"Are you sure you've searched everywhere?"

My eyes fell on more than 20 people, observing the ecology of each of them, on the spot.

"I've searched all over!"

"But I can't find that son of a bitch!"

A few of them said angrily, and the others nodded.

Beside him, Vijay's brows were tightly frowned. If the commander could not be found, then the matter just now would surely be known to the upper echelons.

This is not good news for everyone.

I narrowed my eyes slightly, glanced around within the scope of my naked eyes, and then said lightly, "Where's the underground?"


Hearing this, the more than 20 people in front of me were all stunned for a moment. After looking at each other, they suddenly realized and dispersed again.

The people in the company never put all their eggs in the same basket, and judging from the fact that they have many branches, their ability to cunning rabbits and three caves is also first-class.

Since they must still be in the camp, it proves that there must be hiding places that others don't know about.

As long as you look a little more carefully, you can definitely find them.

"How did you come up with this idea?"

Vijay looked at me, his frown relaxed.

"Use your brain."

I poked his temple with my index finger, "If you can't hold on, you should go to sleep for a while. After working all the way, it's time for you to relax your body a little bit."


After speaking, Vijay closed his eyes.


I just sat down, three days, 72 hours, if there is no accident, we should be able to stick to it.

I was sitting next to Vijay, and from my perspective, I was able to have a panoramic view of the battered and tattered tent.

Suddenly, I noticed that the operating table seemed to have been moved.

Although there is white mist floating here, if you look carefully, you can see obvious friction marks on the bottom of the bracket supporting the operating table.

This inevitably aroused my curiosity.

Glancing at Vijay, who was already sound asleep beside me, I stood up slowly, walked to the operating table with light steps, and moved the operating table to the side without any effort.

The soil on the ground is very soft, and when you brush off the top layer, you can see a metal layer that reflects light.

The hole, which is as wide as a person, is tightly stitched by metal clasps, with only a thumb-sized clasp exposed outside.

I grabbed it and buckled it, and pulled it out, and the hole opened up in front of me.

The dark metal ladder went down, and I didn't know how deep it was.

I unhooked a grenade from my belt, my thumb on the tab.

Most of the company's manpower here is for mining tasks, and is subject to the giant scorpions that are active underground. The underground space they have opened up must not be large. This grenade is enough to bury them all in this underground hiding place. place.


I stared at the pitch-black metal ladder, lost in thought.

Excluding the situation where I threw a hand grenade in, the basement can't be destroyed without enough firepower from the outside.

One can imagine the security level of a place that can be used as a hiding place by them.

If this hiding place can be used by me, even if this camp is attacked by giant scorpions, I can stay safe and sound until 72 hours later.

As long as during this period, get rid of the commander and make sure that I won't be killed.

After some thought, I made a decision.

But before I looked back, there was a sudden gunshot in the distance, and this time it was more violent than before, and there were explosions from time to time.

"Assemble! Emergency."

emergency?What emergency?
Shouldn't it be...

Almost in an instant, I had already reacted, the sound of guns, the emergency situation, the only thing that can happen here is probably the giant scorpion attack.

Hearing the burst of gunfire just now, it was obvious that the situation to be faced this time was more difficult than before.

This is not a good thing for us.

I glanced at Vijay, his injuries were too serious, he fell asleep, and even the violent gunfire just now didn't wake him up from his sleep.

But he fell asleep when he fell asleep. After all, it would be unrealistic to expect him to go to the battlefield.

It was enough for him to just walk now, let alone let him fight those giant scorpions with a gun.

After a while, the sound of gunfire from afar became more intense.

Subconsciously, I planned to leave Vijay here first, and then go to support the camp's defense line by myself.

But when I took a step forward, I stopped again.

There are a lot of people talking, and I am not a bodhisattva who saves suffering, so why not just leave them outside and let them fend for themselves...

At this moment, I felt in a trance that I was no different from those crazy guys in the company. If I told them this hiding place, they might have a chance to survive.

But if there are hidden company loyalists among them, then all my hard work may be in vain.

To save or not to save is in my mind.

But unfortunately, in the end I chose to embark on the most selfish path.

I moved the operating table back to its original position, then woke Vijay who was sleeping soundly, and pointed to the underground passage for him who was in a daze.

Vijay was dazed for a while, and after he regained his composure for a while, his eyes widened, and he immediately reacted, "They..."

I made a silent gesture to him, and said softly, "It should be hiding underneath. We will go in and get rid of them, and then stay inside for three days. It shouldn't be a problem."


Vijay understood the pros and cons of it, and nodded without thinking about it, but then he asked, "What about the others? Do you need to greet them?"

"Need not."

Seeing my serious face, Vijay didn't say much.

The mud bodhisattva crossing the river can't take care of himself. It's good to protect this little life. How can he care about others?

After we quietly entered the underground passage, we closed the metal cover again, and then slowly climbed down.

After going down for more than 20 meters, the passage turned horizontal, there was light at the end, and the sound of conversation could be heard faintly.

"Those damned traitors!"

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