Mr Huo wants to spoil me

Chapter 54 Mr. Blank

"Bai Anru, what are you doing?"

Huo Xuye's voice from the door startled Bai Anru.

Bai Anru was still covering her face and rambling, the appearance of Huo Xuye at the door really surprised her.

Bai Anru laughed twice, turned off the TV series with the remote control, and went upstairs with her slippers on.

Huo Xuye strode forward and pulled Bai Anru back, "Miss Bai."

Bai Anru looked back subconsciously, "Huh?"

The two looked at each other, Bai Anru raised her eyebrows, "What are you doing?"

Huo Xuye curled his lips, "It's nothing." After speaking, he let go of her hand and went upstairs by himself.Huo Xuye was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, a black suit, which was his usual habit.

Bai Anru nodded mutteringly, and followed her upstairs. Huo Xuye suddenly stopped in front, and Bai Anru bumped into him.

The slipper was unsteady, and Bai Anru's center of gravity suddenly became unsteady, and she was about to fall down the stairs.Huo Xuye had quick eyes and quick hands, and fished Bai Anru over.

Bai Anru and Huo Xuye stopped the pace of being dragged downstairs. Huo Xuye put one hand on Bai Anru's waist, and the other hand tightly held the escalator in the stairwell. Because of too much strength, the veins on his hands It all exploded.

Bai Anru met Huo Xuye's eyes, and smiled slightly at him, "Well, Mr. Blank, ahem, thank you—"

"What did you call me?"

Huo Xuye raised his eyebrows.

Bai Anru's eyeballs twirled around in the eye frame, he held onto the escalator, and then stood up, "Well, it's nothing, it's nothing, just treat me as a fart." After Bai Anru stood still, she frantically went to Huo Xuye next to him, and ran past him.

Mr Blank?
So Bai Anru is a bad lady?
Huo Xuye showed a relieved expression on his usually expressionless face.


Because of something and an experiment, Bai Anru felt that time always passed very fast.Another week has passed here.

When the weekend came, she still remembered to go home to see what happened to Zhang Wenling.

After thinking about it, Bai Anru was still going to ask Huo Xuye.

Breeze: Mr. Huo, my mother told me to go back with you, but you can refuse because I have already gone back.

Bai Anru didn't hold much hope either, Huo Xuye could reply her messages, after all, looking at the chat box between her and Mr. Blank, Breeze always said more than Mr. Blank.And Mr. Blank didn't reply very much.

So Bai Anru just hugged, sent her a message, and then stopped sending it.Anyway, Huo Xuye would not go back with her.

Bai Anru pursed her lips.

Why do you seem a little unhappy?
Bai Anru stood in front of the big French windows, patted his face, then took out the computer, and tapped on it.

By the time Bai Anru was done with everything, it was almost dinner time.

Bai Anru subconsciously took the mobile phone at the side, and read the message replies on it.

Mr. Blank did return.

【Oh. 】

That's it?

Is this going or not going?

Suddenly there was a knock on the door from the aunt, and the aunt came to ask her to go out for dinner.Bai Anru responded and went downstairs.Today is the weekend, and it feels like Huo Xuye has nothing to do, so he is at home today.Bai Anru was rather surprised.She went downstairs, went to the kitchen to wash her hands, and sat down beside Huo Xuye.

Men are dressed casually today.

White shirt and jeans.

Bai Anru took a special look at it, and was quite surprised.

"Go to my parents' house, do you want to buy something?"

Huo Xuye asked suddenly.

Bai Anru thought for a long time before she realized that what he said to go to her parents' house was to go to her parents' house. Bai Anru buried her head in the meal, put one hand on the dining table, and put a few grains of rice into her mouth.

Bai Anru nodded, "Well, you don't need to buy anything, just go like this, anyway, you are my father's son-in-law, I think he will be very happy as long as you can go, right?"

Bai Anru was grinning.

The man squinted at her.

They all said not to buy it, but when Bai Anru got into the car, she still found that the trunk was so full that she couldn't even put something she wanted to buy for her parents.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Bai Anru still couldn't help asking, "You don't need to buy things for them, it's too expensive, I have no money."

Huo Xuye remained silent, but just sneered.Then his right hand withdrew a hand from the steering wheel and turned on the car's music system.The song "Want to Alice" was played.

Bai Anru glanced at the man driving seriously through the mirror.

I have to say that this man is still very suitable for living at home, but he is a bit eye-catching.He doesn't provoke peach blossoms, although tens of thousands of peach blossoms will come to him.

If I keep getting along like this, maybe I can really get along well with Huo Xuye——

The music suddenly played to an intense section later, and Bai Anru dismissed this idea in time.Men are nothing, so she still doesn't want to think about it.

Huo Xuye suddenly said, "You like this song too?"

Bai Anru nodded, "Of course, although I haven't understood it in detail, what I think is that two people from different classes fell in love with each other, and in order to facilitate this marriage, they chose to elope—" Bai Anru Speaking of this, he paused, "Although I don't think elopement is a good choice, at least they have worked hard for love, and in the end, in fact, they did have a good life."

"Do you believe in love?" Huo Xuye suddenly turned his head, looked her in the eyes and asked.

A sentence that made Bai Anru laugh at irony without hesitation.

"I don't believe it. These things are all fake, and they can only be heard on TV or in music."

Huo Xuye nodded, thinking of her favorite "Meeting Love at the Corner".

It was the first time the two of them chatted in the car.

Bai Anru nodded, it seems that the music is more resonant.

Huo Xuye sneered again, and opened the window a little with his left hand.

"Bai Anru, you lack love. Very much."

Bai Anru was on Huo Xuye's co-pilot, but was confused by Huo Xuye's words, so she asked back.


Huo Xuye didn't repeat it this time. The two of them almost arrived at Bai's house. Bai Anru asked cautiously, "Huo, Huo Xuye, are you really going? Are you sure my dad won't eat you?"

Huo Xuye slightly hooked the corner of his lips.

"He dares to eat me?"

Bai Anru snorted, "That's right, Bai Tingyuan is just that timid, probably wouldn't dare to do anything."

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