When she woke up, it was already three shots in the morning. Zhanying got up and stretched her body before she noticed Chu Hanyan next to her.

"Honey, you're so kind, come and kiss me." Zhanying said with a chuckle.

"I hate it, don't make trouble, someone is watching!" Chu Hanyan's pretty face flushed slightly, and her eyes rolled away.

Following Chu Hanyan's gaze, Zhanying saw Ghost Hand, Kuanglong, Muzi and Yuanyuan not far away at a glance, and noticed their smirks, and his face instantly turned cold "What are you doing here? Don't you need to do anything?"

"Boss, we are concerned about you. You have been asleep for three days." Guishou said with a bitter face.

"I've been asleep for three days?" Zhanying frowned slightly.

The few people nodded frantically like chickens chasing rice. If they didn't see that his body was normal, they might have to be sent to the hospital.

"Okay, I'm fine, you all go back!" Zhanying waved his hand and said.

"Okay, then let's go back first, so we won't disturb the warmth between you and Lao Tzu." The ghost hand laughed, extremely wretched.


Zhanying said angrily.

"Okay, get out now, get out now." Ghost Hand shrank his head and rushed out quickly.

However, just after walking a few steps, the ghost hand probed in again, looking like gossip.

Looking at this scene, Zhanying's eyes flickered coldly, and said slowly: "Why, it's because my words don't work anymore, or you guys lack training recently!"

"Boss, calm down, boss, actually, I forgot one thing, and I'll leave after I finish speaking." The ghost shrank his head, as if he really felt that the boss was angry, and said quickly: "Actually, it's not my business, it's the night." Mei asked me to tell you that I would go to her place after waking up, she has something to say about the innately strong."

"Okay, I understand. If you have nothing else to do, just get out." Zhanying nodded, but a thought flashed in her mind. Could it be that she has already researched the secret of the innately strong.

Thinking of this, even with Zhanying's heart, he couldn't help being moved. If this is the case, then he can walk sideways in the future.

"Okay!" Gui Shou nodded, and under Zhanying's signal gaze, he pulled the reluctant Yuanyuan out.

"Wife, I made you worry." Zhanying watched a group of people leave, grabbed Chu Hanyan's little hand, and said affectionately.

"I know that you are an enemy who does great things, but I also hope that you will put safety first. After all, you have a family. If something happens to you, what should I do?" Chu Hanyan looked at Zhanying and said slowly .

Although she still can't remember the past, no matter what, she has seen and remembered Zhanying's kindness to her during this time, and she has slowly begun to believe Zhanying's words.

"Don't worry, I won't do it in the future, this time it was just an accident." Zhanying nodded and said seriously.

Of course, he added in his heart, no one can say clearly about accidents, but what I can guarantee is that nothing will happen to me.

The two stayed together for a while, then Zhanying left the house and went to Yemei's place.

The distance is not too far, and Zhanying arrived soon. After entering the research room, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

At this time, the two innate powerhouses of the Ghost Claw Sect had their dantian and strength sealed, and their large characters were tied to the steel bed, using the strongest alloy material.

Not to mention that the strength of the two of them is now sealed, even in their peak state, they may not be able to earn money.

At this moment, there was a look of humiliation on the expressions of the two of them, they looked extremely miserable, like a girl who had been insulted many times, and there was a feeling of lovelessness.

Seeing Zhanying appearing here, the two of them struggled violently. Their eyes were full of hatred. They probably thought that Zhanying had confessed. Unfortunately, their mouths were blocked and they couldn't speak at all. .

"You're here." Ye Mei came out from the back room, saw Zhanying, looked up and down for a moment, and found that he was doing well, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, what's the matter?" Zhanying nodded, ignoring the two of them, and walked towards the inside.

"It really made me discover something, and it also has some results." Hearing this, Ye Mei's eyes lit up, and a trace of excitement flashed across her expression.

Zhanying was also slightly taken aback, and in an instant there was also a hint of excitement, it was related to her innateness, how could she not be excited.

The figure quickly followed in, just as he entered, the phone rang at the right time, but he couldn't help frowning.

After opening it, he found that the call was from Gao Jianfeng, and immediately pressed the answer button.

"Uncle Gao, what's the matter?" Zhanying asked.

"They're going to carry out their mission." Gao Jianfeng pondered for a while before speaking.

"Well, this is their mission. I believe they can successfully complete the mission and return safely." Zhanying exhaled slowly, with an extremely solemn expression.

"I understand, I believe in your strength, and I also believe in their strength." Gao Jianfeng said.

