The mission's first attack failed, and tonight is doomed to be a sleepless night.

According to the bright lights in the ground, everyone was making plans overnight.

Now that their actions have been completely exposed, in order to prevent the reactionaries from committing crimes in Ye Kingdom, they must quickly formulate a new plan.

"I think we should retreat first. After all, the current situation has changed, and we are at a disadvantage, so we should not rush forward."

"Although we did not gain the upper hand in this operation, I think this is a good opportunity to turn defeat into victory!"

The various officers and instructors discussed together how to proceed in the next step, and everyone held different opinions.

"How to say? Why is it a good opportunity?"

"The enemy must relax their vigilance now, thinking that we will not act. And our intelligence team has obtained their camp location, and the action at this time is very likely to take them out!"

As soon as the voice fell, different opinions suddenly sounded in the venue.

"It's too aggressive! If the attack fails or is discovered by the enemy, have you ever considered the lives of our comrades!"

The two confronted each other and both insisted on their own opinions.

The tense atmosphere is on the verge of breaking out, and no one accepts anyone's opinion.

"Okay, no matter how much you persist, it's useless. It's better to talk about the facts. Bring up their camp positions, and let's analyze whether they can play."

Several people got together, analyzed the geographical location, and worked out different battle plans.

"I think this plan is the most feasible. Instead of choosing to attack aggressively, we can carry out conservative latent operations."

"I also agree, but the number of people in this latent operation cannot be too large, and it must be concealed and concealed."

Most of those present were in favor of the dormant scheme.

After thinking about it, I finally decided to plan tonight.

Tonight is in chaos, and it is also the best chance to make a move.

After deliberation, a list of three people was finally drawn up as the executors of this hidden mission.

Naturally, Xu Cheng and the others did not know the result of the discussion from their superiors, and they all waited for the order in place.

Seeing the officer come out, several people looked over expectantly.

"Let's announce the combat plan and the personnel who will execute the mission."

After hearing what the officer said, a look of disappointment flashed in Xu Cheng's eyes.

Also feeling lost are the other reserve players beside them.

After actually arriving here, Xu Cheng was eager to go to the battlefield in his heart. He wanted to fight side by side with his comrades, and he didn't want to hide behind and be a shrinking turtle.

But the military order is like a mountain, and his task is to obey.

After the team members on this mission started to act, Xu Cheng and the others stayed in place to guard and perform their duties.

night, quiet.

Only the chirping of birds from time to time in the woods, and the quiet sound of leaves falling on the ground can be heard.

Five hours have passed since the three-person team went on a mission, but there has been no news.

No one is sleeping tonight, and everyone is nervously waiting for the news to come.

Xu Cheng, who was on duty, was also staring closely at the direction of the gate, feeling a little worried in his heart.

The officer paced back and forth in the room, probably having a guess in his mind.

"It's already this time, people... I'm afraid I won't be able to come back."

The atmosphere in the room was gloomy for a while, and several people fell into deep self-blame.

In the end, they made a mistake in their judgment. They fell down once in the same position, but they still haven't learned their lesson, and now they are still putting their team members in deep danger.

After a moment of silence, the officer walked out with a serious face.

Xu Cheng turned his head slightly, saw the darkness in the officer's eyes, and instantly understood in his heart.

Two consecutive combat mistakes are unprecedented.

The completion of the following tasks is a trivial matter, but you must not let your team members fall into danger.

Xu Cheng gritted his teeth and headed straight in the direction of the officer.

"Report sir, I have something to ask for instructions."

The officer looked sideways slightly, and a deep voice sounded slowly.


"I want to be a scout to find out the whereabouts of our teammates."

Hearing Xu Cheng's words, the officer frowned, and his face sank instantly.

"Nonsense! Don't you know what's going on now? You still want to die one by one!"

Looking at the chief's gloomy face, he looked unquestionable.

Xu Cheng swallowed what he said, and turned around helplessly and returned to his post.

The situation was grim, the chiefs got together to discuss countermeasures, and the rest of the soldiers could only listen to orders.

"If it really falls into the hands of the enemy, they are really in danger."

"What should we do? Is our plan being inquired by the enemy again?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene became tense instantly.

"Impossible! Not to mention that our plan was decided on the spur of the moment. There is no time to report the news. Moreover, there can be no traitors in our team. I firmly believe it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the raging fire in the hearts of everyone present was immediately ignited.

Yes, they are a team and a family.

But a family is meant to be together, and now some comrades in arms are in danger, but they just sit back and watch.

"Let's report to the officer, and we're going to save them."

The atmosphere became more and more intense under the instigation of the crowd, and they were about to rush to ask for a fight.

"It's useless. I've already gone to the officer just now, and it's impossible to agree with us to act alone."

Xu Cheng's words were like a basin of cold water pouring on everyone's hearts, making them lose their enthusiasm for an instant.

"But although we can't act, we can look for clues. We firmly believe that there will be no traitors among us, but it must be abnormal for the enemy to get news so quickly."

"You mean to say..."

Xu Cheng said all the thoughts in his heart without hesitation.

"I guess, they must have undercover agents operating nearby. From the time we entered here, we are in the open and the enemy is in the dark. The most important thing for us is to find their traces."

After a pause, thinking of the discipline in the army, Xu Cheng still made up the rest of the words.

"But we must not violate the discipline of the army. We can only pay more attention to the movements around us."

Hearing Xu Cheng's words, although the rest of the people had prejudice against him, they had to admit that Xu Cheng's analysis was very reasonable.

They hadn't considered this direction before, maybe there were enemy spies hidden around them.

Xu Cheng had already planned in his heart. His current position is the highest point of the entire camp, and he can see the whole place in his eyes.

Xu Cheng's gaze was never idle for a moment, and he kept searching for possible locations where the enemy might appear.

It's just that this method is tantamount to a stupid method, and it can only be lucky by consuming time.

I waited like this for several hours, but still got nothing.

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