The God of War Husband of the Female CEO

Chapter 646 Digging Spirit Stones

Hearing Ye Fan's question, the little fat man curled his lips helplessly.

"Isn't it because I am the eldest son in the family, and my father wants me to set an example for my younger siblings."

"I get angry when I think about it, Mr. Ye, do you think this old guy is annoying? I asked him to give me a new brother and let my brother come to practice, but he refused."

"It really pissed me off, as if I had a grudge against him."

"Ahem!" Ye Fan coughed for a while, and didn't want to talk to this bastard anymore, it was too shocking.

He took the little fat man and walked inside.

Ye Fan found out that when the disciples were digging the spirit stones, in order to tell others that there were already people in his cave, they all made a sign at the entrance of the cave.

For example, someone put a small iron bucket at the entrance of the cave, and someone pressed the coat on the entrance of the cave with stones.Some people brought a few sticks when they came down, and put the sticks directly at the door.

In a word, there are people in this cave, if you want to dig out spirit stones, please go to other places.

Ye Fan looked forward and walked forward for a while, until the jingling sound in front became less and less, and then stopped.

At this time, the little fat man was so tired that his mouth was open, and he couldn't breathe.

He sat powerlessly on a rock, gasped and gasped and said, "Ye, Master Ye, I can't do it anymore, if I keep going, I will die."

Ye Fan chuckled in his heart, and said in his heart, I just want you not to be able to walk.

Immediately said, "Well, in order not to let you delay my work, you wait for me here, and I will come to you in three days."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the little fat man to reply, he handed him all the steamed buns and water that he had brought over.

"Here, there are so many, you shouldn't starve to death."

The little fat man was taken aback, "No, you gave it to me, what do you eat yourself?"

Of course Ye Fan would not say that in my black ring, there should not be too many delicious things.

He waved his hand generously, "I know martial arts, I'll be fine if I'm hungry for a few days, not to mention I have to dig out spirit stones, so I don't have time to eat this thing. Well, you're right here, don't bother me, I'll go Dig the spirit stone."

After speaking, he lifted the shovel and small iron bucket and walked in.

But the little fat man was so moved, he grinned and shouted from behind, "Uncle Ye, you have to be careful yourself, after you and I can get out of Biyunzong, I will definitely marry the most beautiful sister to you!" you!"

Ye Fan was speechless for a while, waved his hand, and continued to walk in.

As he walked, he channeled spiritual energy into his eyes and looked into the stone wall.

Now that he has reached the tenth level of qi refining, the aura in his body is naturally abundant. With sufficient aura, his ability to see through objects is of course much stronger.

At a glance, you can see through the [-]-meter stone wall.In this way, it will be much easier for him to find the spirit stone.

After a short time, he found a place with a lot of spirit stones.

However, Ye Fan didn't plan to dig here, the reason is very simple, there are basically low-grade spirit stones inside, very few middle-grade ones, and none of high-grade ones.

Ye Fan shook his head. Spiritual stones of this level are of no use to him, so what's the use of digging them.

Don't forget, the aura of the spirit water in Ye Fan's black ring is much thicker than that of this low-grade spirit stone.Not to mention low-grade spirit stones, even the aura in middle-grade spirit stones is about the same as the aura in the black ring.

So what he is looking for is a high-grade spirit stone. Although he has not succeeded in building a foundation so far, he cannot absorb the spirit energy too much, otherwise his body will explode.

But collect more high-grade spirit stones and put them in the black ring, and then take them out when you need them.It's always good to be prepared.

Ye Fan continued to walk forward and walked for a while. When he came to a cave that had been dug by someone, he didn't intend to look inside.

After all, they have all been mined by people, and it is estimated that some spirit stones have also been dug away.Unexpectedly, he glanced at it unintentionally, but this glance directly stunned him.

God, not only is it green, more than half of it is high-grade spirit stones, and the remaining half is middle-grade spirit stones, and some are low-grade spirit stones.

Because this is a cave that has been mined by people, the spirit stone is not far from the outside. If you insist on digging one meter deeper, you can get out the spirit stone.

It must have been the former disciple who gave up here without seeing a single spirit stone after digging for about ten meters.But I didn't expect Ye Fan to be cheaper.

In order not to be disturbed by others, or to prevent others from discovering that I have so many high-grade spirit stones here.

Ye Fan didn't continue digging, but went to the entrance of the cave and piled up the stones dug earlier.

Only a hole the size of a washbasin was left, and another jacket was pulled out from the black ring, and pressed against the hole the size of a washbasin.

Then he walked in with a small shovel.

Spit two mouthfuls into the palms of his own hands, put his power into his hands, raised the small shovel and smashed it towards the stone.

With a bang, although I am not weak, the rocks inside are really not ordinary hard, much harder than those on the earth.With a shovel down, only stones the size of a washbasin were shoveled out.

Ye Fan couldn't help shaking his head, digging at this speed was too slow.But he has no other way, fortunately, the spirit stone inside is not very far from here.

With all his strength, he kept digging.

He didn't know that among the disciples digging spirit stones, there were not many disciples who could dig out such a large stone with a shovel.

You must know that most of the disciples who committed crimes here are not as high as Ye Fan.Even if some people break through the foundation building stage, because they only focus on cultivation, their physique cannot be on the same level as Ye Fan.

Otherwise, the sound of digging stones he heard just now would not be clanging, but the sound of rumbling stones rolling down.

The distance of one meter was quickly broken through under Ye Fan's brute force digging.Suddenly, the entire cave was enveloped in a green light.

Fortunately, Ye Fan had already sealed up the cave before, so he wasn't afraid that outsiders would find out.

Of course, if someone forced his way in, Ye Fan would kill him without hesitation.He didn't want to leak the fact that there were so many spirit stones here.

Excitedly put down the small shovel, took out a cigarette, and while smoking, carefully looked at these spirit stones.

Only after seeing this did I realize that there was a misunderstanding in my previous understanding of Lingshi.

A few days ago, he snatched the spirit stones of Mo Wu and the Fifth Elder, and saw that no matter what grade the spirit stones were, they were all the same size. Ye Fan thought it was manually polished to that size.

Only now did I realize that wasn't the case.

It's really strange, these spirit stones are all naturally formed in such a size, not at all like those jade stones on the earth, after untied, they can be large or small.

It seems that Lingshi is Lingshi, with its own spirituality, which is not comparable to jade.

After smoking a cigarette, Ye Fan raised his small shovel and dug towards the spirit stone.

As soon as I shoveled it down, I was speechless for a while.

The hardness of this spirit stone is several times harder than the stone just now. When I shoveled it down, I only dug out one spirit stone.

Ye Fan couldn't help being stunned, judging from the situation, it was necessary to dig out such a large piece of Lingshi.That's the Year of the Monkey?
No, I have to think of a way.

He stood there thinking for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

Got it!

Why don't you use your mind to directly put these spirit stones into the black ring, once in the black ring, it's your own world.There is no need to use brute force to disperse, it can be done directly with ideas.

Just do it, place one hand on the spirit stone, expand your spiritual consciousness to the maximum, and yell in your heart to close it. In an instant, all the spirit stones with a radius of ten meters were put into the black ring by him.

This made Ye Fan very happy. While continuing to put the previous spirit stones into the black ring, he secretly scolded himself for being too stupid. There was no need to use a shovel to pick stones just now. What a way.

After a while, a large area of ​​Lingshi caves were all collected into the black ring by him.

Whistling out of the cave, continue to move forward, looking for the next target.

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