In an instant, the eyes of the others were on the dwarf.

He was the most inconspicuous of the reformers, and there were not many descriptions about him in the materials, but one thing was that his sense of smell was different from that of ordinary people.

It was after he reminded me that I noticed that there was a scent of flowers hidden in the billowing smell of gunpowder.


Suddenly, such a thought flashed through my mind.

That missile looks very powerful, but the power of the explosion is just a cover. The deadliest part of it is the fragrance mixed with the smell of gunpowder after the explosion!

The opponent is very shrewd, and seems to have expected it long ago, and the use of missile strikes will fail!

But after all, it was a step too late. By the time we realized it, the fragrance in the gunpowder had already spread.

The guards fell to the ground one after another, convulsing all over. Only a few dozens of people could barely stand up, but they had already lost the most basic fighting ability.

This... might be a good time for me to smuggle the truck away!
The scene in front of me rekindled the fire of hope in my heart.

Before the enemy comes, I have plenty of time to drive this truck away!
But as soon as I thought of it, I was dismissed by the five reformers next to me, who looked like normal people.

It is invalid for cyborgs!

It was at this time that I heard the distant roar of the engine sounding again.

Those who attacked us just now, come here!
I glanced at the fire monkey not far away. He is a reformed person and will not be affected by the fragrance, but he is very smart, pretending to be like other people, and also fell to the ground.

"Everyone is on alert!"

At this moment, in fact, I am very clear in my heart.

I can't keep it!

The enemy's preparations are really sufficient. It can be seen from their methods just now that they know our situation well.

Since they dare to come, it proves that they are ready to win the battle.

In contrast, our chances of winning are pitifully small.

I believe that the reformers around me also understand this point, but they put on an attitude of seeing death as home.

After all, the success or failure of this mission is related to the lives of each of them!

1 minutes passed.

Among the more than 200 people present, only the six of us were able to stand!
At the end of the road at the gaze level, the light of several headlights swayed towards where we were, and everyone except me tensed up, ready to go.

Then at this moment, Lei Li, surrounded by thunder and lightning, fell to the ground on his back in an instant with this muffled sound.

The moment he lay down, blood spattered everywhere.

"There are snipers!"

After staggering to his feet, Lei Li's body was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and he put his hand on his shoulder and roared angrily.

The shot just now directly pierced his shoulder, but judging from the ballistic trajectory, it should have been slightly missed.

If the shot is accurate, it will be his forehead that penetrates.

As soon as his words fell, the bodies of the other reinvented people also underwent earth-shaking changes.

Apart from Rayleigh, the most eye-catching thing was the dwarf.

His body swelled several times in just a few seconds, his canine teeth protruded, he bent over the ground, and a bone spur protruded from his spine.

The appearance of the few remaining people also began to become more or less animal.

At first glance, the appearance looks like a normal person, and I am the only one.

I stood silently by the side without speaking.

Because I know that at this time, my title of team leader is no longer valid.

"Let me see, as the team leader, what abilities you have!"

Rayleigh, who looked like Electro, grinned at me, and then his eyes fell to the convoy heading towards us in the distance.

Bang!Bang bang!

But before the train convoy arrived in front of us, several gunshots rang out one after another in the distance.

Several bullets landed on the reformers beside me.

However, with their precautions, these ordinary bullets will not have any effect at all.

But I am different.

One of the bullets pierced my throat with precision, and the huge impact directly made me take a step back and hit the carriage behind me.

Subconsciously, I clutched my throat, feeling the blood pouring down my trachea in an instant.

Excruciating pain!can not breath!
It's not the first time I've experienced the feeling of dying, but whenever this feeling comes, even though my heart is as hard as mine, I can't help but feel a burst of fear from the depths of my soul.

Next to me, several reformers looked at me with disbelief in their eyes.

They never expected that, as the team leader, I would be killed with a single shot!


"I thought he was very strong, but I didn't expect him to be an idiot!"

Two of them cursed instantly.

Raleigh's face was as black as the bottom of the pot, but he quickly shifted his attention and ordered others in a leader's manner, "Leave him alone, he will die if he dies, we must protect this batch of goods, understand !"


With the enemy at hand, they didn't waste too much time on me.

This is exactly what I want to see.

That's right, I just wanted to pretend to be a dead person, and it just so happened that the bullets shot at me just now gave me this opportunity.

Originally, I could dodge it, but then I thought again, there is a high probability that this batch of goods will not be kept. If we fight desperately, with the enemy's firepower, we may be bombed to pieces.

Instead of this, then I might as well be a dead person quietly and just observe the changes of the situation quietly.

In this way, maybe I can be a fisherman again.

I walked along the carriage behind and fell to the ground slowly, leaning sideways, letting the gunshot wound on my neck bleed profusely.

After enduring the pain and slowing down my breathing, on the surface I felt no different from a dead person.

Moreover, my lying down position has a wide field of vision, and I can clearly see the convoy driving towards us.

At a distance of 50 meters away from us, the convoy stopped.

Hundreds of people got in and out of the car, and everyone was wearing a gas mask and uniform tight-fitting clothing.

Without any warning, the battle began.

"Come up with me and solve them!"

Lei Li, who was acting as the leader, gave an order, took the lead, and was the first to rush forward.

Rolling thunder and lightning swept across his body, and his speed was not so fast. When he sprinted past, it was like a thunder passing through the border, making a rumbling sound.

From the perspective of momentum alone, he alone is comparable to hundreds of elite soldiers!

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