Mr Huo wants to spoil me

Chapter 8 5, here you go!

At the entrance of the banquet, Huo Xuye gently covered the back of Bai Anru's hands, as always, with disgust, and his tone was cold and indifferent, "Today's banquet is all family friends of the Huo family. Don't mess up your current behavior, understand?"

As soon as they entered the gate, they could see people in twos and threes gathering together, most of them were discussing the marriage between Bai Anru and Huo Xuye.

Some people said that Huo Xuye loved Bai Anru very much. Some people said that the two of them were married in a business relationship. They were acting on every occasion, and the discussion was heated. Obviously, the two of them had already become the focus of attention before they entered the house.

At this time, with Bai Anru walking in with Huo Xuye on his arm, the man was tall and handsome, and the woman was gentle and pleasant, just by looking at them, no one could find fault with them, they were indeed a pair of golden couple.

The chairman of the Xu Group walked up to the two of them with a goblet, "I haven't congratulated Young Master Huo on his wedding!"

Huo Xuye picked up the red wine handed by the waiter next to him, and the two clinked glasses, "You're welcome."

Bai Anru has been looking at the people around with a gentle smile. Among the many well-dressed and exquisite ladies, Bai Anru can be regarded as an alternative. With her casually pulled hair and light makeup, in such an obvious contrast, it can be called It's 'unkempt', but fortunately she still has a pretty face, which can last a long time.

A group of people were chatting. Suddenly, an old man clutched his heart, crying bitterly, and fell to the ground. The secretary beside him was frightened. He didn't know what to do for a while, but kept shouting.

"Chairman Su! What's wrong with you, Chairman Su!"

The doctor was not by his side, so Bai Anru hurried over, and after a simple examination, he asked, "Your chairman has a heart attack? Why are you waiting for the medicine?!"

After speaking, Bai Anru folded his hands and began to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the old man. At the same time, he shouted loudly, "Everyone spread out! Spread out! The patient needs air circulation!"

The secretary was confused a long time ago. Hearing Bai Anru's shout, he hurriedly pushed people around subconsciously, and soon a space was vacated.

One hundred presses, leaning over to listen to the heart, repeated the cycle for an unknown number of times, before Old Man Su slowly woke up.

Seeing that the person woke up, the guests around him breathed a sigh of relief and applauded spontaneously.

"It's okay, let's call an ambulance." Bai Anru touched the sweat on his face, and only after explaining to him did he remember Huo Xuye. He searched to find the face, but saw icicles all over it.


Shame on the Huo family!

Huo Xuye squinted his eyes. He had been looking at Bai Anru just now, watching her calmly direct and desperately save people. For some reason, he would always think of his mother when he died, and his heart felt inexplicably blocked.

"Go home." Huo Xuye threw his suit jacket on Bai Anru's head, turned around and left with big strides.

Bai Anru was wearing a large suit jacket, with question marks all over his face, is this person crazy?

How to say good is good, say bad is bad?
Following Huo Xuye back to his private villa, Bai Anru was exhausted and hadn't eaten all day. She went into the kitchen like a little mouse and cooked a bowl of noodles with local ingredients. The room was full of fragrance, and she couldn't help but twitch her index finger.

Unfortunately for Huo Xuye, she didn't have much breakfast, and she starved to death!

Just halfway through eating, Huo Xuye came down from the stairs, pulled out a chair and sat opposite her, "Where's mine?"

"???" Bai Anru was speechless, what did he call him?
He didn't say he wanted to eat it!

What are you making fun of now?

"I just cooked a bowl..."

"Hehe, the noodles are from my house, and the water is from my house," Huo Xuye said with a cold face, grabbed the noodle bowl, and said bluntly, "I won't let you eat it!"

There is something wrong with this person, right?
Bai Anru was speechless, "Then I'll cook you a bowl, okay?"

"Add an egg, no chopped green onion." Uncle Huo Xuye leaned back on the chair, commanding.

Bai Anru rolled her eyes, how could there be such an unappetizing man in this world?

If it wasn't for that handsome face, she wouldn't be lazy to say a word to him!

The two of them finished their noodles in relative silence, Huo Xuye pursed his lips, "Although the taste is mediocre, I owe you a favor."

The taste is generally not seen you eat less!
Bai Anru looked at Huo Xuye speechlessly, "Who cares about your favor?"

After speaking, he took the dishes and went into the kitchen.

Just after washing the dishes, the phone in my pocket rang, two text messages, one from Bai Tingyuan and one from her mother.

"Bai Anru, give me 500 million, otherwise, your mother will not have a good life!"

Bai Anru has one eye corner, and then look at the next one:
"Xiao Ru, mom is fine, don't worry if you're happy, mom."

Bai Anru felt sad for a while.

Why is her mother so stupid?
That scumbag Bai Tingyuan must have beaten her again!

Clenching her fists, she went up to the second floor and knocked on the door of Huo Xuye's study.

Huo Xuye looked up at Bai Anru, then lowered his head again, "What's the matter?"

"Do me a favor." Bai Anru gripped the phone tightly, her knuckles turned slightly white, "give me 500 million..."

"Help you?" Huo Xuye's eyelids finally lifted out of the document in hand, and his tone was playful, "Isn't it that you don't care about my favor? Besides..."

Huo Xuye's expression changed drastically, from the playful one to extremely cold, he sneered, "Miss Bai only thinks 500 million of me for a bowl of egg noodles, you have a good plan!"

Under Huo Xuye's scrutinizing eyes, Bai Anru was more embarrassed than ever. She bit her lower lip with her hands together and said, "I'll lend you 500 million."

"500 million is nothing to me," Huo Xuye looked at Bai Anru coldly, "but I always need to know what you want money for? Buying luxury? Buying a villa? Buying a car? Could it be that I didn't satisfy you?"

The cold tone was mixed with disdain and contempt, and it was no different from sending a beggar like that.

Bai Anru clenched her fists and said after a long time, "I want Bai Tingyuan to divorce my mother."

The answer seemed to be beyond Huo Xuye's imagination. He was taken aback for a moment, and then put on a sneering smile. His eyes unscrupulously looked back and forth at Bai Anru, "Yes, but I don't know how Miss Bai plans to pay back the money?"

How to pay back the money?

Bai Anru was even more embarrassed, she just wanted to get her mother out of that house, she never thought about this issue.

500 million is not a small number.

After holding back for a long time, she said, "I can find a job, or receive a private consultation. In short, I will pay back the money."

Huo Xuye raised his eyebrows, and said with a frivolous attitude, "Why do you have to work so hard? Wouldn't it be easier to plot against me with medicine like you did before?"

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