It's really not Shen Lei's pretense, when the corpse chaser first appeared, he was indeed shocked.

But after discovering the characteristics of the corpse exorcism team, I didn't feel much about it, it was just a deep impression.

What's so scary about a bunch of dead things, what's really scary is living things.

Just now the corpse exorcist found the tent, if he dared to make trouble, Shen Lei would have given him a second.

Once the corpse driver dies, what are the remaining dead things?

In the past seven years Shen Lei has been abroad, he has seen all kinds of strange things, and seeing the corpse chaser is just something new.

To be honest, Shen Lei has seen more absurd things than corpse chasers in the past few years, but no one believes what he said.

However, Shen Lei can also understand Lin Yingxue and others. After all, not everyone has his experience. Respect for differences is a person's basic emotional intelligence.

"This corpse exorcising team often walks back and forth on this road, which means that his residence is not far from here." Ren Ziyang suggested at this time: "Otherwise, let's look around, maybe we can find the corpse exorcist. secret."

"Since the exorcist disappeared at the end of the last century, people can no longer obtain relevant information."

"Now, we happened to find traces of the corpse exorcist. If we continue to dig along the clues, we might be able to solve the mystery of the corpse exorcist."

"At that time, if we announce the truth to the public, it can be regarded as a kind of knowledge popularization!"

"In this way, the secret of the exorcist will no longer be a secret, which is very important for the protection of our country's cultural heritage!" Ren Ziyang said excitedly.

The legend of the corpse chaser, the principle has not yet been proved by science.

Why can dead people stand up and walk?

Why can the corpse driver drive the corpse?

These mysteries may be solved tonight.

Whether it is Jiang Xueqing, Lin Yingxue, or Ren Ziyang, they are all geniuses in the medical field.

As long as they see it with their own eyes, they can know the secret of the corpse exorcist, which is not an exaggeration at all.

The reason why modern science cannot reveal the secrets of the corpse exorcisers is that in this era, the corpse exorcists are almost extinct.

Since the corpse chaser can't be found, how can the secret be revealed?

Now that he finally got an opportunity, Ren Ziyang was the last thing he wanted to give up.

If he really researched the secrets of the corpse exorcisers thoroughly, he would return to Zhonghai to write a paper to demonstrate the secrets of the corpse exorcisers, which would definitely cause a worldwide sensation.

Don't look at it as just a small paper, but once it gets out, the impact will be very far-reaching!

And writing this thesis, Ren Ziyang, the first person who discovered the secret of the corpse exorcist, will definitely become a hit, help him open the door to fame and fortune, and even return to Europe and the United States, and continue to lead a high-paying job there .

As long as he seizes such an opportunity, Ren Ziyang will not have to worry about money or fame in his life, and he does not want to give up no matter what.

Jiang Xueqing and Lin Yingxue didn't know what Ren Ziyang was thinking, but they also agreed with what Ren Ziyang said, if the secret of the exorcist can be discovered and made public, it is very important for the protection of national cultural heritage.

As a special group of people with a special profession that has existed for centuries, Lin Yingxue and Jiang Xueqing still hope to let people know this secret before they disappear completely.

Seeing that all three of them wanted to go, Shen Lei didn't have any objection. Anyway, he didn't have much need for sleep, so he went down the steep slope, crossed the stream, and walked quickly in the opposite direction of the corpse driver.

After walking for about ten minutes, I saw an open space below a valley. The terrain and environment are excellent, suitable for human habitation, and there are a few small huts.Near the small hut, green vegetables are planted for eating and drinking.

"It's here." Shen Lei listened carefully, and after confirming that there was no movement in the small hut, he turned to Jiang Xueqing and the others and said, "Before going in, let me say a few things to pay attention to."

Everyone pricked up their ears and listened.

After all, Shen Lei is the guarantee of safety for this wild adventure, so he still needs to be listened to.

"First, we're only here to find out the secrets of the exorcists, so the focus is on finding the corpses. If we can find one or two corpses, we should study them as quickly as possible."

"Second, because we don't have any information about the exorcist, we must pay attention to safety when studying the corpse. There are many bacteria on the corpse. If you touch it casually, it will easily cause infection. Therefore, you must wash your hands frequently! "

"Third, if you don't find the body, then look for relevant materials and notes in the house, or the raw materials that make the body jump. Apart from these, we don't touch anything else in the house, after all, this is someone else's house , tampering with the items, it would be bad if it caused a misunderstanding. In the middle of the night, you don't want to be regarded as a thief by others, right?"

"Fourth, and most importantly, during the search, if you encounter danger or any unknown situation, please be sure to call my name as soon as possible."

Speaking of this, Shen Lei said solemnly: "I will arrive as soon as possible to protect your safety."

Lin Yingxue's eyes were about to burst into stars: "Shen Lei, you are so serious and responsible, you are so handsome, even my heart is moved, no wonder Xueqing will fall in love with you!"

Jiang Xueqing's face flushed slightly, she lowered her head and did not speak.

She was a little embarrassed to say it, because she and Lin Yingxue wanted to go together, and Shen Lei who told them to pay attention to safety matters just now... is really handsome!
Seeing Lin Yingxue's nympho look on his face, Ren Ziyang snorted in displeasure, "Shen Lei, don't think of everyone so dirty, we just came here to study the exorcists, not As a thief, who would mess with other people's things?"

"I'm just reminding, it's best not to touch it." Shen Lei said lightly.

After talking about a few situations that could happen at any time, the group of people took action and entered the hut of the corpse hunter.

The few houses are very simple, there are not even electric lights, and it is pitch black.

There is a strong musty smell in the room, which is very unpleasant.

The few huts are very simple, with random bedding, and even simple waterproof and moisture-proof measures are not done. In this kind of deep mountains and old forests, where there is a lot of rain, it is no wonder that the houses are not humid.

There were even many reptiles in the room, and Shen Lei had trampled several centipedes to death.

"Damn, how did he survive without electricity?" Ren Ziyang walked forward in the dark, complaining a little.

Lin Yingxue smiled and said: "This is a remote mountain, and there is no wire connected, which is normal. Besides, since he is a corpse hunter, since he is hiding in this deep mountain, it means that he deliberately hides his tracks, and it is impossible for him to apply for a wire connection on his own initiative. .”

"Living here alone is really hard." Jiang Xueqing said softly.

"Where is a person, there are more than a dozen people to accompany him, so he is not lonely at all." Shen Lei teased.

Jiang Xueqing couldn't help giving him a blank look.

Living in such a remote mountain with a dozen corpses is really a very terrifying thing.

This is much more terrifying than living alone.

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