In the Yeguo camp, people are looking for Xu Cheng.

A few days before Xu Cheng disappeared, everyone in the camp thought he was resting in the tent, and no one thought that he would disappear.

It wasn't until everyone realized that they hadn't seen Xu Cheng for several days that they started to panic.

"What? The person has disappeared for three days, and you only discovered it now!"

Liu Ming looked furious. The man was brought from his legion, but now such an accident has happened. It is simply ridiculous.

The comrades who were scolded also looked at a loss. They had been restless these days. Who could have imagined that such a thing would happen.

"After we found out, we searched the entire camp, but we didn't find him. I'm afraid..."

The voice of speaking became smaller and smaller, and finally there was no sound at all.

Needless to say, everyone understands what it means. If a person cannot be found in the camp, he must have gone out, and the scope is too wide. The worst possibility is to be captured by the enemy.

Thinking of this, the faces of everyone couldn't help but gloomy.

"When was the last time you saw him? Please report to me one by one!"

Everyone was thinking about the last meeting with Xu Cheng. Many people never saw him again after talking with Xu Cheng that time.

Everyone reported the truth, and Liu Ming's face became more and more gloomy.


Liu Ming slapped the table and stood up, his face was full of anger.

That day, I rejected Xu Cheng's request to solve the other trapped soldiers. I thought he would die, but I didn't expect him to be so stubborn that he wanted to act without authorization!

Liu Ming had a very good impression of Xu Cheng at first, and now he wished he could quickly catch Xu Cheng back.

"You all go back, I will take care of this matter."

Liu Ming sent everyone away with a gloomy expression, sighing helplessly in his heart.

He turned around and returned to the tent, and reported the news he had just received to his superiors.

When the commander heard Liu Ming's report, his complexion was not very good.

It was unprecedented for such a thing to happen in one's own camp.

It would have been embarrassing to fail this operation one after another, but now if there are really disobedient players who act without authorization, then their camp will become the laughing stock of everyone.

"This matter needs to be investigated, and Xu Cheng's whereabouts must be thoroughly investigated!"

"I have just checked the time of Xu Cheng's appearance, and now I can basically determine the time of his disappearance. We can continue to investigate along this point."

The commander-in-chief nodded and agreed with Liu Ming's point of view.

The few people did not delay any longer, and quickly called up the surveillance video of the camp in the night when Xu Cheng disappeared, and quickly searched for Xu Cheng's figure.

The screen played quickly, but Xu Cheng was never seen.

Liu Ming stared at the screen with all his attention, and finally saw a familiar figure on the screen.

"it's here!"

Help said, and quickly zoomed in on the screen, the person on the screen was indeed Xu Cheng.

After tracking Xu Cheng's figure, Liu Ming followed Xu Cheng's direction in the picture and kept staring.

"What is he doing, wandering around the camp!"

Seeing Xu Cheng groping in the camp as if looking for something, the commander did not understand his behavior.

Liu Ming was also at a loss. This Xu Cheng's behavior at this time was extremely strange. What was he looking for?

Just when the two were puzzled, Xu Cheng suddenly stopped in his tracks, hiding as if he saw something.

"Here! Zoom in and see what's there!"

Liu Ming quickly zoomed in according to the instructions, and after looking at it for a long time, he found a dark shadow in the corner.

And Xu Cheng obviously spotted the figure of the man and was watching his behavior quietly.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the two rose to their throats instantly.

Who is this shadow?Being able to sneak around here, it seems that he is not from their Ye Guo Legion. Does Xu Cheng's disappearance have something to do with this person?

I saw the dark shadow quickly slip out from a small gap, and Xu Cheng ran out behind him without hesitation.

Seeing this, the hearts of the two were complicated.

"Xu Cheng went out with him, and disappeared completely at this moment..."

"That person must be a spy sent by Yingui Kingdom. He came to our barracks to inquire about news, and was discovered by Xu Cheng by accident."

After seeing the last location where Xu Cheng disappeared, the two of them became even more nervous.

Xu Cheng went out with that person, but there is no news, nor has he come back.

After so many days, I'm afraid it's not that Xu Cheng doesn't want to come back, but that he can't come back.

Thinking of this, the two felt angry in their hearts.

"This Xu Cheng acted so recklessly! After he found that person, if he came back to report immediately, nothing would happen!"

Hearing the words of the commander in chief, Liu Ming didn't quite agree in his heart.

Even though Xu Cheng's way of doing things was not handled properly, it was the best solution at that time.

If he came back to report the news, that person would have disappeared without a trace.

But it would be too reckless to follow directly like Xu Cheng, who knows what will be on the other side of the wall, and what kind of accident Xu Cheng will encounter.

The more Liu Ming thought about it, the more anxious he became, and the more he worried about Xu Cheng.

"There are only two possibilities now. The first is that Xu Cheng was discovered when he just went out or was on the road, and then was caught. The second possibility is to follow them and sneak into the enemy's camp, and the second possibility is to follow them and sneak into the enemy's camp. There is a high probability that someone will catch him.”

The commander nodded, quite approving of Liu Ming's words.

Xu Cheng was just a newcomer who had just joined the legion. He was not proficient in all his skills, yet he followed the enemy directly so recklessly.

No matter whether you enter the enemy's camp or not, the result will not matter.

"Young people are like this. They don't know the heights of the sky and the earth is thick. They always think that their abilities are better than others, and they don't care about the consequences of what they do. Now it's all right, there must be a big problem."

"It was my negligence. I didn't notice Xu Cheng's abnormality. If I could teach him a little more knowledge, I wouldn't be so reckless and be caught by the enemy."

The two of them had already acquiesced that Xu Cheng had completely fallen into the hands of the enemy at this time, and they were both prepared for the worst.

"Now it's a foregone conclusion. Xu Cheng fell into the hands of the enemy, and our comrade-in-arms lost one more. Unlike the other three comrades-in-arms, Xu Cheng was automatically arrested, which is a serious violation of discipline and mindless behavior!"

Seeing the commander's rather angry appearance, Liu Ming carefully asked his opinion.

"Then...Commander, according to your wishes, how should Xu Cheng be dealt with?"

"Xu Cheng is a violation of military discipline, the circumstances are bad, and he will be punished after he comes back!"

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