The God of War Husband of the Female CEO

Chapter 567 Eight Top Experts

The mountain wind is whistling, the night is dark, and the wild beasts are roaring. Walking in this desolate mountain, how many people can escape the bullets.

The three killers also thought the same way. They thought Ye Fan would not be able to escape if the three hit the cold gun together.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Ye Fan could escape, Takeda Keiko on his back would not escape bad luck.

At that time, with Ye Fan's very loyal psychology, the death of Takeda Keiko will definitely disturb his mind.In that way, the next battle will be much easier for them.

But what the three killers didn't expect was that Ye Fan, who was running, suddenly accelerated.The three bullets fell into the air just like that.

Is this a coincidence or has he figured it out?The three killers were taken aback at the same time.

But whether it was a coincidence or Ye Fan found out, the three of them immediately pulled the trigger again after being stunned for a moment.

The bullets roared, Ye Fan's speed did not decrease, and he still ran forward with Keiko Takeda on his back.

But he waved one hand very casually, and three bullets immediately appeared in his palm.

Then waved it out very casually.

Immediately there were three muffled, humming sounds in the distance, and then everything returned to calm.

On the top of the mountain, not only Takeda Taro and his group stood, but also six men and two women of different shapes.

These eight guys with different looks come from eight countries.The weapons in his hands are also varied, including knives, swords and sticks.

Among the eight people, an old man with a big nose couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the muffled and humming sound coming from below, "Hey, I said that God of War couldn't be hit by a cold gun. These three guys don't believe it. Isn't it Are you looking for death!"

A short old man snorted coldly, "What they value is the high reward fee, so they are so confident. Don't you know, this money is very hot."

"Everyone, although the eight of us are the top experts in each country. But I dare say that after this battle, it is very likely that half of the eight of us will lose."

"It's not about my prestige in Chang Yefan. It's mainly because my two senior brothers died at his hands, so I understand it very well. This man is not only good at martial arts, but also very ruthless."

A long-haired man next to him snorted coldly, "No matter how ruthless he is, he will die if he meets our eight top masters."

The other thin old woman also nodded straightly, "That's right, if we kill him this time, we will not only get a high reward from the three major families, but also a large sum of money from the state."

"It can bring our reputation to a higher level, it can be said to kill three birds with one stone! This is simply Suntory, cluck!"

She had just finished laughing when she heard a cold voice from behind the eight people.

"Suntory? I still have Tsingtao Beer!"

The eight people were taken aback and turned their heads. In the darkness, Ye Fan was standing under a big tree with Keiko Takeda on his back.

The eight people couldn't help but gasped, although they all knew that Ye Fan was very powerful.But the eight people are the top players in the eight countries.

Based on their cultivation, they would be alert to even the slightest disturbance.

However, Ye Fan stood behind them at this time, and they didn't know anything about it.How can this not shock them!

Not only were they extremely shocked, but Takeda Taro's group opened their mouths wide in shock, and their bodies trembled and trembled.

You know, they are armed with guns, their eyes are wide open, and they are vigilant everywhere.

But when they were surrounded by sentry posts, even with their eyes wide open, Ye Fan was still able to avoid the sentry posts without making a sound, and appeared in front of them like a ghost.

How can this make them not panic!
Of course, the quality of the eight top martial arts masters is not comparable to that of Takeda Taro and his gang.

After the shock, the eight people had already stabilized their minds.

One of the long-haired old guys sneered, "The God of War is the God of War, and he was able to come over without us noticing. I admire it!"

After finishing speaking, he fisted at Ye Fan, and then sneered again, "But, so what? This only shows that your lightness kung fu is very good, and your speed is just a bit fast!"

"However, no matter how good your lightness kung fu is, no matter how fast your speed is, it is impossible for you to be the opponent of the most top masters from our eight countries!"

"Think about the courage with which our Eight-Nation Allied Forces attacked your Huaxia 120 years ago, and you will know what will happen to you today!"

Just as the long-haired old guy finished speaking, a short old guy who represented the island country and was the top expert immediately nodded excitedly.

"Yoxi, this sentence is so true! God of War, although you are indeed powerful, but the so-called two fists can't beat four hands, a tiger can't stand a pack of wolves!"

"No matter how powerful you are, God of War, you are still made of flesh and blood. You are a human being, not a god!"

"And the eight of us are the top experts in the eight countries. I admit that if we fight alone, none of us are your opponents."

"However, if eight people go up together, you will definitely die! So today is the end day of your God of War! Hahaha!"

Ye Fan glanced at the old dwarf indifferently, and said in a cold voice, "So in order to lure me over, you deliberately let Takeda Taro occupy Takeda Shino's pharmaceutical company?"

The short old man nodded, "That's right, but this matter is also thanks to the strong support of the Kosaka family."

"If it weren't for the information from the Kosaka family, we wouldn't know that Takeda Pharmaceutical is now yours. Ye Fan, I respect you as a man. Before you die, what else do you have to say?"

"Dying? You are talking in your sleep! Everyone here is dead, and I will not die. Kill!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Fan pushed Keiko Takeda towards the back of the big tree, while he himself rushed towards the middle-aged man closest to him at a ghostly speed.

The middle-aged man didn't expect that Ye Fan would fight as soon as he said it. He has a lot to say, and he was going to pretend to be thirteen and say it!
Not only him, but also the top experts in several other countries did not expect that Ye Fan would suddenly make the first move.

In their minds, these guys thought that since Ye Fan had fallen for their tricks, he would definitely delay time when facing eight of their top experts.

While procrastinating for time, they looked for opportunities to break through or beg for mercy, but it was absolutely impossible to initiate an attack, so these people were thinking about pretending to be thirteen in their hearts.

They want to speak harsh words in front of Ye Fan, the god of war, to satisfy their vanity.In this way, when chatting with others in the future, you will have the greatest bragging capital.

Think about it, I am still arrogant in front of the famous God of War in the whole country, isn't this enough for me to brag for a lifetime?

But they never dreamed that Ye Fan not only didn't say a soft word when facing the eight top experts, but also launched an attack on his own initiative.

This guy, why doesn't he play his cards according to the routine!
You know, more than 100 years ago, when the Eight-Power Allied Forces were in power, the Huaxia Kingdom was trembling with fright, and the compensation was cede land and gold and silver.

What's the matter now?
"Wait pirates, wake up, my big Chinese lion has already woken up, it's time for you to pay for your life, watch your palm!" Ye Fan slammed his palm fiercely at the neck of the short old guy!

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