Hearing this, the two looked at each other, then shivered uncontrollably.

The person whose facebook was full just now gave me an embarrassed smile, then shut his mouth and climbed down the metal ladder without saying a word.

I was the last to arrive, and as it should be, I was the last one to go down.

But when I was about to go down, I found a very serious problem.

The diameter of the underground passage is not much different from the diameter of the oil barrel.

If the oil barrel is put down first, the way down will be blocked directly.

Therefore, I can only go down first, and then get the oil barrel down, but it may take a lot of trouble to get this dead thing out when I leave here.

As the person just said, the space below is very narrow.

And there are more than 40 of us who are still alive.

Even if everyone is standing, the space occupied makes people feel stuffy and irritated.

"Please let me go."

When I came down just now, I also took the medicine box with me. I have to give this thing to the doctor quickly so that he can help treat Vijay.

Squeeze through the crowded aisle, all the way moaning.

The further you go to the metal safe house at the end, the more people there are, and the more crowded it is.

The smell of sweat, blood, and a pungent smell of gunpowder.

It smells downright suffocating.

With some difficulty I made my way through the crowd and into the metal safehouse.

Facing all the frowns, I chose to ignore them.

When he came to the corner, Vijay fell asleep again, curled up, and beside him, the wounded doctor had several new scars.

Like Vijay, he crouched down and put his head in his hands.

In front of the two of them was a dead body. The dead body was lying sideways, and sticky blood was still dripping down from the chest.

I glanced at the doctor, and there was a bump the size of a baby's fist on his forehead, and the swelling even reached his eyelids.

"Who hit him?"

I asked in a low voice

This is not because he was injured, but because he was afraid of affecting his treatment of Vijay's injury.

After all, it was for Vijay's sake that I gave him a chance to survive.

"I hit it, what's wrong?"

The one who answered me was standing beside me, a strong man who was half a head taller than me. The tight uniform of the armed personnel could not cover his large muscles. He spoke in a rough voice. From the perspective of normal people, Not at all like a messy master.

"Do you want to give him a head start? Boy, I advise you not to do this."

Maybe it's because the situation is safe now, and no one came out to stop other people who were about to put them inside the house.

What's more, they even put on a gesture of watching a good show.


But they were disappointed.

Because I shot too fast, in their eyes, they probably only saw the shadow of my fist flashing past, and then the strong man flipped over at two o'clock and fell straight down.

In less than a second, an extra corpse was added here.

The way the others looked at me changed subtly, as if they were looking at a monster, and they all consciously squeezed towards the corner on the other side.

This way, it freed up a small amount of space for me.

I handed the medicine kit to the doctor, then let Vijay lie down, and assisted the doctor to complete the operation on Vijay.

Then, I stayed quietly in the corner with the two of them.

If you are hungry or thirsty, there is water and food on the shelf next to it.

And after I killed the strong man, the others were also full of defenses against me, but they all knew themselves, and none of them were stupid enough to provoke me.

Inexplicably, I have undisputed authority in this little sanctuary.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was already two days later.

Due to the large number of people, the air in this small refuge was already turbid, making people feel extremely uncomfortable, and everyone was drowsy.

But all of a sudden, a thunder-like sound removed the drowsiness of all of us.

Immediately afterwards, like an earthquake, the entire shelter began to tremble.

"what happened?"


In my memory, the last similar scene was an earthquake at the bottom of a tiankeng.

So when someone mentions this word, the first thing I think of is the kind of landslide earthquake, it's like the end of the world.

But soon, I realized that this was not like an earthquake.

Because this vibration lasted for a short time, and the frequency of the vibration weakened rapidly, just like an explosion happened near us.


When the vibration completely quieted down, the communicators in everyone's hands lit up, and a line of English was displayed on it.

The main force has arrived!
In other words, we can go out from this dark refuge!

This is good news worth dying of excitement for everyone, wishing they could be the first to rush out of this small shelter.

But, because of what I did before, all eyes were on me.

I know that they are afraid of death, so they are waiting for me to speak.

I silently helped Vijay up, and slowly walked towards the exit at the end of the passage, and the doctor followed behind me without saying a word.

The only one here who can go out with the oil drum on top is me, and subject to my authority, naturally, I became the first person to go out.

Vijay followed me, followed by the doctor.

The moment I came out of the refuge, I was completely stunned, because I found that the terrain of the entire camp had undergone earth-shaking changes.

It was as if it had been razed to the ground abruptly, and even everything disappeared without a trace, leaving only the scorched ground.

The white mist in the air became very thin, exuding a faint smell of sulfur.

Those people in the company didn't just blow up the entire camp, right?
However, being able to come out of that small space, the feeling of relief, really makes people feel refreshed.

Similarly, Vijay, who followed me out, widened his eyes even more when he saw the scene outside.

"This... where is this?"

He looked at me in disbelief.

But I have already made up my mind, and what makes him even more unbelievable is yet to come.

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