then, the color spread from his fingers to the back of his hand, and gradually spread to his wrist.

Just looking at it makes me cringe.

There is no trace of blood on the two hands. Doesn't that prove that this person's hands were directly abolished?

"1 minutes."

This man doesn't care about oil and salt, and the woman's tone is no longer as relaxed and cheerful as it was at the beginning.

One minute passed, this time it was the man's leg, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop.

At this moment, he didn't have much strength to scream.

Sweat mixed with blood soaked his whole body.

Various organs in the whole body began to die one by one. I could hardly imagine the pain.

The way I looked at this woman became a little apprehensive, no wonder she made me feel threatened.

"I, I said..."

Under this inhuman torture, even if a man's will is as hard as iron, it has turned into a puddle of molten iron at this moment

"We belong to the Nordics, Spear!"

Nordic Spear?

For this vocabulary, I have some vague impressions, and I always feel that it is very familiar as if I have heard it somewhere.

But for a while, I couldn't remember life and death.

"How many undercover agents are lurking in our company?"

A smile appeared on the woman's face again, and she asked again.


The man lowered his head and said while gasping for air.

"Name, identity."

The woman smiles brightly.

I just listened silently at the side, maybe when I heard the name the man said next, I couldn't help being stunned.

"Alias, Vijay, mercenary."


The name echoed in my mind for a moment, something I never expected.

Could it be someone with the same name?

Impossible, how can there be such a coincidence.

"I've told you everything I know, can you let me go?"

The man gasped heavily and begged tearfully.

Unfortunately, he still failed to escape the fate of death in the end, and turned into a cold and stiff corpse.

And when I looked at him who had become a dead man, I recalled the scenes after I encountered danger.

I always thought that he was an infatuated type who entered the company regardless of his own life for the sake of his wife, just to get a commission.

And he has always played such a role.

I didn't doubt the truth of what he said, because he did everything perfectly.

Even in the end, I consider him a friend.

Great, really great...

Not only did Vijay fool the people in the company, but he also fooled me.

While I was in a daze, the black man had already contacted the doctor through the communicator. After a few words of communication, I heard the order to retreat.

We stood on the roof of this building, facing the cold wind, waiting for the helicopter to pick us up.

During this waiting time, my mind kept thinking about the time when Vijay saved me before.

At that time, I really treated him as a friend.

But what I didn't expect was that he hid his real identity from me, although it's justifiable...

However, his identity is now exposed.

He who is still in the company branch, I am afraid that he is about to face death.

For an undercover agent, that lunatic doctor will never show mercy.

The helicopter arrived very quickly, and within half an hour, it dropped the ladder at us.

The moment I boarded the plane, I suddenly realized a problem.

Isn't the mission of this trip to get things back?

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