Looking at Xiao Ya who was smiling sweetly, Yang Yitian frowned slightly, and said in a slightly lower voice: "Such jokes should be avoided in the future."

"Well, I promise not to do it next time!"

Seeing Yang Yitian's solemn face, who didn't seem to be joking with her, Xiao Ya curled her lips embarrassingly, thinking that if she were another man, she wouldn't be able to stand it, and she couldn't wait to pounce on him. He resisted and pushed away.

"By the way, Brother Tian, ​​why are you standing outside and not going in? Is it because of Xinyao?" Xiao Ya didn't want the atmosphere to become awkward, so she changed the subject and asked, she judged from the cigarette butts on the ground, when Yang Yitian came It should be quite a long time.

Hearing this, Yang Yitian shook his head with a slight smile, but did not answer Xiao Ya's question.

"If it's because of this, Brother Tian, ​​you don't have to worry, Xinyao should be mentally prepared in advance, otherwise she wouldn't ask me to move here to live with her for a while.

Also, she is actually quite nice, but she looks cold on the surface and is not easy to get close to people, so please don't pay attention to her cold attitude. "

Xiao Ya looked directly at Yang Yitian and patiently explained that she noticed from Jiang Xinyao's attitude that there seemed to be some misunderstanding between her best friend and this man.

But fortunately, the relationship between the two has not reached the point where it cannot be let go, otherwise Jiang Xinyao would never have said on the way back by car that Yang Yitian could make an exception and let him live on the first floor of the villa while he was working as a bodyguard.

Yang Yitian squinted his eyes, presumably it was the sentence Jiang Yue said before, except for taking a bath and going to the toilet within 24 hours, he must never leave his sight. Although Jiang Xinyao hated it very much, she still listened to it in her heart.

"Okay, I see." Yang Yitian nodded deeply, and entered the living room on the first floor of the villa side by side with Xiao Ya.

"Brother Tian, ​​please sit down first, I'll pour you a glass of water."

Xiao Ya went to pick up a glass of water with ease and came back. When she put the glass in front of Yang Yitian, she sat down beside him.

"Thank you." Yang Yitian didn't pick up the water glass, but deliberately left from the sofa, not getting too close to Xiao Ya, and looked at the decoration style of the villa.

Smooth marble floor tiles, imported luxury European-style sofas, famous paintings from various countries hanging on the walls, crystal chandeliers hanging above the head, and the fragrance of women floating in the air make people feel very comfortable and warm.


Suddenly, as if aware of a pair of eyes staring at him, Yang Yitian turned his head to look at the attic on the second floor of the villa, and he saw a face as cold as ice.

Jiang Xinyao's long hair vertically reaches her waist like a waterfall, and she wears a OL business jacket over her fragrant shoulders. Although she can't see what kind of pajamas she is wearing inside, her tall figure looks like a girl no matter what she wears. It's like tailor-made for her, with a cool and noble temperament, and it's so beautiful.

I saw her holding the floor-to-ceiling wooden guardrail of the attic with both hands, lowering her head slightly condescendingly, her beautiful black and white eyes, staring at Yang Yitian intently.

The two looked at each other for a long time, Yang Yitian showed a gentle smile, Jiang Xinyao's eyebrows tightened and loosened when she saw this, she stepped straight and round legs, and walked down the attic step by step.

Yuzu stepped on the purple crystal slippers and came to the European-style sofa in a leisurely manner. Jiang Xinyao didn't ask Yang Yitian when he came out, nor how he found his place, but took the agreement that Bai Jiusu held in his hand, Put it on the glass table in the living room, and said in a cold tone: "Look carefully, there is no problem and sign your name."

Yang Yitian frowned, picked up the agreement written by Jiang Xinyao and glanced at it.

Party A: Jiang Xinyao.

Party B: Yang Yitian.

Article [-], Party B shall not have any physical contact with Party A, and shall not have any idea of ​​conspiracy.

The second article, without the permission of Party A, Party B is absolutely not allowed to step into the second floor of the villa, and is only allowed to sleep in the guest room on the first floor at night.

Article [-], Party B shall not bring anyone to the villa, shall not smoke, shall not show their upper body, or walk around casually in only close-fitting clothes.

Article [-], apart from the responsibilities of security, Party B shall not intervene in the life of Party A, and shall not disclose the identity of the bodyguard to outsiders.

Article 1000, if Party B violates the above content, Party A has the right to terminate the employment relationship and not allow Party B to appear in Party A's sight, otherwise Party B will pay a breach of contract fee of [-] million yuan.

After reading the content of the agreement, Yang Yitian's face was slightly ponderous, but he still took the pen and wrote his name on Party B's board firmly and forcefully.

"Is it okay?" Yang Yitian put down his pen, looked up at Jiang Xinyao and asked lightly.

Jiang Xinyao picked up the agreement, ignored Yang Yitian, turned her head to glance at Xiao Ya who was wearing a nightgown, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "What time is it, don't you need to sleep?"

"I don't go to work tomorrow. Didn't you say that there is a meeting in the morning? Go to bed first and leave me alone." Xiao Ya poked out her sweet tongue coquettishly, Jiang Xinyao frowned, and then pulled her into the On one side, away from Yang Yitian who was sitting on the luxurious sofa.

"Xinyao, what are you doing? It hurts." Being dragged to a corner by Jiang Xinyao, Xiao Ya pulled back her small hand with a puzzled expression, showing a pitiful and lovely look.

"Did you drink too much at the bar? I don't know there are outsiders here. Can you be a little self-aware and wear a few more clothes, so you can almost see everything like this. What are you thinking?"

Jiang Xinyao gouged out Xiao Ya's eyes angrily. The impression Yang Yitian left on her was that she was a shameless person. It was as if her best friend had taken the wrong medicine. She shamelessly wore a loose nightdress and walked around in front of a man. As a woman, don't you even understand the principles of self-respect and self-love?
"I woke up early with that drink, and I'm not a little girl. I know how to do some things. Xinyao, you don't need to talk too much. It's getting late. Go to bed quickly."

Xiao Ya didn't feel ashamed at all in her words, Jiang Xinyao was so angry that she had nothing to say, she put the coat she was wearing on her fragrant shoulders, and then turned back to her room angrily.

After Jiang Xinyao's figure completely disappeared, Xiao Ya took off her uniform jacket, and walked back to Yang Yitian's side with light steps on her jade feet.

"It's tiring to be a stewardess. My shoulders feel a little sore." Xiao Yarou stood in front of Yang Yitian bonyly, raised her plain hands clenched in pink fists, leaned back slightly, and stretched her waist coquettishly.

At the same time, from the corner of Xiao Ya's beautiful eyes, she secretly glanced at Yang Yitian, wanting to see if he showed greedy eyes towards her.

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