The company was quickly divided into groups, and Xu Cheng was assigned to the last group.

One of the members of each group takes the lead, and the members behind will carry out the relay, and the overtime combination will be punished.

After the groups were divided, the atmosphere in Xu Cheng's group was obviously gloomy.

"Why does our team have a newcomer? It's too unfair to us."

"That's right, this is a group battle. If one person lags behind, the whole group will be over."

While talking, his eyes kept staring in Xu Cheng's direction.

Xu Cheng turned a deaf ear to their words, and just stood aside quietly waiting for the training to start.

"Team No. 1 is ready!"

The positions in the group were arranged in order, and everyone else stood forward, and Xu Cheng directly became the last one.

Xu Cheng didn't say a word, and stood quietly at the last position.

The rest of the team members glanced at Xu Cheng contemptuously. Sure enough, the newcomers were just newcomers, and they didn't even know where they were.

Since he has no objection, let him stand at the last place. Anyway, if the task is not completed in the end, it will just be pushed to this recruit.

As expected of years of training, everyone's speed is very fast, and the climbing speed is much faster than normal people walking.

In less than half a minute, the first group had completed the round trip.

Immediately afterwards, the second person in the group started to prepare and followed at a fast speed.

Everyone is geared up and ready to play.

Xu Cheng's group is the sixth group, which is currently the slowest on the field, and the people in the group have already started to complain.

"Why is it so slow, it's almost unqualified if it goes on like this."

"It's just that the two people in front are too slow, delaying the time!"

After several rounds of taking over, Xu Cheng glanced at the time, and there was very little left for him, so he had to show flying speed.

Xu Cheng walked to the front, set his posture, and was ready to take over and rush out at any time.

Finally, it was time for Xu Cheng to play. At the start, Xu Cheng slightly exerted force on the soles of his feet, giving himself a small shock, which indirectly saved a few seconds.

Xu Cheng quickly grabbed the support point, climbed up layer by layer, and finally surpassed the two people in front in succession.

Everyone paid close attention to Xu Cheng, a newcomer, and wanted to see how strong this newcomer was. Xu Cheng almost won everyone's attention as soon as he played.

Now seeing that Xu Cheng's speed was not inferior to others, and even surpassed most of the people in the company, they all looked shocked.

Finally, Xu Cheng pressed the final finish button five seconds before the end time, successfully buying back time for the team.

"Too good!"

Someone in the group exclaimed and looked at Xu Cheng excitedly.

They were already mentally prepared to accept punishment, and this was an unexpected surprise for them.

"Okay, what's there to be happy about? It's just two seconds earlier than the allotted time. What's there to be proud of? Return to the team quickly!"

The instructor gave an order with a serious face, and everyone moved quickly and in unison.

I have been training non-stop throughout the morning, and I didn't even have time to drink water in the middle.

This morning's training is directly equivalent to the intensity of the whole day of the Federal University.

The instructor's eyes also turned back and forth on Xu Cheng, and he was extremely satisfied with Xu Cheng's performance.

He is just a newcomer, but he can do this to such an extent that it is really beyond his imagination.

Liu Ming had a premonition that Xu Cheng would have a difficult time in the future. The basic training was still acceptable for him, and Xu Cheng would be dumbfounded when he really came into contact with combat tools.

Liu Ming's idea was not wrong, but in the afternoon, Liu Ming's words were verified.

At the beginning of the afternoon, we directly conducted pp85 mortar training.

Xu Cheng has never been exposed to the use of cannons, and he has never even seen them before. This is indeed very difficult for him.

The use of mortars is not divided into groups, but everyone takes turns to use and score.

According to the normal queuing order, Xu Cheng was assigned to the mid-front position, which was a great disadvantage to him.

The first person came on the stage soon. Xu Cheng staggered slightly and stared at his movements intently.

Mortars have very high demands on the user's movements and need to have enough room for adjustment.

Xu Cheng watched that person's flowing movements, and silently wrote it down in his heart.

With the pull back in the hand, the barrel made a "boom".

The imitation cannon used for training jumped out, falling within the specified range with a smooth parabola.


The instructor didn't comment, and they played one after another, and the time passed quickly.

Seeing that it was time for Xu Cheng to play, Xu Cheng felt a sense of nervousness about the new things he had never touched before.


There was no one in front of Xu Cheng anymore, he clenched his fists and started to move a little stiffly.

Xu Cheng has already mastered the general movements and usage methods, but there are many details that he doesn't understand at all because he doesn't have a professional systematic study.

Coupled with Xu Cheng's unskilled movements, the whole process took a full minute longer than others.

Fortunately, the cannonball was fired smoothly and fell within the specified range accurately, which was barely qualified.

After finishing this set, Xu Cheng felt his back was drenched in sweat.


Xu Cheng got off the field, continued to watch the actions of everyone behind him, and learned from them.

Xu Cheng's actions just now caught everyone's eyes and caused a little commotion.

"Training is over! Take a break for 3 minutes and gather at the spot!"

Following the instructor's order, the company, which had been silent just now, suddenly became noisy.

Many people's eyes fell on Xu Cheng. If he could comment on the training process just now, I'm afraid Xu Cheng would have ended amidst laughter.

"Sure enough, a newcomer is a newcomer, so it's exposed now, it's nothing."

"This mortar is still an easy-to-operate item, and he will be even more dumbfounded when other equipment is used in the later stage!"

"It's just a boy from the university department. I really don't know how he got into our company. Why don't you go to another legion for a transition."

"In my opinion, the backstage is very tough, you should be careful."

"Tch, I'm afraid of him. I'm not afraid of the tough backstage. If I have the ability to speak with my strength!"

Everyone's guesses about Xu Cheng were not bad, and they were all questioning Xu Cheng's way of entering the special corps.

Their voices were not quiet, and Xu Cheng could hear them even if he didn't want to hear them.

Xu Cheng didn't explain their irony.

Xu Cheng has observed that since the morning, these people have been very unfriendly to him, and even have a strong prejudice. Xu Cheng is very happy to see the scene of slapping them in the face later.

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