"You, why do you use talismans?" After a while, the old black man playing the flute asked such a silly question in surprise and anger.

Ye Fan sneered, "Is there a rule in the competition that prohibits the use of talismans?"

"I..." The old black man was speechless for a moment.

In the next second, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the ring, wanting to uncover the talisman paper pasted on the zombie's face.

Just when he ran in front of the zombie and was about to reach out to expose it, Ye Fanqing shouted, "Explode!"

With a bang, the corpse exploded instantly.

The exploding corpse sprayed the old black man's head and body, as disgusting as it could be.

But the old black man didn't care how disgusting he was, he ran towards the backstage in horror.You know, these corpses are not ordinary corpses, they carry a lot of viruses.No wonder the old Negroes are not afraid.

After the audience in the audience was shocked, some vomited loudly, and some excitedly stomped their feet.There are even ghosts screaming because they won the money by betting.

The staff of the boxing ring came over first, and scooped Owens's broken body on the ground into a bucket.Then two cleaning aunts were sent to mop the floor.

After everything was done, the big bald host came out with trembling legs.

First he smiled flatteringly at Ye Fan, and then he said loudly to the audience, "We have to admit that Xiaobailong's profound arts are as powerful as his martial arts."

"I hope he can have the last laugh in the following match. Alright, the 10-minute betting time begins now!"

After speaking, he nodded respectfully towards Ye Fan, and then walked quickly towards the backstage.

Everyone laughed and cursed and placed bets.

"I dare say that now everyone is betting on Xiaobailong to win, and only a fool would bet on Gufeng Group to win."

"Yes, yes, even the drug man and zombies can be easily killed in one move. What else can the little white dragon not kill?"

While placing bets, an old man said excitedly, "I now have every reason to suspect that this little white dragon is either a real dragon descending to earth, or a martial arts star descending to earth like Master Guan Yuguan!"

Everyone nodded their heads when they heard it.

Not too long later, he came out with a bald head, and said loudly to the audience, "The one who will fight against Xiao Bailong next time is also black."

"His name is Mayadin, and I will invite Mayadin to play!"

He also knew that no one was willing to applaud anymore, so he stopped shouting things like applause.

As the music played, a black man at least two meters tall came up with a bang.

This guy's steps were very heavy, and every step he took made a sound like beating a big drum, which made everyone's hearts tremble.

The sharp-eyed one suddenly exclaimed, "God, look, the ground that this nigger walked on was crushed by him."

Everyone hurriedly looked behind the black man, and when they saw this, they couldn't help but gasp.

I saw that the solid concrete floor was trampled to pieces by this black man named Mayading.

"God, how strong is this foot!" Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yes, yes, this time Xiao Bailong really met his opponent. Oh, if I knew this guy is so powerful, I would bet on him to win!" Someone regretted.

An Dahai on the second floor frowned, "No, Mr. Ye has met a strong enemy!"

Anna curled her mouth, "Cut, it's just a little bit of brute force. It angered Mr. Ye, and a thunderbolt went down, and it directly split his ass."

An Dahai froze for a moment, then nodded in surprise, "Yes, yes, I didn't say anything anyway, you are not allowed to use talismans to attack."

Ye Long on the third floor put his palms together and prayed, "Jade Emperor, all gods passing by, please show your spirits, and you must protect this black man, and you can kill the little white dragon!"

Ye Tao glanced at his grandfather, and thought disdainfully in his heart, Tsk, you are pinning your hopes on the illusory gods, it seems that you are really old.

Hmph, it's no wonder that the group is undefeated under the leadership of incompetent old guys like you old antique and my dad.Madi, I am so capable, why don't you give me the position of chairman?
On the stage, Ye Fan was also surprised when he saw that the black man named Mayading was so strong under his feet.

Although, he can also step down and crush the ground.But like this nigger, with each step, not only are the steps taken the same size, but also the strength of the step is also the same size.

From the backstage to the ring, it turned out to be exactly the same.This is almost the same as calculated by the computer, which makes Ye Fan amazed and admired.

When the nigga stepped onto the ring, Ye Fan discovered a new problem.

That is, there is no human breath on this guy.

You know, all of us have our own breath.There is the smell of breath, and there is also the smell of body.Even a dead person smells like a corpse.

But there was no human breath or smell on this guy, Ye Fan's heart moved immediately, and he immediately transported the spiritual energy to his eyes, and looked towards him.

Seeing this, he was immediately annoyed and funny.

Damn, it turned out to be a robot!

Moreover, the whole body of this robot is made of top-notch steel, and its hardness can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.

So powerful, of course Ye Fan didn't want to suffer from this dumb guy, even if he was fighting him, he had to make it clear.Otherwise what is this called!

When the big bald head was about to speak, Ye Fan used his internal strength, his voice was not loud, but it was no less than the big bald head's microphone, and everyone in the audience could hear it clearly.

He sneered and said, "Meng Buwei, tell everyone first whether this guy is a drug man, a zombie, or something else."

The big bald head thumped in his heart, no good, did he find out something?

But it shouldn't be. Although this Ma Yading is a robot, his skin is the skin of a real person. If you don't go to the hospital and use a mirror, you will never be discovered by the naked eye!
Thinking of this, he immediately replied calmly, "Mr. Xiao Bailong, this time he is neither a drug man nor a zombie, but a real warrior."

"Oh? That's right! Then why do I feel that he doesn't breathe at all? Could it be that this martial artist has trained so that he doesn't need to breathe?"

"This..." The bald head panicked. He didn't expect Ye Fan to observe so carefully and perceive so sensitively, and found out that Ma Yading couldn't breathe.

This made him suddenly not know how to answer.

At this moment, the robot actually spoke, and he proudly replied in proficient Chinese, "What's the matter, my master has opened up the second vein of Ren and Du, let alone not breathing for a while, even if I don't breathe for a day It's fine."

Ye Fan smiled coldly, "Yeah, I bet you just can't breathe. If you can breathe out in front of everyone, then it won't be too late for me to compete with you."

"Otherwise, you have to reveal your true identity. I don't want to compete with a guy of unknown origin!"

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