
The thunder and lightning around Lei Li disappeared at this moment.

His clothes were burnt by the lightning, and he fell to the ground naked, leaning against the truck and scrapping the axle of the front of the truck, so as not to fall down.

A large amount of blood began to gush out from his heart, and his face turned pale as a result.

The thin purple lips parted slightly, and he uttered a few words in a trembling voice, "No... how could I die..."

He seemed to have doubts about the fact that his heart was pierced.

But what is indisputable is that with such a severe trauma, he will not last long.

However, this guy is a modified person after all, and his physical fitness is different from ordinary people.

If it was an ordinary person, his body would probably be torn apart by the bullet on the spot, but Lei Li was different, the powerful bullet hit him, and only left a hole in his chest.

However, it doesn't matter anymore, those people will never let him go...

I looked ahead, the enemy, dozens of people came towards where we were.

As expected, the men were extremely well prepared, and they even carried large cutting machines.

They want to disassemble the truck compartment on the spot!
More than a dozen people started to cut, and the remaining ones shot everyone who was still breathing.

Inevitably, I was also shot in the chest.

Rayleigh, who was dying, was the only one who was not shot.

"Oh, look at this guy, it's great!"

Among the enemies, a man who looked like the commander of the operation strode up to Liu Li.

He clicked his tongue in admiration, and even took a selfie while admiring.

"The special warhead is enough to tear apart a yacht, but it only left a hole in his body! It's a miracle, just like Superman! I want to keep this photo as a souvenir!"

After the photo was taken, the man handed the photo to Lei Li, and jokingly said, "Look, it's you! It took us a lot of effort to deal with you!"

Rayleigh is still alive, but his life is passing fast.

Anyone could see that he was on the verge of death.

Facing the man's ridicule, Raleigh just moved his lips, but he didn't speak.

Seeing this, the man clicked his tongue a few times in admiration, then he walked aside with a smile and continued to supervise the cutting task.

Their goals are very clear.

There are more than a dozen of the same trucks in our convoy, but they only dealt with this truck carrying stone gates and oil drums.

As for the other cars, they didn't move at all.

This made me very puzzled.

Who are they working for?
These people acted very quickly, and in less than half an hour, the truck compartment was completely cut off by them.

Then, while I watched, they removed the entire wagon.

In less than an hour, something caught people off guard happened, which I never expected.

After those people left, the hilly area returned to tranquility.

Just at a glance, there are corpses and vehicle wreckage everywhere, which makes people feel creepy.

I coughed a few times, propped myself up slowly, and then stood up.

The cool night wind brushed across my face, carrying a sulfur and strange fragrance, which penetrated into my nostrils.

My heart became extremely heavy at this moment.

Getting something taken by someone unknown is worse than being in the hands of a company.

At the very least, if things get shipped to people at corporate headquarters as planned, then at least we know where to look next.

But now, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, with no clue.

"You... you're still alive..."

Suddenly, a weak voice from behind interrupted my thoughts, and subconsciously I looked back, only to see Rayleigh staring at the wound on my neck in disbelief.

Oh, what a tenacious vitality.

I touched the gunshot wound on my neck and smiled at him.

This injury is nothing to me at all, and it has healed long before those people left.

"You are still alive!"

Lei Li yelled, but due to excessive force, the blood hole in his heart was involved, he couldn't help but blushed, and his whole person's aura instantly languished.

"Of course."

I glanced at the mess on the ground, and said lightly.

I have known for a long time that as a reformer, Lei Li has special abilities. Even if he is fatally injured, he will not die for a while.

But what I didn't expect was that half an hour had passed, and this guy was still heaving a sigh of relief.

Could it be that this guy was just pretending to be belching just now?

Just to save your dog's life?
Not bad, very scheming.

I stood quietly and looked at Rayleigh silently.

When he was struggling to stand up with the scrapped front of the car, Lei Li was trembling all over, and the blood rushing in his chest did not know when it stopped.

"Contact the doctor quickly!"

After finally holding his breath, Lei Li yelled at me sharply, "The battle has lasted for so long, why haven't our backup troops come yet!"

"If they had come just now, we could have wiped out all the enemies!"

backup force?

I do not know how?
I raised my eyebrows. Sure enough, the doctor hid some information about the mission from me. For example, I didn't know anything about the backup force.

I'm just a marionette on the surface, just to fill the surface.

Even so, he arranged for someone who knew everything and had the right to spy on me.

"hurry up!"

Seeing that I was unmoved, Lei Li yelled again, "We will all die if we fail the mission! Now, I need a doctor! I need treatment!"

"No, you think too much."

I touched the blood scab on my neck and said with a half-smile, "You will die, but I won't."

Now that the company's escort mission is over, it's time for me and Fire Monkey's undercover career to come to an end.

Although our mission also failed, this is an excellent time to retreat.

As for Rayleigh.

His life and death is none of my business.

"What do you mean?"

Rayleigh was confused by me, but before I could answer him, a scorched man suddenly crawled out of the pile of dead people not far away.

When the man crawled out from the pile of dead people, black smoke was still rising from his body.

It's Fire Monkey!
Seeing him, I was a little relieved.

I knew he must be alive.

The fire monkey was closer to the center of the explosion, and the blast wave it received was more intense. At this moment, his clothes had become strips of cloth.

Both arms are broken.

As he stood up from the pile of dead people, layer after layer of hard lumps fell from his arms, and then a pair of terrifying giant pincers were revealed.

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