"Uncle Gao is too much." Zhanying smiled, and he also believed that the group of soldiers could successfully complete the task, because he taught them by himself.

"By the way, I won't bother you anymore." Gao Jianfeng hesitated, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.

"Wait." Zhan Ying naturally heard it, and said, "Uncle Gao, if you have something to say, just speak up. Do we still need to be polite? Is there any question about this mission?"

Zhanying didn't ask about the specific mission, because he knew that it was a secret matter, and no one was allowed to know except the soldiers who performed the mission.

"There's nothing wrong with it." Gao Jianfeng hesitated, and after a long time he let out a breath, and said with a wry smile, "I just wanted to tell you that Sheng Nan and the Yun family boy went to carry out the mission together."

Zhanying's complexion changed suddenly when he heard this, he never thought that Gao Jianfeng would tell him such news.

"When did it happen?" Almost without thinking, Zhanying gritted her teeth and said, "Uncle Gao, how could you let her perform such a dangerous mission, and she was just a criminal police officer before, and she had never participated in such missions at all. What's more, the mission this time may be even more dangerous!"

It's not to blame for Zhanying's anger. The soldiers he trained by himself naturally know how powerful they are.

It was also because of this that he was sure that the task this time was not easy, otherwise he might not need this group of soldiers at all.

"I left yesterday, so I'm afraid it's already here." Gao Jianfeng smiled wryly.

It's not that he didn't stop it, it's just that he couldn't stop it at all. What's more, although this matter was dangerous, it was for righteousness. As the commander of the military region, what qualifications did he have to stop it.

Could it be that your daughter is special, why can other people's children go but not yours?
"I understand." Zhanying let out a breath slowly, suppressing the anger in her heart, knowing that it is useless to get angry now, and immediately said: "Uncle Gao, I don't ask what the mission is, but you can tell me about this mission." level of danger?"

"Class A." Gao Jianfeng hesitated a little, but said it anyway.

Hearing this, Zhanying almost ran away again. You must know that A-level missions can basically be said to be the most dangerous missions in the special forces of Longyan Kingdom. Although there are 2A, 3A, and even S-level missions, they can Those tasks are assigned to the special forces to perform, because the people in the special forces are all ancient warriors, and their strength must reach the dark force at the very least.

"Okay, I know you won't disclose the specific mission content, but can you tell me the approximate location?" Zhanying asked through gritted teeth.

"This one……"

"Uncle Gao, don't tell me you still don't believe me?" Zhan Ying sensed Gao Jianfeng's hesitation, and immediately snorted coldly.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just..." Gao Jianfeng smiled wryly, wanting to explain, but quickly shook his head and said, "Forget it, since you asked, then I'll tell you."

"Thank you, Uncle Gao." Zhanying nodded, feeling relieved.

It's not too late for him to rush there now, he has also carried out missions, and he knows that missions don't start as soon as they pass, but require a lot of preparation work, and everything will be arranged properly before he can act to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Especially for such an A-level task, it takes more time to prepare. At least within three or two days, I can't act at all, which means I still have time.

Taking a deep breath, Zhanying listened to Gao Jianfeng finish talking about the location, and her whole body suddenly became unwell.

Because the mission location of this meeting is impressively the black state where wars are constantly raging, but thinking about it carefully, in fact, such a place may not be safe for them.

The more chaotic the place, the easier it is to hide, but correspondingly, the level of danger will increase linearly, because it is full of unknowns, who knows when and what will happen, and what will be exposed.

Hanging up the phone, Zhanying immediately called Guishou, and when he got through there, he quickly said: "Ghostshou, let me investigate what happened in Heizhou recently, and find some people for me, Remember that you can only investigate secretly, do you understand?"

"Understood." Gui Shou nodded, never daring to delay when it comes to business, and immediately went to carry out what Zhanying ordered.

Zhanying hung up the phone and walked into the laboratory, her gaze could not help falling on a glass cover, and she saw a trace of energy hidden inside, as if it was alive.

"Is this the strength of an innate strongman?" Zhanying asked.

Ye Mei didn't need to answer, Zhanying was basically determined, and only the strength of the innate strong would leave the body, and it would not dissipate for a long time.

Transformed into an innate martial artist, even if he is himself, as long as his strength is separated from his body, it will dissipate in a moment.

"That's right, take a closer look." Ye Mei nodded, with a smug look on her face, and said to Zhanying.

Hearing this, Zhanying lowered his head and observed carefully. This was also the first time he had observed the strength of a congenital strong man at close range, so he could naturally feel many differences among them.

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