With the help of the water fight, I feasted my eyes and admired the young and beautiful bodies of several girls.

Looking at the overall perfection of her figure, Xiao Qing deserved to be the number one. She is thin and tall, and she is very attractive.

As for Qian Ke, with wheat-colored skin and a bony figure, she has a hot feeling. Song Qi's figure is also very slender, but slightly plump, and Xiaomeng is a very petite and weak type.

Needless to say, Xi'er, her figure is also at the perfect level, but she is still young and has not grown up yet, and she is slightly green, so she is not as good as Xiao Qing for the time being.

I was very shameless in my heart and secretly compared the figures of these girls, but what I didn't expect was that at this time, something happened suddenly.

Xiao Qing emerged from the bottom of the water, and her face suddenly became very pale. She swam to my side, held my hand tightly, and shouted tremblingly, "Brother Zhang, this pool of water is not clean. It seems that there is... something!"

Xiao Qing was so terrified that she stuck to me, which was abnormal, and I was shocked from the bottom of my heart.If it was Qian Ke like this, I would suspect that she was playing a prank, but for Xiao Qing, it is unlikely, there is really something underwater!
Including me, the girls were shocked at once, and Xiaomeng and the others were even more frightened, "Sister Qing, don't scare us, I'm timid..."

Hugging Xiao Qing, I quickly comforted, "Don't be afraid, what did you see?"

"There's... a lot of hair underwater!"

Xiao Qing said tremblingly, her face was a little blue, and several girls were screamed by her words, and hurriedly ran towards the shore.

I also felt a little creepy when I heard it. How could there be hair underwater?
At night, although the moonlight is very bright, there is a dead silence around the waterfall. It is really heart-palpiating to see such a thing underwater!

"Where did you just see it?"

I asked quickly.

"It's over there!"

Xiao Qing pointed to the water surface not far in front of us.

"Go to the shore first, don't run around, I'll go and have a look!"

I sent Xiao Qing ashore and told the girls.

Xi'er wanted to come down with me, but I refused.

All of them were shivering on the shore because their bodies were covered with water, and they were afraid in their hearts. It made me feel very distressed to see them.

Ask Xi'er to take good care of Xiao Qing and the others. Without saying a word, I plunged into the water and swam quickly in the direction Xiao Qing said.

The water in this pool was very clear, but now it was night, and the light was not strong. Even with the flashlight, I still felt a bit blurred in my vision.

However, if you try to open your eyes, you can still see clearly.

I turned on the flashlight and looked in the direction Xiao Qing pointed, only to see that the place Xiao Qing mentioned was an underwater mountain bag. The shape of this small mountain bag was very strange, like a stone deer struggling in the water. run.

I hurriedly swam a little closer and took a closer look. As Xiao Qing said, there were a lot of hair entangled on the stone deer, and the hair was long and black, like a woman's.

How can there be such a thing underwater, is there really a ghost?
I have always been a person who does not believe in evil, and I am very courageous. Today I have to find out what happened, otherwise, this matter will probably remain in the hearts of the few of us, and it will become a heart disease after a long time.

With the flashlight in my mouth, I swam up to the stone deer with both hands and feet. After a closer look, I knew it all.

Behind that stone deer, there is actually a dead man's head!

No wonder there is hair, isn't it the head of a dead person?

After discovering this, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with those unknown things, ghosts and the like, a dead body is not enough to scare me now.

I have killed a lot of people, how can I be afraid of a swollen and smelly head covered in blisters?
The only thing that is a little uncomfortable is that we have been playing in this water for so long just now.Although we know that there is running water under this waterfall, even if this head is poisonous, it will not hurt us, but it still feels a little disgusting to think about it.

However, a new question arises, where did this dead man's head come from?
I took a closer look and found that the head was nailed to the stone deer with a bone fork, and there were no other body parts nearby.

And more importantly, the degree of rot in this head is not strong, which shows that this person died not long ago!
Who killed him and put him in this ghostly place?What is the purpose of this?
I was full of doubts in my heart, but I grabbed my head and returned to the shore.

Seeing me grabbing a person's head, Xiao Qing and the others screamed in fright, and Xiaomeng crouched on the ground trembling all over, not daring to look at the bloody thing.

And when I got back to the shore, I told a few girls about it, and they still felt terrified, but obviously not as scared as before.

After all, the hair is dead, not a ghost. This result is not beyond our knowledge, and there is no danger.

And I pushed back the dead man's hair and took a closer look. I couldn't help being startled, and felt even more weird.

Under the moonlight, with the flashlight on, I easily recognized the dead man's face. This guy turned out to be the missing savage!

This guy's hair is so long, I thought it was a woman's.

Why on earth did he disappear, and how did his head appear underwater?

I was curious from the bottom of my heart, so I kept playing with that brain. Xiao Qing couldn't help feeling disgusted when she saw it, pointing at me and shouting, "Throw it away, why are you playing with it, it's scary!"

I smiled and was about to throw this thing out.

It doesn't take long for a dead head to be thrown in the woods, and dark creatures like vultures and mice will wipe it out.

But at this time, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a detail out of the corner of my eye, and I couldn't help but stop.

There are many bite marks on this person's head and neck!
Looking closely, he also had many wounds on his face, all of which were bitten out, and a lot of flesh and blood had been bitten off his head.

And the bite marks became more and more strange to me, the guy who bit the corpse had very neat teeth, although they were sharp, they were definitely not sharp.

I suddenly felt that the bite marks were not left by animals such as wolves or lions, but more like human bite marks!
This discovery made my doubts even bigger.

I feel very bad.

What kind of monster is hiding under this sinkhole, and what exactly does he want to do?
This time it was a corpse, next time it will be us?

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