At this critical moment, my body, which was already exhausted, suddenly gained strength again. With a fierce kick on the ground with both feet, I suddenly threw myself to the side.

I just heard a muffled bang, and I rolled like a dog eating shit. Fortunately, the ground in this woods is covered with thick leaves, so I didn't feel too uncomfortable.

I hurriedly looked back, only to see that at this time, Xi'er had already fought with the one-eyed savage who attacked me from behind.

It's obvious that Xi'er didn't want to attack me just now, but she sensed that savage hiding behind her, and the knife was aimed at him!

This wild man is very cunning. We have hunted him for so long, and this guy knows that if he continues like this, he will only die.

So, the one-eyed dragon simply didn't run away, but hid secretly, and launched a surprise attack on me.

Compared with Xi'er, I am weaker, but I still have a gun in my hand, which can cause great damage to him.This guy thinks that as long as he gets rid of me and deals with Xi'er alone, his chances of surviving will be high.

Fortunately, Xi'er was keenly aware of him, and I reacted extremely quickly when I was in the nick of time, avoiding this fatal danger.

Now, it's time for Xi'er and me to attack him.

At this moment, Xi'er and this guy got into a fight. The gift wooden knife in his hand is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing. Once the skin is cut, it will be life-threatening. This makes me very worried, but Xi'er is waving it. The long knife was like water, but his movements became faster and faster, and he slashed to the same position on the wooden knife several times with great precision.

Soon there was a gap in the wooden knife, and cracks appeared on the whole knife. In the end, Xi'er gave a strong shock and split his wooden knife into pieces. The guy's hand was also cut off by Xi'er's blow. up.

This one-eyed dragon is fighting alone, and he is no match for Xi'er at all, and now that I am watching, he doesn't dare to run around at all, because the gun in my hand has already been aimed at his head.

Right now, Xi'er is too close to him, and the two of them are fighting very fiercely. I'm worried that if I shoot, I may accidentally injure him.Otherwise, if this guy dares to turn around and run away, that's a good time for me to shoot.

The one-eyed dragon also understood this truth. After fighting hard for a while, he seized an opportunity, hid behind the big tree, jumped away, and continued to run away.

However, this time, this guy is far from being able to run as before. He had one hand cut off by Xi'er, and the blood flowed profusely. The blood and smell easily traced him.

Not long after, he was shot in the chest by me, and fell to the ground miserably, unable to run anymore.

Xi'er and I walked in front of him indifferently, looking down at this savage.

This guy didn't breathe in as much, and he was not far from death, but he still looked at me with hatred, and he screamed coldly.

"Some time ago, when you were chasing me everywhere, did you expect to be killed by me today?"

I laughed and said in the native language.However, my native language is not very good, and it is a bit difficult to say these few words, but Xi'er obediently relayed a few words for me.

The savage stared at me, his eyes became more and more resentful, and he roared loudly, but he died before he finished speaking.

What this guy said at the end was very weird, and contained many nouns that I didn't understand.I asked Xier what he said.

"He seems to be talking about something related to the gods, saying that you have offended Lu, and his people will definitely not let you go..."

Xi'er said this, and a strong worry flashed in her beautiful big eyes, "Brother Zhang, things are a bit strange, they didn't come to chase us because of the purple stripes, but because you have offended the gods." Felony. Among the indigenous people, Lu is the only god, extremely noble, and absolutely not allowed to be offended, what have you done to make them judge like this..."

The Honglu people's belief is very strange, but it has a little similarity with Islam outside, that is, they believe that there is only one god in the world. This sect is called Unitarianism in the mouths of religious researchers.

There is only one God, and the status of this God is naturally very high.Blasphemy, the wildlings will never die with me.

But at this moment, I feel completely inexplicable, brother, I did nothing, how could I offend your gods, I remember that I just killed one of your servants back then.

"Killing a servant is definitely not an offense to the gods..."

Xi'er shook her head.

We all felt very strange. After thinking about it, I decided to interrogate another prisoner. There was a seriously injured native who was tied to a big tree by us. Now we go to torture him, maybe we can know The ins and outs of things.

However, when we got back to where the big tree was, we looked at each other in blank dismay.

The seriously injured savage had disappeared!
First, we ruled out the possibility that the savage would escape by himself.That guy was shot in the kidney by Xi'er and injured by me in the leg. Even if someone rescued him, he wouldn't survive for long, let alone run away by himself.

I was still worried on the way just now, and this guy was dead after coming here.

Unexpectedly, he would disappear

Could it be that there are new natives coming down?

We picked up the binoculars and took a closer look at the cliff, but immediately denied this possibility.Those natives were still on the cliff, as if they were tinkering with something.

The number of these aborigines is not many, there were only more than 40 people, but now we have killed more than a dozen, and the remaining number is easy to count.

And when the ghost ceremony was held at that time, although more than 30 indigenous people participated, the dozen or so who came down were all smeared with blood on their bodies, and the other dozen seemed to be another similar ceremony held .

According to their strict class and ceremonial customs, it is impossible for these people to come down unless they fiddle with new ceremonies.

In this way, things are a bit weird.

Xi'er and I discussed it for a long time, but we didn't find any result.

This made me full of doubts, but I have a faint feeling that since this happened, Xi'er's expression has been a little unnatural. When I talk to her, she always loses her mind.

Could it be that Xi'er actually knew something, but refused to tell me?

All along, Xi'er has been very well-behaved in front of me, she never thought she would hide something from me now.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, even if this savage runs away, he won't survive. We're still safe!"

Seeing that I was restless, Xi'er took the initiative to comfort me.

Hearing what she said, I felt a little relieved. In any case, I thought that Xi'er would not harm me. Now that she said there is no need to worry, I think she really needn't worry.

But this incident still left a huge question mark in my heart.

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