Living on a deserted island, the cold female president regards me as king

Chapter 1024: Someone Comes in the Middle of the Night

"Let's adapt."

The fire monkey looked completely indifferent, and said eccentrically, "I think it's good to adapt to the situation. The big deal is to sacrifice us. Anyway, the success rate of the two of us is pitifully low, and it is reasonable to fail."

Keller adjusted his glasses, just looked down at the information, and remained silent.

And the longer he was silent, the more disappointed I was.

Even if I get such important information, is it just a waste of effort in the end?
"I can not do anything."

After a while, Keller put the tablet back in front of me, lowered his head and said very calmly, "Just follow the original plan."

"Original plan?"

"How the hell can you call it the original plan?"

Filled with anger and having nowhere to vent, the Fire Monkey was on the verge of going berserk, "Do you need to talk about adapting to the situation?"

Under the heavy punch of the fire monkey, the mahogany table in front of Keller broke in two and fell to the ground with a clang.

Boom boom boom!
The loud noise alarmed the armed personnel patrolling outside.

"what happened?"

When the door was opened, the armed men of the ten-member team stood outside the door. The team leader saw the mess in the room and made a gesture to use the communicator to sound the alarm.

Fortunately, Keller stood up at this time, and he whispered coldly, "It's none of your business here, get out!"


After the armed men left, the atmosphere in the room fell silent.

The most serious problem we are facing now is the shortage of manpower.

In this company branch, there are only three of us, and the only ones who can participate in the escort mission are me and Fire Monkey.

"Is there no way for you to contact the people in the organization?"

After thinking for a long time, I finally pinned my hope on Keller.

As long as he can pass the news to the organization about the company's escort mission, we won't be embarrassed by the shortage of manpower when the time comes.


It's a pity that Keller vetoed my words as soon as I said them.

"It is not allowed to have any communication equipment other than inside the company. I have also thought about doing what you said, but this method will not work."

"That's just right, don't waste time, my uncle is still hungry."

Hearing this, the Fire Monkey turned black, scratched his arms, turned around and strode away.


I sighed, silently put away the tablet, got up and left here too.

It's human-made to adapt to the situation, and the big deal is to send things to the company's headquarters step by step, and then we will find a way to evacuate from here.

Regarding the matter of the curse, I'm afraid we can only delay it for a while.

When I returned to my residence, I found a thin figure standing at the door.

Although his back is facing me, I know who he is just by looking at his figure.

"Why come to me when you have time?"

I walked forward quietly with light steps, and lightly pressed the pressed shoulder with one hand.

He was obviously taken aback, but when he turned his head and saw me, he breathed a sigh of relief, showed a sunny smile, and said, "Listen to the doctor, you are going to perform a very important task."


He knew that I wasn't surprised by this, and he didn't take it too seriously. He nodded slightly and pushed the door open.

"Come in and sit down."

"Do not."

Vijay rejected me very simply, then looked at me seriously and said, "I want to buy you a drink."

drink wine?

I laughed, this guy has been talking about this for a long time, and even now, he still hasn't forgotten it.

"to make."

I readily agreed.

Regarding our next move, I am still at a loss as to what to do, and it happens that I have nothing to do, so why not help him fulfill this wish.

I went to the bar in the living area with Vijay.

Normal bars are usually very lively, but this bar inside the company is an exception. After entering, there are only a few people inside, and it is very quiet.

"This cup is my respect to you."

In the end, it was a common weal and woe. Facing me, Vijay clinked glasses without any restraint and drank it all in one gulp.

After a few glasses of wine, two blushes appeared on his face, but I didn't feel it at all.

Alcohol has no effect on me anymore, and I agreed to come here to drink with him just to relax myself a little.

"After this mission is over, you won't come back, will you?"

Vijay said in a low voice, taking advantage of his drunkenness.

I paused slightly with the hand holding the wine glass, and didn't say anything, but Vijay had already seen what I wanted to express.

In that strange world, after I was captured, it was Vijay who rescued me.

It was reasonable for him to guess this.

"I knew it."

He stared at my face quietly, then grinned and patted my shoulder.

"I said that if I can get out of there alive and get a commission, I will repay you well."

"What do you need me to do, just say it."

"You can't help me."

I looked at the wine in the glass, raised my head and drank it down, the spicy feeling flowed from my mouth to my throat and into my stomach.

I appreciate his kindness, but he really can't help me now.

And, anyway, Vijay was an outsider the whole time, and the stakes were high, and I didn't want anyone else involved.

"Is that so?"

Vijay froze for a moment, a little disappointment flashed in his golden pupils, but he quickly returned to his original state.

"I wish you the best of luck."


I always feel that this guy seems to be hiding something from me, but it's not easy for me to ask if he doesn't tell, it's just a feeling after all.

After drinking for three rounds, Vijay couldn't stand it any longer, and he just fell asleep on the table.

Helpless, I could only carry him all the way to his room before returning to my own residence.

When I was lying on the bed, what Vijay and I did when we were drinking just now kept flashing through my mind.

It feels a bit wrong, but I can't find anything wrong.

I couldn't help but wryly smiled and rubbed my slightly swollen temples.

Maybe it's because the action made me a little anxious, so I became paranoid?
Tossing and turning, I really couldn't sleep, so I took the tablet from the bed and looked through the information of this mission again.

The time soon reached two o'clock in the morning, but at this time, there was a sudden knock on the door of my room.

dong dong!

Who is it?
After staying in the company branch for so long, I'm already used to this kind of thing.

I'm afraid, it's the doctor doing something wrong again.

I shook my head slightly, then got up and got out of bed, and opened the door.

But what I never expected was that the person who came to look for me this time was not a member of the doctor, but a fire monkey.

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