Follow me after reading, and I will take you to familiarize yourself with the company environment. "

Assistant Yang didn't leave Xu Cheng much time and walked out of the office.

Xu Cheng put away the documents and followed quickly.

Special Assistant Yang handles affairs very quickly, and Chen Liang hardly needs to explain it.

"Usually do more things and talk less. The people in the company are all good people. Be careful that if you say the wrong thing, you won't even know how you died."

Xu Cheng nodded vigorously, and wrote down Special Assistant Yang's instructions again.

It seems that Special Assistant Yang is a good person and is very friendly to him, a newcomer.

"System, help me check the level of Special Assistant Yang and what rank he can rank in."

[System detection: Ranked [-] in Blue Star, and ranked [-] in the Ye Kingdom Federation. 】

"I go!"

Xu Cheng was dumbfounded by the system's detection data. It was so amazing, far beyond his imagination.

Looking at Yang Tezhu's appearance, he didn't expect the rank of force value to be so high, it's really awesome.
But what's the use of such a high level of force for an assistant? Or is it just a cover-up? In fact, he has a more powerful identity?
After thinking about his identity, Xu Cheng felt that the most likely and worst possibility was that Special Assistant Yang was also a spy of Yingui Kingdom.

If this is the case, then the matter is too complicated. It seems that his task this time is really not easy.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

Special assistant Yang stared straight at Xu Cheng, making him feel a little faint.

"I heard it, I will definitely do it well."

Special assistant Yang glanced around suspiciously, but finally said nothing.

Not far away, Chen Liang observed the situation outside through the blinds, his gaze was firmly locked on Xu Cheng.

This Xu Ziyi looked serious and obedient, nodding repeatedly as he listened to Assistant Yang's instructions.

Special assistant Yang is someone I trust very much, and I know most of his things.

Chen Liang directly handed over many things to Special Assistant Yang, and only he could handle them with peace of mind.

Special Assistant Yang has been with him for some years. He still remembers that when he first came here, Special Assistant Yang had a strong look on his face.

Few people knew the identity of Special Assistant Yang before. He was considered an effective general in the Night Kingdom army back then. He had been on several battlefields and contributed a lot.

But recalling the first time I met Special Assistant Yang, it was a cold winter, but he only had a thin piece of clothing on him.Her lips were purple from the cold, but she was still rigid and meticulous.

After retiring from the army of the Night Kingdom, Special Assistant Yang's already poor life became extremely difficult, and he often had too much to eat.Even so, he never does any sneaky things.

It was the strong perseverance in Yang Teshu's eyes that made Chen Liang remember him firmly.

"Would you like to follow me?"

Chen Liang's olive branch back then was a life-saving straw for Special Assistant Yang. He grabbed it fiercely and always remembered Chen Liang's kindness. He has been loyal to him for so many years.

When he saw Xu Ziyi for the first time today, Chen Liang felt that he was extraordinary.If it can be used for your own use, I think it will definitely be a good weapon in the future.

However, Xu Ziyi's appearance was too much of a coincidence. It happened that such a suitable person appeared at this time, when he needed him most.

Chen Liang's eyes were dark, whether this Xu Ziyi was pure or not, he had to observe slowly.

How did Xu Cheng know that Chen Liang's heart was so small at this time, it took him half a day to get familiar with the contents of the document.

I have to say that the procedures of the big group are formal, but they are also very cumbersome. It takes a lot of effort to really get started.

Xu Cheng was so engrossed that he didn't notice the person behind him at all.

"How are you looking?"

The sudden voice startled Xu Cheng.

"It's okay, I feel that I can be qualified for this position."

Seeing that Xu Cheng was so confident, Special Assistant Yang was quite satisfied.One thing that he admired very much about Xu Ziyi was his calm and unhurried attitude.

Xu Cheng did not act timidly, but instead carried a calm temperament.

"Very well, since you are so confident in yourself, I think you will have no problem in the next assessment."

Hearing Special Assistant Yang's words, Xu Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly.

There is actually an assessment for joining the job, but this is also within his expectation.Big companies, how can they stay without some real skills.

"Assistant Yang, what is the content of my assessment?"

"To test your ability, this is not to arrange a specific occasion for you to compete. The assessment time is random and the assessment content is random. You just need to be prepared to deal with emergencies at any time."

Xu Cheng nodded slightly, he did not expect such an assessment content, and the uncertainty in it really added a lot of difficulty to him.But such a challenge, he was a little excited.

"Don't worry, Special Assistant Yang, I will be ready at any time."

Seeing Xu Ziyi's eagerness to give it a try, the corners of Yang Teshu's mouth raised slightly.

[Trigger task: Complete the force assessment]

[Mission completion reward: Military Combat Talent × 1]

[May I ask if the host is finished? 】

Is there such a good thing?That must be done by choice.He didn't expect to receive additional rewards. Talent is simply too important to him.

"You don't have to be too nervous. Before the assessment, I will train you. This is also for your safety."

Facing such a humane company, Xu Cheng is naturally very satisfied.

Following Special Assistant Yang, Xu Cheng went directly to the basement level of the company.What surprised him was that there was such a large training ground.

"It's really complete here, it has everything."

"Go up and practice."

Xu Cheng looked at the field in front of him, feeling a little eager to try.Being able to train here, I can also improve my abilities very well. It really kills two birds with one stone.

"How about... Yang Te helps the two of us to learn from each other?"

Hearing Xu Cheng's words, a smile flashed in Special Assistant Yang's eyes, as if he didn't know his own abilities and spoke wild words.

"Okay, but don't regret it."

You don't need to think about Xu Cheng to know what special assistant Yang is thinking at this time.However, Xu Cheng didn't have complicated plans, he just wanted to compete with Special Assistant Yang and experience the skills of a master for himself.

According to the calculations of the system, there is still a high probability that he will win against him.

The two people stood on the ring. Looking at Xu Ziyi's unskilled posture, Special Assistant Yang shook his head helplessly.

Xu Cheng didn't care about his opinion, and took the lead in attacking, his fists and kicks were so fast that only the sound of the wind could be heard passing by.

Yang Tezhu was careless, and was almost swept away by Xu Cheng's flying kick.Yang Tezhu retreated fiercely, and was almost defeated by Xu Cheng's onslaught.

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