The God of War of the Female President

Chapter 540 Mingang Mountain Treasure Hunt

China Sea.

Because today is the weekend and there is no need to go to work, Shen Lei lay comfortably at home playing with his mobile phone.

But today's luck was not very good, he lost several times in a row, and all the teammates he encountered were epic giant pit teammates, let alone Shen Lei, even a god couldn't save the whole audience.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of elementary school students on vacation!" Shen Lei quit the game cursing.

He had nothing to do, so he opened the door and saw that the sun was just right to dry things, so he took out the clothes, quilts and other things that he hadn't worn for a long time, and put them under the sun in the yard.


Just then, a quaint brown scroll fell from the pocket of a certain garment to the ground.

"Huh?" Shen Lei picked it up and took a look, immediately amused, "So it's here."

This is the parchment scroll found from Tang Qianshan's body three months ago. It is said to be some kind of treasure of the Hengshan School, and it is an ancient treasure map.

Originally, Shen Lei was not interested in this parchment, and wanted to return it to the Hengshan faction, but the Hengshan faction's people were too arrogant, which made Shen Lei very upset, so he said he didn't take it.

In fact, after telling the lie, Shen Lei regretted it, because he was really not interested in the parchment, so saying that he didn't take it was tantamount to coveting this treasure.

But the words had already been spoken, and Shen Lei could only bite the bullet and say that he really didn't take it, not to mention that the Hengshan School's approach was indeed too outrageous, so Shen Lei didn't feel any guilt.

Afterwards, this incident even got to Ye Lin's place. With Ye Lin's intervention, the Hengshan faction was finally expelled from Zhonghai, and Shen Lei's life was restored to tranquility. No one asked about the whereabouts of the parchment anymore.

And Shen Lei was indeed not interested in the sheepskin scrolls. It happened that the seasons changed at that time, and he also changed several sets of clothes. The sheepskin scrolls were thrown into the closet just like that, and they hadn't been moved for three months. If it wasn't for the sun today , Shen Lei wants to dry his clothes, but he doesn't know when this parchment will see the light of day again.

Just being idle, Shen Lei simply sat cross-legged on the ground, looking back and forth at the parchment.

In fact, in the final analysis, this is a treasure map marked with a map. Although the person who drew this map lived in a long time ago, according to the terrain and mountain situation, it can be vaguely judged that this is Zhong Hai, and the approximate location is Shen Lei. can also be determined.

Do you want to go?
Shen Lei thought about it, and decided to go there.

He was not coveting how many treasures there were, but was curious why the Hengshan School regarded this parchment scroll as a treasure?
Of course, Shen Lei is not a moralist. If there is something he is interested in at the treasure location, such as ancient sharp weapons, he still doesn't mind taking one or two for his own use.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm going out for a while." Shen Lei yelled into the house, and rode the Triumph T100 motorcycle he just bought from the garage to Mingang Mountain.

Yes, the place marked on the parchment is in the area of ​​Mingang Mountain.

The mountains on the edge of the Middle Sea are huge and continuous. In ancient times, this was an important strategic defensive area. Many famous generals used to line up and train in the deep mountains.

There was no road built at the entrance of Mingang Mountain, so Shen Lei parked his motorcycle by the side of the road and went up the mountain on foot.

According to the approximate location recorded in the parchment scroll, Shen Lei wandered around the depths of Mingang Mountain for four or five hours, until it was almost dusk in the afternoon, and finally came to a cliff.

Shen Lei looked down and saw that there was a pool of water under the cliff about 200 meters high, so he jumped into the pool with a plop.

An ordinary person jumping from this height would definitely die. Even jumping into the water is no different from jumping on the ground.However, Shen Lei's physique is special, and this height did not cause any serious damage to his body, completely ignoring the laws of physics.

After jumping into the pool, Shen Lei didn't come up to the surface, but dived into the deep blue water. After diving for about 50 meters, he saw a very hidden passage.

The passage was also full of water, with twists and turns as if there was no end in sight, Shen Lei plunged into it without hesitation.

Originally, he thought he could swim to the end in a few minutes, but it turned out that Shen Lei swam for half an hour before reaching the spacious place, and a bright light appeared above his head, indicating that the exit had arrived.

So Shen Lei floated up, and this process took another full 10 minutes before he surfaced with a crash.


Even with Shen Lei's vital capacity, he couldn't help panting heavily at this moment, it was too terrible!
It was thanks to him, if it were an ordinary person, he might have drowned in the passage just now.

After a short rest, he swam ashore and looked around.

Originally, he thought he could see many magnificent treasures, such as gold and silver... But he was greatly disappointed, because this is just a closed cave, although the space is very large, but it is completely empty, nothing.

However, on the top of the rock wall, you can see many white stalactites standing upside down, looking very powerful and powerful, with a strong impact.

This kind of original ecological stalactites are relatively simple white and yellowish-brown in color, unlike the colorful lights in the scenic spot, they look much more comfortable and natural.

After admiring it for a while, Shen Lei felt dull again. He came here to look at the treasures, not the scenery. Besides, the scenery in this cave is not very interesting. It is sealed and the air smells of damp. , making people very uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for the address marked on the parchment, including specific locations such as cliffs, pools, passages, etc., Shen Lei would have wondered if he had come to the wrong place.

What about treasure?
Could it be that someone took the first step and took away all the treasures here?

Although this place is very hidden, it is not impossible to find it. If someone is determined to stay in this Mingang Mountain for a period of time, the purpose is to find the treasure, and do nothing else. Maybe they can find it in a month. Out.

In other words, it's not necessarily true that someone else broke in by mistake.

But this possibility is extremely low, because if you want to come here, you have to go through cliffs, waterfalls, pools, and the most difficult half-hour passage and ascent.

Ordinary people can't get in at all.

Unless there is a caring person and a team, and at the same time bring special equipment for landing, diving, and sufficient food.

In short, any kind of possibility is possible. The space is indeed very large, but Shen Lei did not see any trace of the treasure.

He couldn't help being a little annoyed. If he had known this, he should have ignored the arrogance of everyone in Hengshan and handed over the sheepskin scroll obediently.

Now he acted as if he was a thief, he didn't get anything, and he caused a lot of trouble.

The Hengshan faction had completely doubted themselves. Even if they returned the parchment to them now, they would probably suspect that Shen Lei had moved everything away when they found the cave empty.

Shen Lei is called an injustice.

The only solution now is to continue to hide the fact that he owns the parchment, and not to expose it.

Shen Lei sighed softly, it seemed that this was the only way to go.

Just as Shen Lei was about to dive into the water again and leave this sad place, suddenly, a figure appeared from the shadow of the cave, and said with a smile: "Since Guiren Shen is here, why did you leave again?"

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