The God of War Husband of the Female CEO

Chapter 492 Mixed Moves Versus Mixed Moves

Ye Fan was teaching Xiao Yuanzhi martial arts at home, when suddenly the guard called.

"Mr. Ye, your grandfather, your uncle, and a guy named Ye Kai are kneeling at the gate of our community!"

"Huh?" Ye Fan was taken aback.He really didn't expect his grandfather to play this trick with him.

As Ye Long said, he is the God of War, and he really can't afford to lose this face.

In desperation, he had no choice but to say to the guard, "Let them in."

The doorman hummed, and called again after a while, "Mr. Ye, your grandfather said that he wants you to come over in person and see how they sincerely apologize to you."

"And you must promise to forgive them in front of everyone before they will stand up. Otherwise, they will kneel to death and not stand up."

Ye Fan was almost pissed off, but he knew that the longer this matter was delayed, the worse it would be for him.

Even though Ye Fan is the god of war in a country, many people respect him and are afraid of him.However, more people are jealous of him, waiting to see his jokes, or in other words, waiting for an opportunity to step on him.

This is not to say that Ye Fan's character is bad, but that this society is like this, there are always some brainless trolls, no matter whether they are reasonable or not, they always want to spray a few words.

But it is absolutely impossible for Ye Fan to forgive Grandpa and the others just like this.

Good guys, when you need me, you will kneel at the door and apologize openly, in essence, you will destroy Ye Fan's army.

When you don't need it, just use the killer to kill me.Is horse riding a human thing?
Since you are playing tricks with me, then I will play tricks with you too.

So Ye Fan immediately called his father-in-law.

Because Ye Fan gave 100 million, and because Chen Lan had separated from him, Xia Degui became more indulgent.

At this moment, I was singing and dancing with some ladies in the restaurant, hugging left and right.

Suddenly the phone rang, and Xia Degui took it out to see that it was his son-in-law calling.He answered it immediately.

As soon as the phone was connected, Ye Fan said, "Dad, my grandfather brought Ye Bo and Ye Kai and knelt at the gate of my community. He had to ask me to go over and forgive them before they would get up."

"You know that if I forgive them like this, they will ask me to give them money next. So it's not convenient for me to come forward. You help me get rid of them. "

When Xia Degui heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he slapped his chest and breasts.

He promised, "Okay, leave it to me, and I will definitely handle it for you. Grandma, if you dare to steal money from me, I can't play them to death."

After hanging up the phone, I said to the ladies, "Beauties, let me tell you something, the bankrupt Ye family of Qinglong Group wanted to take money from my son-in-law, insisting that my son-in-law belongs to their family." people."

"You all know that when my son-in-law was in the orphanage, they didn't give him any money, let alone take my son-in-law back to the Ye family."

"Now that my son-in-law is well-to-do, and their family is poor, they are coming to recognize their relatives. Tell me, can I recognize such relatives?"

The ladies immediately shouted, "Recognize the wool, this kind of person, no bird will bird him!"

Xia Degui nodded straight, "Yes, now they are kneeling at the gate of my community, forcing my son-in-law to go out and forgive them."

"Of course my son-in-law refuses. If not, just call and ask me to help him solve it."

"In this way, you can call a few more ladies to make up ten people. I will give you 500 yuan each. When you get there, you will say that they are your guests, the kind who run away after playing."

"Five hundred for a trip, and if you grab a few of them in the face, then add another two thousand for each person. How about it?"

As soon as the girls heard that they could get 500 yuan for a trip, and they could get another [-] yuan if they grabbed a few, they immediately clapped their hands happily.

One of the leaders immediately took out his mobile phone and called the other ladies.

"After a while, another six or ten ladies came, including Xia Degui, 11 people, called a van, and drove towards Guanhai No. [-]."

The gate of Guanhai No. [-] community is already full of people.Everyone pointed and said everything.

"Oh, look, isn't this Ye Long, the big boss of Qinglong Group, and his son and grandson?" Someone in the crowd recognized the identity of the Ye family.

Immediately someone exclaimed, "God, Qinglong Group, isn't that our famous Ye Bansheng in Jiangbei? Why is such a person kneeling here?"

A greasy uncle snorted disdainfully, "Ye Banxing? Cut, the half-scarred Banxing is old Huangli. Today's Ye family is already clinking poor."

"I heard that they owed [-] billion yuan in debt alone. Eighty billion yuan, they can't pay off even if they sell his family."

A round-faced aunt next to her sneered disdainfully, "It's a big company, they closed down like this, they really have the ability!"

A young man wearing glasses raised his glasses and said, "Can we not go bankrupt, those two grandsons of Ye Long are the real prodigal sons."

"Let's just talk about Ye Tao. He's self-willed, and he likes to talk a lot. He looks like I'm number one in the world."

"No matter the big or small matters, he has the final say, and no one else is allowed to have the slightest objection. If anyone disagrees with him, he will suppress him without hesitation."

"In the long run, all the elites are gone. Those who remain are incompetent people who are sycophants. Or people who have no fighting spirit at all and just dawdle."

"And Ye Tao, a fat pig, plays with women all day long. If this kind of counseling can make the company a success, then it's really a ghost."

The greasy uncle nodded straight, "Yes, yes, I don't want to know too much about the Ye family."

"Don't look at these three people kneeling here at this moment, with a pitiful look. Don't be too crazy when it's so beautiful!"

"Hey, this is how arrogant people are when they are at a high place, and how embarrassed they are when they are at a low place."

"I just don't know whether the sign written on their backs is real or not, and whether Ye Fan is their relative."

An old man snorted coldly, "I dare say, Ye Fan has absolutely nothing to do with these three people. Think about it, Ye Fan is the Xia family's son-in-law."

"If it's really from his Ye family, how could Ye Fan live in the orphanage and be the son-in-law of the Xia family when the Ye family was so rich?"

Everyone nodded straightly, and a young man scolded angrily, "Damn, even if they are related, they won't be recognized."

"What do you mean by that sentence? If you don't raise me as a kid, why should I raise you? Now that I've come to meet my relatives, it's no wonder Ye Fan can pay attention to them!"

Everyone nodded again, and then kept pointing at the three members of the Ye family.

After all, Ye Kai is a young man, and his skin is not that thick.What this group of people told him was that the old man was blushing and wanted to get up and leave several times, but every time his father stopped him fiercely with his eyes.

On the other hand, Ye Long's old face was not red at all, but he also pretended to be pitiful, crumbling, and about to die.

The old man still hummed from time to time, "Ye Fan, my eldest grandson, grandpa knows he's wrong!"

"Grandpa shouldn't have found you until now. If grandpa had found you long ago, grandpa wouldn't have let you suffer so much outside!"

At this moment, there was a sudden squeak, and a van drove over.Then ten girls jumped out of the van all at once.

Among the ten young ladies, one pretended to recognize Ye Kai accidentally, and immediately screamed.

"Sisters, come quickly, isn't this fat guy the one who sneaked away without giving money after visiting our Jiaojiao foot bath shop a few days ago after playing with the lady!"

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