"It's just you? You still want to take over the Yingui Kingdom's camp. What a fool's errand. How powerful do you think you are? You can say it so easily."

The three of them looked at Xu Cheng as if they were a fool, thinking that he was a rookie recruit daydreaming.

"I don't think it's impossible, on the contrary, I think it's highly possible."

Hearing Xu Cheng's words, disdain flashed in the eyes of the three of them.

"What capital do you have, and what conditions do you have to take over the Yin Ghost Country?"

Xu Cheng smiled slightly, the matter was too complicated, and his plan could not be explained clearly in a short while.

"Since I can say this, it means that I must be sure. Now that time is tight, I can't tell you the details. I can only give you a rough outline of my plan. As long as you believe in me, I will definitely make it happen. .”

Xu Cheng's tone was quite sincere, and he really hoped that they could believe in him.

Then the three of them were deeply prejudiced against Xu Cheng, and they were unwilling to change their views on him from the bottom of their hearts.

"Why should we trust you? In such a well-organized camp, what method did you use to rescue us?"

Unexpectedly, they were still struggling with this matter. A look of helplessness flashed in Xu Cheng's eyes. Is he so untrustworthy?
"As I said, I found this small door after groping for a long time in the camp. And I also took a huge risk."

Xu Cheng's heart-to-heart confession did not win their trust, and the three finally asked about their concerns from the beginning.

"You can come and go so freely in the Yingui Kingdom camp. It's not like you rebelled and defected to the enemy country."

The eyes of the three were full of suspicion from the beginning, and now they finally asked, they were even more suspicious.

Seeing how much they missed him, Xu Cheng wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood.

I rescued them with good intentions, not waiting for this result.

Xu Cheng took a deep breath and slowly calmed down his emotions.

I don't blame them, the series of behaviors I rescued are too strange, I don't blame the department for doubting myself.

"Actually, I can do simple disguise techniques. The Tan Song you saw before is me after disguise, so I can come and go freely in the camp."

After hearing Xu Cheng's words, a flash of suspicion flashed in several people's eyes, and they became even more skeptical of his statement.

What kind of disguise technique is simply too fantasy.

Seeing their apparent disbelief, Xu Cheng sighed helplessly, and decided to prove himself with practical actions.

Xu Cheng raised his hand slightly to cover part of his face. After a pause of a second, before the three of them could see what was going on, Xu Cheng's face had completely changed, and he really became Tan Song look like.

The three people were dumbfounded by Xu Cheng's operation. They looked at Xu Cheng dumbfounded and couldn't believe their eyes.

"You really did it. It's really the face we saw recently. Everyone else calls him Officer Tan."

"That's right, I remember this face, it's exactly the same, it's amazing."

The three of them were quite curious, and couldn't help but want to touch Xu Cheng's face to see what was going on.

"This time you believe me, you can no longer suspect that I am a spy."

The three people nodded repeatedly. Now they not only fully believed in Xu Cheng, but also admired him a little more.

It is a miracle that Xu Cheng can not only survive in the enemy camp by himself, but also rescue the three of them, which can be recorded in history.

"We will definitely believe it, and the plan you just mentioned, can you tell us briefly? We are willing to do it."

Seeing the sincere eyes of the three of them, Xu Cheng was also very pleased in his heart.

They can believe in themselves and are willing to fight side by side with themselves, which is better than anything else.

"Okay, I will tell you the next action plan, and I can also listen to your opinions. I found a defense hole in the west courtyard of the camp. There is currently only one person guarding it. We can use this opening to enter."

While talking, Xu Cheng drew a rough orientation map on the ground, and the three of them listened attentively to Xu Cheng's narration.

"At present, I have mastered the specific location of their weapons depot. I want to blow up the weapons depot and directly destroy their core when entering the camp!"

After listening to Xu Cheng's words, the three people were quite shocked.

Unexpectedly, Xu Cheng got hold of so much information in just a few days and made a comprehensive plan.

It's just that the current plan still sounds out of reach. Blowing up the weapon arsenal sounds like a fantasy, even if the army of the night kingdom comes, it can't be done to such a degree.

"It's unbelievable what we're going to do to blow up their arsenal."

Xu Cheng naturally understood their concerns and explained slowly.

"To be honest, I have already entered their arsenal and installed a bomb in it. The remote control is in my hands. As long as I ignite it, their arsenal will be wiped out."

"You...you have entered their arsenal, how did you do it, you are too awesome!"

At this time, one of them, Zhang Tian, ​​had become a star-eyed person in seconds, and he had nothing but admiration for Xu Cheng.

The other two people, Fu Shuaishuai and Wang Le, also looked at Xu Cheng in shock, with unconcealable admiration in their eyes.

Under their burning eyes, Xu Cheng felt a little uncomfortable. He coughed lightly and explained slowly.

"Actually, I discovered it accidentally while exploring the terrain. I was able to get in by chance, which can be regarded as an unexpected gain. Moreover, I also placed bombs in some important locations and near the camps, so even though we are short of personnel, we can get It’s not a problem to go to the Yingui Kingdom camp.”

In fact, halfway through the hearing, the three of them had completely convinced Xu Cheng in their hearts, no matter what the plan was, they would follow Xu Cheng.

After listening to it completely, they couldn't find anything wrong with Xu Cheng's plan, and even the three of them could not think of such a thorough plan together.

When he looked at Xu Cheng again, not only was there no disrespect at first, but now he truly admired him.

"We believe in you. As long as you tell us, we will just do it. We will definitely complete the tasks you assigned us."

Seeing the attitude of making a sudden 180-degree turn, Xu Cheng was also a little dumbfounded, and was even more flattered.

"It doesn't have to be like this. We are helping each other. Fortunately, I have you. If I were alone, I wouldn't be able to complete it."

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